At this moment.

Charlotte Linlin's tone was quite serious.

Since she became one of the Four Emperors, almost no one dared to talk to her like Rozi's clone.

No matter how much she thought of Rozi, she would be angry with Rozi.

"I am quite serious, Charlotte Linlin."

"Charlotte Smoothie is one of the four generals, so she is still very precious to your Big Mom Pirates."

"You don't want her to be unable to return like this."

"So, you should summon her back."

"If I meet her again in the first half of this Grand Line, I don't know what I will do to her."

Rozi's clone said.

He looked at Charlotte Smoothie with a smile on his face.

Smoothie's body trembled, and she felt a chill extending from the soles of her feet to her head.

She was not only afraid and worried about Rozi, but also afraid and worried about returning to the Big Mom Pirates like this.

Charlotte Linlin would punish her very severely.

But soon.

Rosie's next words made her eyes shine.

"However, I don't like Charlotte Smoothie that much."

"Because we had a conflict before."

"But actually, apart from that."

"Smoothie is still a very charming woman."

"If such a charming woman becomes old and weak because of being deprived of her life span."

"That would be a pity."

"Lingling, if I meet Charlotte Smoothie again in the future, I still hope that she can maintain this charming appearance."

"So, don't think about extracting her life span."

Rosie's clone said.

He is not stupid, and has the knowledge of the original book.

Rosie understands what Charlotte Smoothie is facing now.

Although the scene of Charlotte Lingling punishing Charlotte Smoothie is also interesting.

But if you think about it carefully, even if Charlotte Lingling punishes Smoothie and deprives her of some life span, it will not be of much use to Rosie.

Instead, it will make Charlotte Smoothie hate Rosie even more.

Although Roche didn't care much, if he could reduce Smoothie's hatred a little bit and make her feel more favorable to him, Roche felt that this favorable impression might be useful in the future.

Therefore, he decided to say something for Charlotte Smoothie.


Chapter 368 Roche bids farewell to Lingling, and Big Mom recalls Smoothie


Charlotte Smoothie's eyes were shining, and she looked at Roche's clone with some emotion.

However, Roche's clone didn't want to pay too much attention to Smoothie's thoughts.

He waved to Charlotte Smoothie and said to the Den Den Mushi in her hand:

"I'll leave it here."

"Four Emperors Charlotte Lingling, I hope you think about it carefully."

After Roche's clone finished speaking, he looked at Smoothie again and smiled:

"This time it's really goodbye."

"I remind you again, Smoothie, you must not chase me."

After that,

The chakra in Rozi's clone began to dissipate gradually.

Soon, his body turned into pure wood and remained in place.

As for the chakra, it flew quickly towards Rozi's original body carrying the relevant memory information.

"Rozi, Rozi, you guy, give me an answer!"

Charlotte Lingling didn't know that Rozi had left, and opened her mouth to speak to the Den Den Mushi.

Although Charlotte Smoothie was afraid, she still mustered up the courage to speak.

"Mom, that's just Rozi's clone~〃."

"Now he has left."

Charlotte Smoothie said to the Den Den Mushi in her hand.

After saying that, whether it was Charlotte Smoothie, Charlotte Snamon, Charlotte Garrett, or the others on the pirate ship, they all showed worried and scared expressions.

After hearing Charlotte Smoothie's words, Charlotte Lingling, who was opposite the Den Den Mushi, fell into a long silence.

And Charlotte Smoothie and others saw this situation and couldn't help but become more nervous.

In the past, when Charlotte Lingling was angry, she would immediately explode her temper.

This was the first time that Smoothie and the others had seen a scene where someone was clearly angry but did not explode directly.

At this moment, Charlotte Smoothie, Charlotte Garrett and the others were looking at Den Den Mushi in horror.

They were afraid that Charlotte Lingling would give them very dangerous orders, or she was thinking about how to punish them later.

What they didn't know was that Charlotte Lingling really wanted to punish them at this moment.

However, what Roche's clone said before leaving made Charlotte Lingling hesitate to punish Smoothie and the others.

After a long time, she finally spoke to the other side of Den Den Mushi:

"Rozi, that man, was able to successfully escape from the siege of such powerful forces as the world's greatest swordsman, Kizaru, and Zephyr."

"He was even able to make the Navy and the World Government believe that Rozi was dead."

"¨‖ There are not many men in this world who have such powerful strength and the power to cross the sky and the sea."

"Smoothie, as the person in this operation, I have high hopes for you."

"However, you failed."

"Originally, I should have punished you."

"But since that man Rozi said that, I will temporarily keep the punishment this time."

"Come back, Smoothie, I hope to see you turn your failure around in other places."

(Li Dezhao) Although Charlotte Lingling behaved like a reckless man in many cases.

But she became a Four Emperors after all.

Many times, her mind was more delicate than many people in the Big Mom Pirates.

In order to achieve a certain goal, she still weighed what to do and what not to do.

In order to have the opportunity to bring Rozi under her command in the future, she naturally understood that she should now consider more and follow what Rozi said.


Chapter 369 Four Emperors Big Mom: Let the person Rozi likes seduce him

"Thank you, Mom."

Charlotte Smoothie heard Charlotte Lingling's words and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Behind her, Charlotte Snamon, Charlotte Garrett and other members also breathed a sigh of relief.

They felt that since Charlotte Smoothie was fine.

Then those of them who just followed Charlotte Smoothie would be fine.

"Mom, I will lead everyone back to the Ten Thousand Kingdoms."

After Charlotte Smoothie calmed down, she said to Charlotte Linling solemnly.

"No need!"

After hearing what Charlotte Smoothie said, Charlotte Linling decisively refused.

"Huh?! Mom, didn't you want me to come back?"

"Why don't you want me to come back now?"

Charlotte Smoothie frowned, and her relaxed mood became tense again.

In this regard, Charlotte Linling quickly gave her own explanation and arrangement.

"Since the man Rozi has magical powers."

"I naturally can't give up on him."

"While the people of the Navy and the World Government don't know that Rozi is still alive, we must find him."

"Since Kaido's people know that Rozi is still alive, they will definitely continue to look for that man."

"If we do nothing, Rozi may fall into Kaido's hands."

Charlotte Linling said.

Hearing this, Charlotte Smoothie frowned and said:

"But mom, Luo Qi is very powerful."

"Even if we continue to look for him, we don't have the power to bring him back to Wan Guo."

"He said before."

"If I continue to look for him, he might just hit us hard."

At this point, Charlotte Smoothie felt uneasy.

Although she hadn't seen Luo Qi hit hard with her own eyes.

But from the burning run before Luo Qi left, and the past news reports about Luo Qi.

For them, Luo Qi's heavy hand is likely to be a fatal blow.

(cjef) Charlotte Smoothie didn't want to be killed by Luo Qi in such an unclear way.

"Luo Qi just said that you are not allowed to look for him."

"But he didn't say that other people are not allowed to look for him."

Charlotte Lingling said.

"Mom, do you mean to let Snamen and the others go to look for her?"

Charlotte Smoothie was startled and turned to look at Charlotte Snamen, Charlotte Garrett and others.

Charlotte Snamen, Charlotte Garrett and others who were swept by Charlotte Smoothie's eyes were also at a loss.

At the same time, a sense of uneasiness surged in her heart.

"That's right! Rosie's power makes it impossible for you to bring her back with your power."

"In that case, bring Rosie back in other ways."

"Didn't Rosie say before that he was more interested in Snamen and Garrett?"

"Then let the two of them use their charm to attract Rosie back."

"Snamen, Garrett, you guys stay by the side."

"You should have heard what I said."

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