Grand Line: My Armed Color Can Turn Into A Natural Disaster

Chapter 66: The Transformation Of Pure Gold-Like Terror And Akainu Who Sneaked Into The White Paper

Sabaody Archipelago, countless reporters and pirates gathered here.

If you want to enter New World from the first half of the Grand Line, you must pass through here, so this archipelago has also become the largest gathering place for pirates in the first half of the Grand Line.

At this time, the Naval Headquarters is empty, and it stands to reason that it is a great opportunity to sneak into the New World. However, none of the pirates gathered here dared to act rashly!

No one knows what's going on at the other end of the Red Line, if it crashes into the Marine's encirclement, it's game over!

In the tavern, the magician Hawkins, one of the ten supernovas, was playing with his tarot cards.

Divination of good and bad luck with Tarot, this is something he must do every time before sailing!

"The success rate of entering the New World at this time, 100%?"

"Probability of encountering Marine, 80%?"

"The chance of escaping after encountering Marine is probably zero?"

Hawkins took a deep breath, it seems that he has to wait a few more days for the voyage-.

On the other side of the Sabaody Archipelago, the Straw Hat Crew led by Luffy also came to this archipelago.

"No way... I thought it was fake when I saw the news about those lace newspapers before!"

With a hot body and even hotter clothes, Nami looked at the reporters gathered on the island by Wuyang Wuyang, and felt a little startled.

With so many media forces mobilized, there is no need to doubt the authenticity of the news. Marine, we are going to fight the Whitebeard Pirates!

"Whitebeard pirate group? Isn't that the pirate group that Ace is in?" Luffy who was eating meat suddenly felt that the meat in his hand was not tasty.

Nico Robin, who is best at scouting news in the Straw Hat Crew, flipped through the newspaper: "Marine dispatched a full 100,000 troops to New World this time. In my opinion, the time for us to enter New World should be postponed reasonably. .”

"Otherwise, it is very likely to directly collide with Marine's fleet!"

"One hundred thousand?!" Luffy was so shocked that he almost jumped up.

Nami looked at Luffy like an idiot: "Didn't you read the newspaper?"

Luffy shook his head, then took a deep breath, looked at the companions around: "Everyone, let's go to New World! I want to help Ace!"

Nami raised his forehead immediately, why am I so stingy... I should have expected him to be like this.

Nico Robin happened to turn to the next page of the newspaper, and suddenly smiled: "Marine has a huge lineup, but the Whitebeard Pirates are not weak either!"

"Known as the leader of the Four Emperors, the Whitebeard Pirates led by the world's strongest man, Edward Newgate, is it for nothing?"

Nami leaned over to the newspaper and read it. It was an analysis of Whitebeard's odds.

"The Whitebeard Pirates have sixteen teams, and the captain of each team is at least at the top Vice Admiral level."

"Fire Fist Ace, Diamond Jozzy, Phoenix Marco, these world-renowned big pirates have even set a terrifying record of destroying several fleets by one person..."

"Sixteen squadrons, each with more than a thousand people, are all first-class elite fighters. Together, they are 1600+ top combat units..."

Nami frowned slightly: "But what's the use of this? The Marine has dispatched a full 100,000 troops! Marshal Sengoku, Garp the Fist, and the three Admirals are all as strong as Whitebeard, and Whitebeard's regiment except Lei Luo, there is no one who can stand alone against these top Marines."

"But...Lei Luo, who defeated Aokiji, was severely injured by Legendary by Garp the Fist. It is not known what his combat strength is now. Whether he can keep the Vice Admiral-level combat strength is unknown."

Robin reached out and drew a highlight for Nami on a certain section of the newspaper.

Her words made everyone feel a little heavy.

"In addition, although there are still a large number of powerful pirates gathered under Whitebeard's command, the vassal pirate group headed by the Ice Witch, the Great Eddy Spider..."

"A total of forty-three vassal pirate groups, with a population of more than 50,000, and nearly 2,000 ships, large and small, under their command...but...

"But what?" Nami was even more confused after reading it!

Fifty thousand versus one hundred thousand, such a disparity in military strength, would a child be able to count well?

Robin put away the newspaper: "However... Regardless of the comparison of top combat power or the comparison of lower-level troops, the Whitebeard Pirates are doomed! Let alone Whitebeard!"

Nami's face turned black, and it annoys Robin every time he talks like this... Isn't this the same as inciting Luffy to run to the New World!

Sure enough, in the next second, Luffy resolutely said: "I've decided, go to New World right away, I'm going to help Ace and the others!"

At the same time, four to five hundred warships lined up one by one in Wang Yanghai of New World;

If you look down from a high altitude, you will see a super-scale fleet composed of four to five hundred warships moving forward like a group of migrating giant whales, piercing directly into the hinterland of the Whitebeard Pirates like a sharp knife!

Admiral Sengoku and Garp the Fist were on the same ship, looking at the warships around him and Wang Yanghai, Sengoku smiled and asked Garp: "Old man, how many years have we not been at the same time like now?"


Garp the Fist sat cross-legged on the deck, drank tea and ate senbei by himself, before replying: "When I hunted Roger, you hunted Whitebeard, you should be very aware of that guy's destructive power. Naval battle, are you sure?"

Sengoku came to sit next to Garp, reached out to touch the senbei, Garp knocked his hand off.

Sengoku rolled his eyes, took out a pack of rice cake slices, and took out a blueprint to Garp: "Look at this!"

Garp opened the blueprint, looked at it, and then closed it immediately: "You brought this thing out? Haven't you finished the final transformation yet?"

Sengoku patted the splint under his body: "These PX humanoid weapons are right here! So this battle, Marine must win! When Whitebeard thinks they can defeat us, it's their death time!"

"Blu blu blu...."

The phone bug suddenly called out, and Sengoku answered: "I'm Sengoku, what?"

"Okay! Order the whole army to speed up, and be sure to launch a general attack before they complete their deployment!"

After hanging up the phone, Sengoku immediately called again: "Sakazuki! Everything is going according to plan, you bring Momousagi and tea dolphins together, and you must take Nesses Island before the general attack begins!"


Straight into the Whitebeard Pirates?

Oh, this is just a cover on the surface!

First send top-notch troops to infiltrate the island of Nesses, destroy the White Paper Flower Chamber of Commerce, and completely eliminate the uncertain factor of Lei Luo, and then Akainu will send troops from Nesses Island!

Beheading before the battle, attacking front and back, the soldiers are cunning!

After finishing the pre-war deployment, Sengoku laughed until three forehead lines appeared on his forehead, slapped Garp on the shoulder, and said with a smile: "You have done a great job!"

"What a big deal?" Garp ate the senbei.

"According to reliable sources, Lei Luo has returned to Nesses Island, which is within the sphere of influence of the Whitebeard Pirates, but after entering the headquarters of the White Paper Flower Chamber of Commerce, he never came out again! Now Akainu is taking the lead, and Lei Luo, Whitebeard's subordinate I'm afraid the Tiger is doomed."

"As long as this Lei Luo is completely abolished by Akainu, we will have a greater chance of winning this time to destroy the Whitebeard Pirates and the White Paper Flower Chamber of Commerce!"

Looking at the excited Sengoku, Garp nodded numbly, you just don't know how much it cost to abolish the old man Lei Luo...

Just as Marine was fully heading to the territorial waters of the Whitebeard Pirates, the Whitebeard Pirates and the White Paper Flower Chamber of Commerce were also in full swing preparing for the battle!

The phone bug "Blu-Blu-Blu" on Carina's desk keeps ringing.

Carina answered the phone bug: "I'm Carina!"

On the other end of the phone came the anxious voice of one of her four attendants, Huali, the leader of the intelligence department: "Thank God, big sister, you can be regarded as answering the phone!"

"Marine said that we will destroy our Chamber of Commerce and the Whitebeard Pirates. Four or five hundred warships have already sailed into New World! A total of 100,000 troops!"

"Buddha's Sengoku is in command, Garp the Fist is in command, the three Admirals, and the two backup Admirals are all dispatched..."

Listening to Huali's words, Carina's delicate face was already pale, and no matter how strong her psychological quality was, she had never seen such a big battle;

That's four or five hundred warships, a total of one hundred thousand troops, one hundred thousand!!

Fortunately, she has always maintained her rationality: "I see, you stay with the red hair and continue to gather information. This battle is a matter of life and death, so you must go all out! With information, we can grasp the upper hand!"

"Yes!" Bahuali on the other end of the phone answered shortly and ably.

Carina hung up the phone bug, took a deep breath, and suppressed the panic in her heart, she must tell Lei Luo about this matter immediately, and there will be big troubles if it is too late!

However, before she got up and left the lounge, another phone bug called "Blu-Blu-Blu" again!

"I'm Carina!"

"Carina's second leader, we have received news that Marine has sent 100,000 troops into New World to attack our Whitebeard pirate group and the White Paper Flower Chamber of Commerce!"

There was a masculine voice with a touch of femininity on the other end of the phone. It was Yi Zang, the captain of the 16th Division of the Whitebeard Pirates, and he was the liaison officer between the Whitebeard Pirates and the White Paper Flower Chamber of Commerce!

"I already know, and I'm making arrangements to deal with it! If your side is short of manpower, I can send some people from the combat department to reinforce it!"

Yi Zang breathed a sigh of relief: "No need, Dad is worried about the vice-captain Lei Luo, let me tell you, if there is not enough manpower, we can send people to help at any time, and the vice-captain must not be injured until he recovers!"

"Okay! Lei Luo, don't worry, he's safe! If you need help, please contact me!"

"Thank you!"

The phone bug hung up, Carina let out a long breath, her brain hurts, it only took a while, why does it feel like the sky is about to change!

It's more important to go to Lei Luo as soon as possible.


Another phone bug on the desk rang, it was the internal phone bug of the White Paper Flower Chamber of Commerce!

"I'm Carina!"

"Big sister head, it's me, Dracula!"

A sickly voice came from the other end of the phone, it was the blood demon Dracula, the leader of the three demons of the White Paper Flower Merchant Guild!

"I know it's you, what's going on, aren't you in De Reiss Rosa?" Carina asked.

Dracula on the other end of the phone: "Now the whole Grand Line is reporting that Marine is going to war with us. Is the news true? Do we need to rush back!"

"No!" Carina refused straight away!

"The news is true, but you don't need to worry about anything, just watch out for Reiss Rosa. If something happens to the man-made Devil Fruit factory, I'll only ask you!"


The phone bug hung up again, and Carina rubbed her temples. She only answered the phone three times, and she felt a haggard feeling for no reason.

Looking at the nearly ten phone bugs placed on the table colorfully, Carina found a large-capacity handbag, stuffed them all in, and then quickly went downstairs to find Lei Luo.

When we came to the door of the underground laboratory, Frankenstein Floy was standing at the door with a smile on his face.

"big sister head?" Floy saw Carina!

"Is Lei Luo in there?" Carina asked directly.

"Here I am!"

0…ask for flowers……

"Open the door!"

"No, the boss said, if he doesn't come out, no one is allowed to go in!" Floy's eight octopus-like mechanical arms instantly unfolded, blocking the metal gate.

Knowing that this stubborn scientific worker has always obeyed Lei Luo's orders absolutely, Carina could only explain: "Right now, four to five hundred warships and one hundred thousand Marines are heading towards the territorial waters of the Whitebeard Pirates to destroy us and Whitebeard. Pirates, let me in or not, you decide for yourself!"

Floy's face was troubled for a while: "big sister, I really can't let you in, and now the boss is soaking in that water tank filled with pure gold..."

"What?!" Carina became anxious when she heard that!

"Don't worry!"

Floy quickly explained: "Boss asked me to come out and close the door, and after a short while, I felt that the radioactivity of pure gold has weakened a lot. I don't worry about it, Boss."

Just go in and have a look!"

"The boss seems to be absorbing the power of quasi-pure gold, and he is in a state where he will never be disturbed, know the radioactive power of quasi-pure gold!

Carina got angry for a while, Lei Luo, you big pig's hooves, you at such a critical juncture... Sigh!

She wanted to complain, but she couldn't complain. She just wanted to find an outlet for the pressure in her heart, but she couldn't find it.

Carina took out a phone bug and threw it to Floyd: "As soon as he comes out, tell him to call me right away! Don't go anywhere, just stay here and stick to it!"


Carina walked back to the lounge with stomping steps, took a deep breath, and her brain was working quickly, straightening out things one by one, and then, one call after another was sent out:

"Akin, you take 200 elite warheads to the Moby Dick to support the Whitebeard Pirates. Remember to send the news as soon as possible! At the same time, send orders to the branches scattered in New World. The intelligence agents are always monitoring the Marine movement, fighting The crew will fully cooperate with Whitebeard and his vassal pirates to deal with Marine!"


"Rudolph, immediately dismiss all the idlers on the island and lead the first and second echelons of the war department to build fortifications. Our first priority is to defend the island!"


"Green Snake, go pick up Man Xueli, and then come to my side!"


"Silver Fox, Hei Xiao, immediately occupy the commanding heights and set up a sniper position centered on the headquarters of the Chamber of Commerce. Kill all suspicious personnel who approach the Chamber of Commerce!"


After completing the pre-war deployment, Carina breathed a sigh of relief. Before Lei Luo came out, she had to ensure that the Chamber of Commerce would not be captured;

Her most capable deputy, Huali, the head of the four servants, is in full control of the Red Hair Pirates territorial waters, Green Snake comes back to protect her and Man Xueli, Silver Fox and Black Owl are sent out to serve as combat forces;

There's only so much she can do!

At the same time that Carina was arranging everything, the Moby Dick lay on the edge of the territorial waters of the Whitebeard Pirates like a giant white whale.

It was followed by three smaller accompanying ships, fully loaded with more than 1,600 elite combatants of the Whitebeard Pirates.

On the mast, Whitebeard's skull-headed pirate group fluttered high, being blown by the sea wind.

Whitebeard sat on the plywood throne, pouring wine into his mouth, the fighting intent in his eyes was like a raging fire.

"Marine has lived in peace for so long that they have forgotten the power of the Whitebeard Pirates!"

"Destroy the Whitebeard Pirates, Plain White Paper Flower Merchant Guild? Oh, what a big tone!"

"Then take this opportunity to give them a long memory!"


The sea surface suddenly opened, and a mighty and fat figure jumped onto the deck, exuding a charismatic temperament all over his body. He is the spiritual leader of the murlocs and the captain of the Sun Pirates, Haixia Jinbei!

In the battle between Marine and the Whitebeard pirates, he resolutely stood on behalf of the entire murloc and mermaid, and stood firmly on the same front as Whitebeard.

"Father, the Sun Pirates are ready, and I have dispatched a group of tiger sharks to wait for your orders!"

Whitebeard said with some emotion: "Thank you Jinbei! Actually, you could have been spared from being involved in this matter!"

Jinbei laughed, revealing the two sharp canine teeth at the corners of his mouth: "Father, we are a family, and the family suffers, there is no reason to stand idly by!"

"Okay! Then we will fight together today!"


Marco the phoenix fell from the sky, put away the azure flames all over his body: "Father, the forty-three vassal regiments are ready, the pockets have been opened, just waiting for the Marine to drill in!"

"Gu la la la..." Whitebeard laughed.

"Very well Marco, let's call them back and forth this time!"

But at this moment, in the outer waters of Nesses Island.

Three coated bubbles are floating in the sea at a depth of 20 meters, and a figure is sneaking silently

And the man in the middle is wearing a White Admiral military uniform, with a terrifying and condensed aura like a volcano erupting.

Blood Red's suit wrapped his incomparably strong body, and under White's Marine hat, a pair of furious eyes were extremely sharp, like a raging lion, fierce and tyrannical.

This person is Akainu, one of the three Admirals, and beside him are two alternate Admirals.

Looking at the iron barrel-like island in front of him, his eyes suddenly shrank into dots, staring at the target, showing a cruel sneer, and said to the tea dolphin beside him.

"This time, I want Lei Luo to be completely reduced to ashes!"

The awe-inspiring voice seemed to come from hell, ruling the river of life and death of the island in front of me. .

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