If so.

Luo Qi is extremely weak now and really needs to regain his magic power by doing this and that with a woman.

She would give of herself without hesitation.

Only now.

Bellobetti made sure Rozzi recovered.

So she didn't tell Hancock this secret about Rozzie, and then asked Hancock to take her and Kerla to serve Rozzie at the same time.


If the person in front of him is not the domineering Hancock, "five, six, three".

Bellobetti is also very willing to volunteer herself.

Even though Rozzi has basically recovered his physical fitness. There were no injuries to speak of.

The person in front of her was Hancock, and Bellobetti knew that she would never allow herself and Kerra to party with Rozzi with her.

In this case, Bellobetti had no intention of letting Hancock get his wish.

Even Bellobetti had to admit.

Hancock's charisma is powerful.

If Hancock could easily get Rozzi.

This may enhance Luo Qi's aesthetics.

At that time, Bellobetti felt that she wanted to rely on her own charm to attract Rozzi.

The difficulty will be much higher.

If Rozzi hears this, he will definitely tell Bello and Betty to reassure her.

As a fraternity player.

He would never give up the entire forest just because of Hancock's charm.

Moreover, in Rozzi's opinion, Bellobetti's own charm is not much lower than that of Hancock.

Even, in some respects.

Belobetti is better than Hancock.

After hearing Bellobetti's words, Hancock couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

Although she wanted to get closer to Rozzie now.

But if this puts Rozzi in danger.

But she was ten thousand unwilling.

At this time, Bellobetti continued:

"Although it's not good to do something that consumes Luo Qi's physical energy."

"But it's okay to just let Rozzie relax."

"Miss Hancock, do you know how to massage?"

Hearing this, Hancock was a little stunned, then shook his head and said:

"I don't know how to massage."

Bellobetti smiled and said:

"It's okay, I know how to massage."

"I can teach you."

"Using massage can bring you closer to Luo Qi."

"It can also allow Rozzi's body to be repaired."

"To tell you the truth, my personal Devil Fruit ability also plays a certain role in the recovery of the human body."

"So, Miss Hancock, how about we go in together?"

Bellobetti said, raising her hand and pointing to the bathroom door.

Behind her, Kerla raised her hand and gave Bellobetti a thumbs up.

Apparently he was praising Bellobetti for what he did.

Although I have not known Hancock for a long time.

But Kerra has experienced Hancock's arrogant character to the fullest.

For Hancock like this, it was simply impossible to get Hancock to agree to them entering the bathroom with Hancock using ordinary methods.

But if you use Bellobetti's method.

Hancock not only had to agree to the two of them entering...

And you have to beg them.

After all, Hancock doesn't understand massage, but Bellobetti and Kerra do.

Even so, Kerla knew that she didn't really understand either.

But Hancock doesn't know this.

"Ahem, um, dear Miss Hancock."

"Actually, I also know about massage."

"Although I am human, I know fishman karate and fishman jujitsu."

“I got some inspiration for massage from that.”

"And it requires a person to be completely relaxed."

"One masseuse is not enough."

"It's best to have three masseurs, so that the person being massaged can relax wholeheartedly."

"Ms. Hancock, you don't want Mr. Roach to be unable to experience complete relaxation, right?"

Kerra raised the corners of her mouth and said to Hancock with a smile on her face.


Hancock pursed his lips, feeling tangled in his heart.

However, after seeing the extremely "sincere" faces of Belobetti and Kerr 4.5.

And after thinking that Rozzi might really need to relax.

Hancock finally nodded.

"Okay, you two need to guide me well."

"It's all about Rozzie."

Hancock said.

"Of course, it's all about Rozzi."

Bellobetti and Kerla said simultaneously.

After Hancock took a deep look at the two of them again, he turned around and pushed open the bathroom door and took the lead in walking in.

Kerra and Bellobetti naturally followed closely behind.


Chapter 387 Services from Bellobetti

"Huh? Why did you guys come in all of a sudden?"

"And Hancock, what kind of outfit are you wearing?"

Luo Qi was happily enjoying the hot water. After hearing the sound of the door being pushed open, he immediately turned around and looked over.

After seeing Hancock wearing only a bath towel, Luo Qi was even more surprised.

"We're here to help you relax, Mr. Roach."

Hancock was a little shy when he was stared at by Rozzi, and Bellobetti who was standing beside him immediately took over the conversation and said to Rozzi.


Roche raised his eyebrows, and the first thing that came to his mind was something about love.

"Well, isn't this a bit inappropriate?"

29Roche frowned slightly and said.

Although he loves girls, he used to go to Stussy's place to play when he was CP0.

But that's because Stussy already has people who work in that field.

And Hancock, Belo Betty and Kerla are all serious people.

Roche doesn't intend to use them as objects for his venting.

After all, the three people in front of him can be regarded as his friends.

If something really happens.

It's better if the two are in love.

Like the emotionless communication with Gion, and the emotionless communication with Jin Lami and others on Quinn's ship.

Roche doesn't want to experience it again.

Especially now, when he just accompanied the women brought by Quinn to go crazy for a while.

Now he is not short of magic power.

"Rocky, you worry too much."

"We are just here to give you a massage."

"Please don't refuse, you have helped us a lot."

"And if it's just a massage, it's no big deal."

While talking, Belo Betty had already walked to Rocky's side.

She stretched out her snow-white hands and placed them on Rocky's shoulders, pressing them very rhythmically.

At the same time, Rocky felt a strange energy coming from Belo Betty.

Rocky frowned instinctively at first, but when he didn't feel any danger, he let this power merge into his body.

Soon, Rocky felt that his body seemed to become more energetic and spirited under the influence of this energy.

"So that's it, it's the ability of your devil fruit."

"I didn't expect that your ability can be used like this."

After feeling it for a while, Rocky said to Belo Betty with a little curiosity.

"As long as you are satisfied, my ability can actually help a person recover."

"Although it can't heal physical injuries like Ivankov."

"But it can help heal mental injuries."

Belo Betty smiled.

Rozi thought about it for a while and agreed with this statement.

Belo Betty's devil fruit is the fruit of encouragement, which can boost the morale of soldiers.

This can indeed affect a person's spirit.

However, Rozi doesn't think so about what Belo Betty said about not being able to heal the body.

After all, he has seen in the original book that Belo Betty used the fruit of encouragement to enhance the physical strength of ordinary people.

Being able to do this, Rozi feels that Belo Betty's devil fruit can more or less heal a person's body.

"In short, let's do what we can, Rozi."

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