He still trusts Quinn quite a lot.

Since Quinn insisted so much, and there was Fuzzy F to prove it, Kaido naturally had no doubts in his heart.

"It's really interesting. That man Rozi really has a very remarkable power."

"It's a pity that you didn't catch Rozi."

·· ··········Please give flowers···· ·····

"Quinn, Fuzzy F, with your power, even if there is the interception of Lingling's daughter."

"Rozi shouldn't be able to escape."

"Could it be that you gave Rozi food on the way?"

Kaido asked doubtfully.

Almost everyone in the world now knows that Rozi has a power called gourmet cells.

..... . .......

This power can allow Rozi to quickly increase his strength by taking a lot of food.

If Quinn provided Rozi with food, then Rozi might indeed leave while Quinn and others were fighting with Smoothie and others.

"No, I didn't provide food for Rosie."

"I'm not that stupid."

"I'm a genius scientist."

Quinn shook his head and said.

Jin folded his arms, thought for a while and said:

"Quinn, is the Gin Rami you mentioned with you?"

Quinn heard Jin's voice, turned his head and looked at Gin Rami beside him, and said:

"Of course, Jin, do you have any questions?"

Jin nodded and replied:

"I do have something to ask her, let her talk to me."

... 100 million.

Chapter 356 Rosie, not fully recovered

After hearing Jin's words, Quinn handed the Den Den Mushi in his hand to Gin Rami.

And told her to talk well.

After all, on the other side of the Den Den Mushi, there is more than just Jin.

There is also the captain of the Beasts Pirates, Kaido, who is known as the strongest man in the world.

"Gin Rami, right."

"I'm a little curious, how did Rosie take out the devil fruit for you?"

Jin asked.

"It's just "May 17", it just came out of thin air like that."

Gin Rami was a little confused about why Jin asked this, but he still answered.

"Out of thin air? Did he take out food out of thin air?"

Jin narrowed his eyes and asked.



Hearing what Jin said, Quinn, Foz F and others were all shocked and turned to look at Gin Rami.

After the reminder of Flame Disaster Jin, both of them realized that the situation was a little abnormal.

If Rozi can take out the devil fruit out of thin air.

Then he can naturally take out food out of thin air.

They thought that it would be fine to control Rozi and not give him enough food to eat.

But if Rozi can take out food out of thin air, then their plan will have to fail.

With food, Rozi will naturally have time to recover his physical strength.

With physical strength, he can naturally perform the tricks he showed in front of them before and escape from the pirate ship.

"Gin Rami, could it be that Rosie really took out food out of thin air, and you didn't tell us?"

Plague Quinn stared at Gin Rami with his big eyes.


"I didn't see Rosie take out anything other than the devil fruit out of thin air."

"Please believe me, Master Quinn, Master Foz. F."

Gin Rami said hurriedly after hearing the analysis of Quinn and Foz. F.

She didn't want them to think that she saw Rosie take out food but didn't tell them.

If that was the case, let alone helping Rosie gain benefits in the Beasts Pirates, her life might be threatened.

And in fact, she didn't see Rosie take out food out of thin air at all.

Fz. F looked at Gin Rami deeply.

After a few seconds, he nodded and said:

"Rozzi is a very cautious man."

"It has been like this since the beginning..."

"Even if he has the ability to take out food out of thin air."

"He wouldn't take it out in front of you."

"Since you both fainted and lost consciousness during the journey."

"Then Rozzi can naturally use that time to take out food and enjoy it himself."

"Of course, the premise is that he really has the ability to take out food out of thin air."

Jin Rami was relieved when she heard what Foz F said.

She understood that with Foz F saying this, her safety was guaranteed.

"Hmm... I always feel a little strange."

"Logically, if Rosie can really take out food out of thin air."

"He should have enough time to quickly recover his physical strength."

"When we were fighting Charlotte 4.5 Smoothie and others."

"He didn't have to choose to sneak away."

"Since he can fight against the admiral of the navy, the candidate for admiral of the navy, the world's number one swordsman, and others."

"Then he must be able to fight against us and Charlotte Smoothie and others."

"He chose to escape, which means that he has not fully recovered his physical strength."

Quinn said.


Chapter 357 Kaido wants to talk to Rosie in person

After a short pause, Quinn continued:

"But if he can't take out food out of thin air."

"But he did recover some abilities."

"It's really strange, how did that guy Rozi get the power to leave?!"

At this point, Plague Quinn had frowned tightly.

"Could it be that Rozi can only take out a limited amount of things out of thin air?"

"Suppose there is a package that we can't see next to him."

"But this package is very small."

"Except for the devil fruit that Gin Rami ate."

"Rozi can only store a small amount of food in it?"

Foz F touched his chin and gave his own explanation tentatively.

"Yes, that's it!"

"Maybe Rozi has some kind of technological equipment implanted in his body."

"This device can compress space."

"But because such technology is very difficult."

"So the space that Rozi can compress is very limited."

Quinn raised his hand and pointed at Foz F, saying seriously.

At this time, Quinn's eyes exuded an increasingly strong light.

In his eyes, Rozi was like a treasure.

If possible, he really wants to study Rozi and get knowledge from him that he doesn't know.

"Damn, it would be better if Rozi could be more strictly controlled."

"I should have brought Runti here earlier."

"In this way, even if Rozi recovers his strength, he won't be able to escape."

Plague Quinn covered his head with his hands and said frustratedly.

Runti is a senior cadre of the Beasts Pirates.

Needless to say, his strength is strong.

If Runti was among the people who served Rozi with Gin Rami and others before.

Quinn felt that no matter what tricks Rozi played, he would not be able to escape.

With the power of Runti's ancient animal-type devil fruit.

Quinn felt that no matter how capable Rozi was.

Runti would not faint like Gin Rami.

"That, Master Quinn."

"I don't think Runti would do the same thing as Gin Rami and the others did with Rosie."

Foz. F wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and said to Quinn with some shame.

Just kidding, with Runti's temper.

If someone dares to let Runti do such a thing.

Even if it's the Three Disasters, she dares to go head-on.

Sure enough, as soon as Fuz. F's voice fell, Runti's furious voice sounded on the other side of the Den Den Mushi.

"Damn, Quinn, what are you thinking, you actually want me to serve Rosie?!"

"Ahhh, so angry, it seems like I want to smash something."

Runti roared angrily.

Quinn and Fuz. F twitched their mouths. Even though they couldn't see the situation on the other side, they could think that Runti might be in a situation of showing teeth and claws at the moment.

"Master Quinn, please watch your words."

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