·· ··········Please give me flowers···· ····

"Massage?" Hancock's eyes lit up. "You are right, woman."

"Very good, just do as you said, and teach me your skills now."

"You two, follow me."

After that, Hancock walked towards the cabin.

"Hey, Belo Betty, shouldn't we leave quickly and report back?"

"Is it really appropriate to be so involved with the empress like this?"

..... ...... ...

Kerla pulled Belo Betty's sleeve and asked worriedly.

"It's still early, we don't need to be so anxious, Kerla."

"In addition, maintain a certain relationship with the empress."

"For us, it may be of some use."

Belo Betty said.

"Will her power really be used?"

Kerla frowned, obviously not believing what Belo Betty said.

"The world is always changing."

"Kerla, no one knows what the future will be like."

After Belo Beti patted Kerla on the shoulder, he walked towards the cabin.

Kerla thought about what Belo Beti said for a while, but still didn't understand.

However, this did not affect her keeping up with Belo Beti and Hancock.

Belo Beti's skills are not only what Hancock wants to learn.

Kerla herself also wants to learn.

... 100 million.

Chapter 396 Roche and Garette's encounter, find a place to chat

"I'm back here again."

"Really, it always feels like a long time has passed."

Roche was suspended above the Seven Water City, looking at the Seven Water City below with emotion.

Although it hasn't been long since he left the Seven Water City last time.

But after experiencing a series of things.

Roche always felt that the last time he came to the Seven Water City was like many years ago.

Of course.

Roche knew.

This is just an illusion.

"I wonder if Luffy and the others have finished their work."

"It would be great if the new ship "Five Six Three" has been built."

"After all, Merry has become a human now, and there is no way for us to continue sailing."

When Roche thought of the lovely Merry who had obtained the power of the Elf Gold, the corners of his mouth could not help but curl up slightly, revealing a little smile.

"Hey, those guys are... members of the Big Mom Pirates?"


Roche frowned.

His eagle-like eyes clearly saw the figures he had seen not long ago.

Although they were just some passers-by, they did participate in the team that "invited" Roche.


Roche still remembered them.

"Could it be that Smoothie didn't listen to my call and came to trouble me?"

"Or did that woman Charlotte Linlin order Smoothie like this?"

Roche frowned and began to gradually disperse his observation Haki.

Not long after, a breath that impressed Luo Qi deeply entered his perception range.

"Is this breath, Charlotte Garrett?"

"Interesting, you can ask this woman and see what the situation is with their arrival?"

Luo Qi took a deep breath, and instantly accelerated to dive towards Charlotte Garrett who was locked by him.

At this time, Charlotte Garrett had not sensed anything yet, but was simply walking on the street looking for Luo Qi's trace.

At this time, she would never have thought that.

The person she wanted to find had already set his eyes on her.

And was swooping towards her rapidly.


"You seem to be looking for me, Miss Charlotte Garrett."

Suddenly, a slightly familiar voice came from behind Garrett.

After a brief recollection, Charlotte Garrett's body immediately tensed up, and slowly turned like a machine to look behind her.

After seeing the face of the person behind her clearly.

Charlotte Garrett's expression was even more shocked.

"Rororo, Rozi!?"

Charlotte Garrett exclaimed, attracting the attention of many people.

"Yes, it is me."

Rozi nodded and glanced at the people around him.

"There are too many people here."

"Can you please come to a quiet place to talk with me?"

The people of the Charlotte family appeared in front of him again.

Rozi felt that he needed to have a good chat with Charlotte Garrett.

So that he could know Charlotte Lingling's purpose.

Rozi knew Charlotte Garrett quite well.

Pink hair, sexy lips painted with bright red lipstick... .........

Fair skin, wearing red gloves, and wearing a red one-piece arm-wrapped short skirt.

The tight clothes highlighted Charlotte Garrett's perfect figure.

The pair of snow-white thighs under the short skirt looked even more attractive.

It made people want to explore along the calves.

Charlotte Garrett was undoubtedly a beautiful woman.

Rozzi even thought that if he was not the kind of man who enjoyed mutual communication, he might have pushed Charlotte Garrett.

After all, this one, except for the slight deduction for not having eyebrows.

Everything else is perfect.

Among the children of Charlotte Lingling, who has many strange appearances, she is considered outstanding.

He is not too tall in terms of height, and can perfectly match Rozzi.

In terms of figure, she is not inferior to the taller Nami.

Even better than Nami in some aspects.

It's because of her beauty.

Luo Qi went out of his way to learn about her life and personality.

4.5 As a member of the Big Mom Pirates.

Charlotte Garrett has good work ability and is the butter minister who controls an island.

However, her fighting ability is not outstanding, and she does not have the mentality of a strong person.

When faced with pressure, she gets scared and runs away.

Perhaps because she has seen too many cruel behaviors of Charlotte Lingling, she has a deeper fear of death than ordinary people.

For such a woman, Rossi felt that he might be able to get the information he wanted from Charlotte Garrett without using his Sharingan.


Chapter 397: Garrett’s way of pleasing, massaging with power?

‘Do you want to run away? ’

'No, no, mom gave me a mission. ’

‘I just met Luo Qi now. If I don’t do anything, my mother will definitely kill me! ’

‘Besides, with Luo Qi’s strength, I can’t escape at all. ’

‘Damn it, why am I the one who met Luo Qi? ’

'Snamon, where are you now? ’

Charlotte Garrett looked at Rozzi's back walking forward, feeling that fear had already filled her heart.

At this moment, because of fear, she had even forgotten that she had prayed to meet Rozzi before.

"What, don't you want to follow?"

Suddenly, Rozzi stopped and turned to Charlotte Garrett and asked.


"Here, follow up."

Charlotte Garrett was shocked when she heard Rozzi's words.

He quickly followed up with steps.

However, after seeing Rozzi staring at her with interest, Garrett couldn't help but lowered her head in fear.

"You will make others think that I am a human trafficker."

Luo Qi shook his head and said speechlessly.

Then, Rossi directly reached out and took Garrett's white palm and walked forward.

Charlotte Garrett opened her mouth, but in the end no words came out.

How could Rozzi not see Garrett's nervousness.

After thinking for a moment, Rozzi was able to guess why Garrett looked like this.

"Are you worried that I will kill you, Miss Garrett?"

Luo Qi smiled.

"Kill, kill?"

"No, don't kill me."

Garrett replied nervously.

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