Usopp opened his mouth and looked at the bloodshot eyes of Uchiha Itachi in front of him in great confusion.

What Uchiha Itachi did even made Usopp subconsciously ignore the sharp assassination skills he showed.

"Maybe, it's because in this man's heart, the village is more important than his family."

Sanji lit a cigarette, his face looked a little depressed.

At this time, he couldn't help but think of his so-called father and brother in Germa 66.

"How could this Uchiha Itachi be like this? Those are the parents who raised him."

Nami covered her mouth and also seemed very confused.

Vivi pursed her lips and looked straight at Uchiha Itachi. The empathy she had for Uchiha Itachi suddenly disappeared.

She understood that she could not be Uchiha Itachi.

Having said that, Vivi felt a little sympathy for Uchiha Itachi in front of her.

"It must be painful for him to make such a decision."


Chapter 117 Luffy, you want to have a ninja partner, right? (Subscribe)

Roche rubbed his cheeks and looked at Sanji and Vivi one by one.

At this moment, everyone seemed a little depressed.

Even Luffy, who was a little excited when he saw Uchiha Itachi's ninja power at the beginning, became quiet.

"Let's take a closer look at the power that Uchiha Itachi possesses."

Roche felt that if this continued, it might affect Vivi's choice of the Heroic Spirit template, so he quickly raised his hand and snapped his fingers.

While dispersing the screen of Uchiha Itachi's spy career, it was replaced with a screen demonstrating his abilities.

As the screen turned, Uchiha Itachi demonstrated his abilities such as fire escape and throwing shuriken, and everyone's emotions gradually recovered.

Luo Qi patted Weiwei's shoulder at the right time and said:

"Weiwei, you said that you only want to choose the power of the Heroic Spirit, not the life of the Heroic Spirit."

"Don't worry too much, follow your inner feelings and choose the Heroic Spirit template that best suits you."

Weiwei turned her head, felt Luo Qi's warm palm on her shoulder, and nodded with a smile: "Thank you, Vice Captain Luo Qi."



Uchiha Itachi murmured, and his pair of Sharingans glared at the masked ninja in front of him, and the surrounding space changed instantly.

The original lake turned into a blood-red land, and the masked ninja opposite Uchiha Itachi was tied to a wooden stake.

Then, Uchiha Itachi separated a large number of phantoms, holding a sharp blade in his hand and continuously attacking the masked ninja like a slow torture.

Seeing this scene, Usopp and Nami immediately hid behind Rozi, and the rest of the people also sweated on their foreheads and looked at Uchiha Itachi with fear.

"Tsukuyomi, this is the illusion performed by Uchiha Itachi using the Mangekyō Sharingan."

"And this is the spiritual space created by this illusion."

"The ninja who is hostile to Uchiha Itachi is called Kakashi."

"Next, he will continue to be attacked by Uchiha Itachi with a sharp blade here for 72 hours."

Although the time in the illusion space is 72 hours, only a moment will pass outside.

"In other words, this is a secret technique that will cause powerful mental trauma to the enemy in a short period of time."

Rozi said, and his hand swept in front of him.

The scene in front of everyone immediately began to flow rapidly as if a shortcut key was pressed.

And finally stopped at the scene where Tsukuyomi ended and Kakashi fell down.

"72 hours, and only one second has passed in the outside world?"

"An ordinary person who has been tortured like this for 72 hours would probably have collapsed long ago."

"This... this spy is not weak at all."

Usopp grabbed Rozi's clothes in fear, and cold sweat kept oozing from his forehead.

"Can he launch such an attack just by staring? It's a bit troublesome to fight such a guy."

"But if Miss Vivi uses such power, wouldn't she be invincible?"

Sanji asked.

"That's not the case. There are probably some people in this world who can still be alive and kicking even after being tortured for three days."

"And this world has a perception power called Observation Haki, which can also ensure that they will not be hit by Tsukuyomi so easily."

"Besides, it's a bit too early to be surprised now."

Rozi said, and snapped his fingers again.

The picture turned, Uchiha Itachi was still there, but the person fighting him had changed.

"Huh? This guy seems to be a bit like Uchiha Itachi's brother."

Zoro frowned.

"This should be what Uchiha Sasuke looks like when he grows up."

"Is he here to seek revenge on Uchiha Itachi?"

Sanji narrowed his eyes and said.

After the words fell, Uchiha Sasuke suddenly blew a stream of flames at Uchiha Itachi.

Uchiha Itachi just glared, and the red flames spit out by Uchiha Sasuke were intercepted by a wall of black flames.

And it was quickly burned out.

"Flames, burned by flames?"

Weiwei opened her mouth wide and looked at this scene in confusion.

"That is one of Uchiha Itachi's Sharingan's eye techniques, 'Amaterasu'. When it is performed, the object stared at by his right Sharingan will ignite black flames."

"Although this move consumes a lot of energy for the user, the black fire will not disappear until the object contaminated by it is burned out."

"Even if what is burned is a fire, even if it is water."

Luo Qi said and couldn't help but licked his lips.

If possible, he also wanted to gain Uchiha Itachi's power.

Not only because of the power of the Sharingan, Luo Qi also felt envious of Uchiha Itachi's basic ninjutsu abilities such as clone techniques, substitute techniques, and transformation techniques that he mastered as a ninja.

As the battle between Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Sasuke continued, many injuries had appeared on both of them.

Until Sasuke summoned thunder to attack Itachi, Weiwei and others thought that the battle was about to end and Uchiha Itachi was about to lose, when a red aura condensed around him and turned into a red giant made entirely of energy.

"Susanohu, this is a technique that can only be used when the Sharingan is used to its extreme."

"It can be said to be a technique that integrates offense and defense."

Luo Qi explained promptly.

Luffy and others opened their mouths wide, watching Uchiha Itachi use Susanoo to cut off the head of the giant snake that suddenly appeared, and they forgot their words for a moment.

It wasn't until Uchiha Itachi finally pointed his finger at Sasuke's forehead with a smile on his face that everyone came back to their senses.

"This...such a person is actually a spy, a ninja? With such an ability, he can be confronted head-on. There is no need to assassinate like a ninja."

Usopp slapped his face and tried to calm down.

"It is indeed a powerful force. I don't know how much force it will take to cut through Susanoo's armor."

Sauron tightened his grip on the long knife at his waist and looked at Weiwei with interest.

"Hey, Green Algae Head, don't try to take advantage of Princess Weiwei. If you want to take action, you can come to me."

"Idiot perverted cook, I just wanted to see what she would choose. I have no interest in fighting a woman."

"Huh, you're quite sensible."

Sanji curled his lips and turned to look at Weiwei again.

However, Vivi was still surprised by Itachi's last smile when facing Sasuke, and did not notice Sanji's overtures at all.

"Perhaps he would choose the village because of his younger brother."

Weiwei murmured.

"Don't think about this now, Weiwei, let's continue watching the next one. 250"

At this time, Luffy's excited voice reached Weiwei's ears.

She raised her head and saw Luffy's big smile facing her.

"There is also a 'Dancer'. We will make a decision immediately after seeing it."

"Hehe, I can't wait to see Weiwei when you get the heroic spirit template."

Luffy smiled.

"Luffy, are you sure you don't want Weiwei to read the last heroic spirit template and choose Uchiha Itachi's template?"

"Then you can get a ninja crew and have Vivi perform ninjutsu on you?"

Nami crossed her arms and clearly stated Luffy's thoughts.

"No way... no way, I will not interfere with my partner's choice."

Luffy turned his head and looked away, saying with a little sweat on his face.

"Haha, then you should look at me and talk."

Nami took a step forward and started pulling on Luffy's rubber cheeks again.

Luo Qi smiled, looked at Weiwei beside him, and said:

"Watch the last one, Vivi."

"As I said before, choose the one that suits you best."

"Sometimes, the most suitable heroic spirit template for you can often bring you more help than some powerful heroic spirit templates."

"Perhaps compared to the princess and the spy, this dancer-type spray knight will be more suitable for you, but I don't necessarily know."

"Of course, the final choice is up to you."

Hearing this, Weiwei smiled and nodded: "I understand."

After saying that, Weiwei looked at the last choice on the panel in front of her - dancer!


Chapter 118 Yula’s Dance! Elegant, so elegant (thanks to Ninim... for the data)

"The Ritual Dance, Act 3, 'Flickering Candlelight'!"

Lakes, meadows! As the crisp music sounded, a beautiful girl with a delicate appearance and a cold face danced passionately.

On the platform beside him, Sanji had already revealed his true colors the moment the girl appeared.

Not only Sanji, but even Nami, who is a woman, couldn't help but light up when she saw the girl in front of her.

Weiwei, who clicked on the dancer's attribute name 'Yora' with her hand, felt even more uneasy.

Seeing Youla's dancing steps to the brisk music, Weiwei couldn't help but feel the urge to step forward and dance together.

Subconsciously, Weiwei began to record Yula's dancing steps as hard as she could.

The song didn't last long, and in the blink of an eye, the dance stopped in less than two minutes.

‘It seems like I watched a live version of Genshin Impact Yura’s promotional animation. ’

'But compared to the anime, Yura in real life is more beautiful. ’

On the side, Luo Qi, who watched Youla dance the whole time, couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

"It's such a beautiful dance and the people are beautiful."

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