The same is true for Ipponmatsu.

However, after thinking of his wife, Ipponmatsu immediately came to his senses.

Seeing the counter cracked by the mace, he said with a serious face:

"I need to remind you that the one who rented and sold Rogue Town is Navy Colonel Smoker."

"In addition, the legendary Navy hero Vice Admiral Garp is also in Rogue Town recently."

"If you mess around and attract Colonel Smoker and Vice Admiral Garp, you will inevitably be imprisoned in the Navy's prison."

Alrita and the pirates behind her heard this and immediately laughed.

A little later, just when Alrita wanted to directly blow Ipponmatsu away.

Two more pirates ran in from the door of the weapon store.

"Alrita, big sister, something bad has happened."

Captain Buggy, his cadres, and some of our people encountered the Navy hero Garp.

"Now they have all been arrested."

"Alrita, big sister, what should we do?"

After the voice fell, the weapon store instantly became quiet.

Alrita slowly put down the mace that she had raised high.

"That Buggy was captured?"

"Is the Navy hero Garp really here?"

Alrita murmured, her brain working rapidly.

Because of the Slippery Fruit, Alrita not only had a better figure, but also improved her IQ a lot.

Soon, she had a plan in her mind.

"Everyone, leave here immediately, we will go up."

Alrita waved her hand and issued an order to go to sea.

Although she didn't understand how strong Garp was, Alrita didn't want to face the man who could defeat Buggy at all.

Ipponmatsu stared at Alrita and her group with a large bag of weapons ready to leave. After thinking about it, he didn't call Alrita out.

'Forget it, safety first, wait until they are far away before telling the navy. '

Just when Ipponmatsu made up his mind, a cry of surprise suddenly came from outside the weapon store.

Ipponmatsu frowned, and out of curiosity, he finally walked to the door of the weapon shop.

"Huh?! Isn't that the navy girl who often maintains swords in my shop?"

"Wait, those people are... members of the Straw Hat Pirates?"


"Stop, I will never allow you pirates to leave as long as I am here."

The lieutenant of the Rogue Town Navy stopped in front of Alrita and others, and said righteously.

"Get out of the way, I'm not interested in playing with you now."

Alrita ran to Dashiqi quickly, waving the mace and smashing it on Dashiqi's head.

Dashiqi was not afraid, and her right hand quickly touched the hilt.

With a flash of cold light, Dashiqi's blade was actually the first to arrive, and quickly cut Alrita's arm.

But what Dashiqi didn't expect was that the long sword she swung out actually slid to the side automatically when it touched Alrita's skin.


Tashigi exclaimed, but it was too late to dodge Alrita's attack.

Just as she closed her eyes and prepared to take Alrita's attack.

A hand suddenly grabbed her collar and took her to the back.

Alrita's mace fell, and finally only took away Tashigi's glasses.

"Huh? Who is it?"

Alrita raised her head and glared at the person behind Tashigi.

However, after seeing Rozi's face, Alrita's face changed instantly.

"It's you, you are that Straw Hat Road..."


Before Alrita finished speaking, a domineering and fierce force instantly pressed on Alria and the pirates behind her.

The strong pressure instantly made Alrita and others roll their eyes up and faint.

"I didn't expect to meet this guy here. It's a pleasant surprise."

Rozi put down Tashigi's collar, walked to Alrita who was stunned by his domineering color, and lifted her up.

"Do you know her?"

Nami glanced at Tashigi casually and walked to Rozi's side.

"I guess so. Besides, you actually know her too."

"Hmm? But I don't seem to have this person in my memory?"

"Hehe, you will know whether you know her later. Come and help first."

Rozi said, and directly sent the fainted Alrita to Nami.

Seeing this, Nami quickly stretched out her hands to catch Alrita's body.

Just when she was wondering what Rozi wanted to do, Rozi slapped Alrita's back with one palm, and then Nami felt that a fruit with spiral marks gradually floated out in front of Alrita.

Nami blinked and soon realized that this was Rozi taking the other party's devil fruit.

Thinking of the value of the devil fruit, Nami excitedly picked up the devil fruit.

Alrita, who lost the slippery fruit, instantly turned into the fat woman she used to be.

"Oh, why is it this guy?"

Nami took a step back with the slippery fruit, rubbed her eyes, and looked at Alrita who fell at her feet in disbelief.

"Why did she become a fat woman? Is it a magic trick?"

Seeing this scene, Zoro also walked over with interest.

But after passing by Du Si Qi and seeing Du Si Qi's face, Zoro immediately froze on the spot.


Chapter 93: Girl, I think you are destined to be with me (Thanks to 13857.. for your monthly ticket)

"Well, thank you for helping me."

Dasqi bowed slightly, her tone sounding extremely sincere.

"You're going in the wrong direction, ma'am."

Nami picked up the slightly damaged glasses from the ground and handed them to Dusqi's eyes.

"Ah, sorry."

Dasqi apologized quickly and put on her glasses.

However, because the lenses were damaged in many places, she was unable to clearly identify the faces of Luo Qi and others.

"Thank you three. If it weren't for you, I would have been in a bad situation just now."

"I am Lieutenant Commander Daski from Rogge Town. If you three are free, please allow me to buy you a cup of tea."

Dasqi took a deep breath and bowed to Luo Qi and the others again.

Zoro: "Dasi Qi?"

Nami: "Navy?"

Upon hearing Dusky's answer, Zoro and Nami immediately frowned.

"Well, what's wrong with my name?"

Dusky looked at Nami and Zoro in confusion.

"Haha, no problem, I'm just a little surprised that you can become a major in the navy at such a young age."

"There's no need to drink tea. We have other things to do, so we'll leave first."

Nami laughed twice, pushed Roqi and Zoro on the back and planned to leave.

Rossi took two steps and his eyes quickly fell on a knife dropped by Arrita's pirate on the ground.

"Looks like you're lucky."

Luo Qi picked up the long knife and pulled it out. A sharp cold light flashed.

The moment the blade was unsheathed, the surrounding air seemed to become a little colder.

"Is there really a demon sword?!"

Feeling the aura coming from the famous sword, Zoro's attention immediately shifted from Dusqi's side.

"How about it, I didn't lie to you, there is indeed a famous sword here."

Luo Qi handed the third generation ghost to Zoro and said with a smile.

"Haha, thanks, I really came to the right time this time."

Zoro exhaled and slowly waved the Third Generation Kitetsu with his right hand.

In an instant, countless tiny Crescent Sword Qi filled the air.

After being baptized by the breath of the moon, Sauron, as a knife wielder, could clearly feel the joy of the knife in his hand.

"It seems that the demon sword and the breath of the moon go well together."

Luo Qi touched his chin and smiled.

The moment Zoro gently waved the third generation of ghosts, Rossi could clearly feel that the power of the breath of the moon was further reflected in the third generation of ghosts.

Thinking of this, Luo Qi couldn't help but turn his head and glance in the direction of the weapons store.

With his knowledge and domineering attitude, he could naturally sense the weapons store owner behind the door who was tremblingly staring at him and others.

The famous sword "Xue Zhao" is a good sword. ’

‘But Zoro probably won’t have any use for this sword. ’

‘It’s enough to exchange Qiushui from Moria and get the second-generation ghost sword or Enma in Wano Country. ’

'Perhaps I should also change to a demon sword...'

Luo Qi touched the handle of the Jinpiluo knife on his back and then shook his head.

He has projection magic and can directly use the Black Death Vampire Technique to construct a sword, and there is no reason why he must use the famous sword of One Piece.

"Let's go~"

Rossi randomly picked up another knife and handed it to Zoro, and planned to leave with him and Nami.


Zoro, who was in a good mood after harvesting the demon sword, naturally had no objection.

After replying, he planned to insert the third generation ghost into the scabbard and leave with Luo Qi.

"Wait...wait! Did you just say that the Third Generation Ghost Tetsu? Is it really the Third Generation Ghost Tetsu? Can you let me see it?"

At this time, Dasqi actually rushed over excitedly, wanting to see the knife in Zoro's hand.

Zoro frowned slightly. Facing Duski, who looked very similar to his old friend, he didn't know what to say for a moment.

"Ahem, this navy lady."

"Rather than looking at famous swords or something like that, shouldn't you be more interested in looking at the pirates lying on the ground?"

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