‘Is it this Rozi who taught well, or do they all have the same teacher? ’

‘But if it’s just this level, it can’t stop my sword. ’

Hawkeye’s eyes fell on Zoro, and there was another person he was interested in.

At the same time, just as Hawkeye thought.

Although Zoro’s slash was sharp, there was still a gap compared to Hawkeye.

The blade light swung by Zoro lasted in the air for a while before being broken by Hawkeye’s flying slash.

Seeing this scene, Zoro didn’t think about it, and rushed out with his sword, using the three swords on his body to collide with the flying slash.

“In this world, the gap will not be that big!”

“Three Swords Style·Demon Slash!”


A stream of demon energy vacated from Zoro and condensed on his sword.

The next moment, Zoro swung three swords, and finally guided the flying slash that Hawkeye casually slashed to the sky with difficulty.

After doing all this, Zoro was also hit by the force brought by the flying slash and the deck of the sea restaurant Barati was destroyed.

"Even so, are you going, Zoro?"

Roche looked at Zoro, who was panting and ready to move, and asked.

"Don't stop me, Roche. On the first day of becoming a pirate, I told you that my target was him."

Zoro took a deep breath and tried to keep his breath steady.

"You misunderstood. I won't stop you. I just want to tell you that if you want to fight, let go and fight."

"In this way, you may have a surprise."

Roche understood that Zoro was a man who pursued the ultimate in kendo, and the heroic spirit Kokushibo he possessed was also a man who pursued the ultimate in swordsmanship.

If he was stopped at this time, Zoro would never be able to fully master Kokushibo's power, nor would he be able to enter Kokushibo's heroic spirit mimicry state.

Even, he could obtain Kokushibo's abnormal vitality that could be restored even if he was beheaded.

Of course, Roche also understood that it was impossible to stop Zoro at this time.

What he had to do was to save Zoro when he might be killed.

"Hey, that man cut off a ship easily."

"And just now, you were clearly against the odds."

"You rushed forward, are you going to die?"

Sanji, who was not far away, looked over and said to Zoro in great confusion.

"Don't stop him." Luffy held Sanji's shoulders, his face serious, "I believe in my partner."

"Thank you, Luffy." Zoro smiled and glanced at Sanji. "Besides, I'm not the same guy who talks about dreams."

"What do you mean?" Sanji wanted to question Zoro.

However, Zoro had already jumped on the outer deck of the sea restaurant and jumped to the platform where Hawkeye Mihawk was.

"You are very idle, right? The world's number one swordsman, come and compete with me in swordsmanship."

Zoro clenched the double swords in his hands and said to Hawkeye with a grim smile.

"Another man who doesn't know how high the sky is, kid, if you are smart, you should be able to understand the gap between us from what happened just now."

"Hehe, I only know that I went to sea for you."

"Really, then what is your goal?"

"The strongest!"

"But your sword is not as strong as that of Luo Qi."

"Surpassing you is equivalent to surpassing him."


Hawkeye shook his head and inserted the black knife in his hand back behind his back.

Then he pulled out the knife from the necklace around his neck in Zoro's astonished eyes.

Seeing this scene, Luo Qi sighed.

Even though Zoro has shown the ability to cut out a flying slash, in Hawkeye's eyes, he only used a knife to deal with the column.

Let alone what Zoro thinks, even Luo Qi, who called the Kokushibo panel to Zoro's hand, can't stand it.

"What do you mean?"

Zoro shouted at Hawkeye with anger.

"Sorry, I don't have a smaller knife to deal with you."

Hearing Hawkeye's words, Zoro's veins burst out.

He stopped talking and rushed towards Hawkeye with his knife.

In the blink of an eye, the two fought together.

From time to time, sharp flying slashes flew out from the battlefield between the two and fell to the surroundings, stirring up waves.

Rozi's observation Haki was running to the limit, focusing on the battle between Zoro and Hawkeye so that he could intervene at any time.

At this time, the people of the Click Pirates were completely scared.

If they stayed, they would probably be killed by Hawkeye later.

Escape, but the ship was gone. For a moment, the pirates were in a dilemma and could only look at Captain Click helplessly.

"Damn guy!"

"You destroyed my fleet, right?"

"Ignore me, right?"

"Then you will die together."

Click directly brought out a dangerous gas bomb and aimed at the battle between Hawkeye and Zoro, intending to poison Hawkeye out of anger.

However, before he could do anything, a fist filled with anger hit him in the face.

"Rubber gun!"

"Asshole, don't disturb my partner's duel."

Luffy roared, and directly used his rubber ability to get close to Crick and others.

Even without using the spike fist, Luffy's ordinary rubber fist alone had deformed Crick's face.

His originally ugly face became even more hideous.

"Damn it, who are you?!"

Creek stood up angrily and wanted to punch Luffy.

However, a lightning bolt suddenly fell from the sky and hit Creek.

The strong current instantly penetrated Creek's body, and with Luffy's attack, Creek could no longer hold on and fainted on the deck.

"Although I sneer at men's duels, since they are partners, there is nothing I can do."

"I can't let you disturb Zoro, who is a road idiot."

Nami took back the card that summoned the lightning bolt and rubbed her nose.

But the next moment, she waved her hand and shouted to Luffy:

"Luffy, help me throw that guy over here, I want to check how much the gold on him is worth."

"Oh!" Luffy nodded, without doubting anything else, and threw Creek to the deck of the Barati restaurant on the sea.

However, this move completely angered the cadres of the Creek Pirates, the demon man Akin and the iron wall Bal.

The two jumped to the deck of the Barati restaurant on the sea, trying to take back Creek.

At the same time, other members of the Crick Pirates also surrounded Luffy.


Chapter 63: Turning your back to the sniper is not a good habit (seeking data)

"Get in the way! Rubber machine gun spike fist!"

Bang, bang, bang!

Luffy swung the rubber machine fist with spike fist effect at the Crick Pirates that surrounded him.

A large number of members of the Crick Pirates, who were not strong to begin with, fell down instantly.

For a moment, the remaining pirates did not dare to step forward, and at the same time did not dare to disturb the battle between Zoro and Hawkeye.

At the same time, Nami and Usopp.

"Nami, Usopp, those two guys are left to you."

"I have to keep an eye on Zoro now."

Roche stared at the battle between Zoro and Hawkeye with his eyes, and said to Nami and Usopp beside him without looking back.

Although Hawkeye did not use his full strength, the sword force was not so clear that it could not be seen clearly.

But watching the battle of Hawkeye who integrated the powerful sword skills into the flat attack sword skills, Roche still did not dare to be careless.

For fear that he would accidentally swing out a flat attack sword skill that could cut meteorites into pieces.

Therefore, in order to prevent Zoro from having an unexpected situation, at this moment, in addition to concentrating his observation Haki on Zoro and Hawkeye.

He also used the power of Kokushibo called "Transparent World".

Like the observation Haki, "Transparent World" can also enhance people's perception, and even allow Rozi's eyes to penetrate the enemy's skin and see the enemy's internal situation.

The two powers of enhanced perception are superimposed together, and Rozi can see more of Hawkeye's swordsmanship, and at the same time, he feels more and more that Hawkeye is worthy of being the world's number one swordsman.

Zoro is still a long way from Hawkeye, even though he can now perform a flying slash and can be called a swordsman.

"Leave it to me, Vice Captain Rozi."

Nami smiled mischievously, facing the rushing Akin and Baloo without the slightest fear.

Usopp, on the other hand, saw Akin's devil-like expression, and his heartbeat began to speed up again.

"Hey, you guys stop right there!"

"Do you want to attack the lady?"

At this time, Sanji lit a cigarette and stopped in front of Akin and Baloo.

"Sanji, get out of the way, I have to take Captain Crick away."

Akin stopped one meter away from Sanji, looking at Sanji, who had given him a meal, with complicated eyes.

Baloo saw that his boss Akin had stopped, so he naturally did not move forward.

However, his eyes were fixed on Crick, fearing that he would never get up again.

"I'm sorry, Akin. Now you are a well-fed person, and I have no reason to act according to your request~〃."

"What's more, you are now planning to use the weak lady as your opponent."

"If you want to hurt Miss Nami, you must crawl over my body!"

Sanji waved his hand and said to Akin with a determined look.

But he was only handsome for three seconds, and he quickly turned his head and looked at Nami with a wretched face.

"Ms. Nami, please rest assured, your prince will definitely protect you."

"Yes, yes, I understand."

Nami waved her hand and looked at Sanji speechlessly.

But someone helped to stop the enemy, so Nami was naturally happy to be free.

She squatted down and planned to take off the valuables such as the golden armor on Click.

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