Grand Line: My Armed Color Can Turn Into A Natural Disaster

Chapter 78: Chasing Marshal Sengoku To The Death (Please Subscribe!)

On the battlefield, the fierce battle between Pirates and Marines intensified.

Although the morale of the pirates has risen because of Lei Luo, the disparity in military strength and firepower has made the pirates' decline worse;

The elite combat power of the Whitebeard Pirates is good, but the situation of the 43 vassals is getting more and more difficult.

"Ton! Ton! Ton..."

There was a sound of heavy footsteps on the ice, and the entire ice trembled violently. Almost everyone's eyes focused on the source of the sound.

"A pacifist?!"

"Great! Everyone covers the pacifist attack and wipes out the pirates!!"

The fighting spirit of the Marines is getting higher and higher. The PX Pacifist is the ultimate weapon developed to destroy the pirates.

"Run... Those unkillable monsters are coming again!"

"Retreat quickly, don't confront them head-on!"

As for the pirates, almost everyone panicked. They all suffered from the PX pacifists. When a laser shot came over to the partner, the brothers lay down;

This kind of fierce and ferocious firepower was beyond their ability to deal with, and the morale that had been boosted by Lei Luo disappeared in an instant!

However, both Marine and Pirates were stunned very quickly, because the densely packed PX pacifists directly skipped the battle circle between Pirates and Marine: "Target, a bounty of 550 million big pirates, Whitebeard Captain of the Pirates 2nd Division, Fire Fist, Portgas·D·Ace...Confirmation is complete, execute the capture!"

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and realized that the pacifists were not targeting them. The pirates immediately launched a life-threatening and crazy counterattack against the Marine side under the organization of the captains of the 43 vassal regiments!

Meanwhile, the center of the battlefield!

The battle between Lei Luo, Garp and Sengoku is gradually heating up!

The entire upper body of Lei Luo turned into a red-hot iron-like color, and the hot energy kept pouring out, making the whole person look like a huge human-shaped melting pot;

The hair is messy and scattered, and the blood overflowing from the corner of the mouth has been evaporated by the hot temperature and scabbed!

Garp was also panting heavily, his muscular chest was like a violently heaving 04 bellows, the hidden wounds on his body had never healed, and at this time he was engaged in a high-intensity battle with Lei Luo;

As time goes by, the body gradually becomes overwhelmed, the circulation speed of qi and blood drops significantly, and the efficiency of using Armament Haki also decreases visibly with the naked eye.

Sengoku, who has always maintained the golden body of the Buddha, seems to be unscathed, but in fact, as long as he pays a little attention, he will find that the original golden body of the Buddha is only a little over seventy feet.

More than two feet shorter:

The golden Buddha light has also dimmed a lot!

"Damn... Garp is right, this Lei Luo's physical strength is simply endless, bottomless!

Sengoku gets more and more frightened as he fights, Lei Luo is a perpetual motion machine that won't get tired;

After fighting for so long, although they failed to gain the slightest advantage in the hands of the two brothers, they couldn't do anything to him, and were consumed by this bastard instead!


Garp the Fist stomped his feet on the ground, and one of the Marine Six Styles unfolded in an instant, and moved to Lei Luo's side at an extremely fast speed. The black and deep iron fist struck out brazenly, smashing directly through the ice, forcing Lei Luo to lose his footing, and fell into the sea.

But in the next moment, the solid ice beneath Sengoku's feet cracked, and a fist like a red-hot iron was wrapped in a scorching hot energy, soaring into the sky, setting off a billowing heat wave!


The scorching fist landed directly on Sengoku's body, and the sound was like a giant mallet striking a bell, especially dull and resonant.

Cold sweat broke out on Sengoku's forehead, and a red dent was punched on the golden body, and white smoke was rising:

In the next second, a burst of dazzling golden light flashed, and the part that was just traumatized has recovered!

"He was injured like this with the golden body protection, but without the golden body protection, I am afraid that only Garp can withstand such an offensive!"

Wounding Sengoku with a punch, Lei Luo jumped out directly from under the ice, jumped into the air, and continued to smash towards Sengoku with his fiery fists quickly and fiercely.


Being hit hard again, Sengoku stepped back a few steps one after another, the golden Buddha light on his body dimmed again, and the golden body of the Buddha, which was still over seven feet long, retracted again.

Although he has an unbreakable invincible golden body in the form of a Buddha, but this invincible golden body is based on the rapid consumption of his own vitality;

The longer the time, the heavier and more frequent the hits, the more vitality will be consumed, the golden body will gradually retract, and the power will be greatly reduced!

Strange to say, this time in the fight with Lei Luochen, this bastard seemed to know his weakness, so he beat him wholeheartedly, even if he was punched into the sea by Garp, he would immediately break through the water;

keep chasing him...

This is also the main reason why the golden statue of Sengoku Buddha keeps shrinking!

Suffering heavy blows from Lei Luo one after another, Sengoku's eyebrows burst into anger, and the golden Buddha's light quickly condensed on the fist, and the Buddha's fist was clenched again: "Buddha's Strike Iron!!"

From top to bottom, thunder and lightning blasted a punch, bang~!

The solid ice cracked instantly, and the sea below was shaken and churned by the violent impact brought by the Buddha's light. Lei Luo, who had lost his foothold, fell into the water again.

But Sengoku didn't dare to breathe a sigh of relief at all, his sharp eyes scanned the surroundings, guarding against Lei Luo's sneak attack.

Sure enough, the next moment, the ice surface under Sengoku's feet cracked open, Lei Luo appeared in a flash, and the ring head kept falling down like a torrential rain.


It was as if a big bell was being rung indiscriminately.

"Stop being presumptuous, Lei Luo!!"

Garp the Fist obviously knows the price of the old buddy Sengoku maintaining the Buddha's golden body, so he rushes to the rescue, bang~!

A thunderous iron fist hit Lei Luo.

However, Lei Luo didn't dodge or dodge, and continued to raise his fist towards Sengoku, and slammed it down. It was a bit of a desperate attitude to exchange injuries for his life. Even if he was hit hard by Garp, he would still give Sengoku a punch Come on hard!

Others may not know the secret of the Sengoku Buddha golden body consuming life force, but he knows it very well.

In the original work of Pirates, Sengoku made only a few shots during Summit War, and when he reappeared, his hair was completely bald. It is self-evident what it consumes to maintain the golden body of the Buddha.

Sengoku and Garp are old brothers for many years, and Garp naturally knows this secret of Sengoku;

Then, storming Sengoku can not only effectively consume Sengoku, but also make Garp care about it and mess it up!!



Two voices came out almost at the same time, Garp hit Lei Luo with a punch to the flesh, and the powerful impact brought by the fist pushed Lei Luo's figure instead, becoming Lei Luo's help;

Lei Luo took advantage of his strength and hammered his fist on Sengoku's body at a faster speed.

The pirate queen Boa·Hancock, who was fighting in the battle circle in the distance, was terrified!

"Even if he gets a hard punch from Garp, he will never give up his fierce attack on Sengoku. This Lei much hatred does he have with Sengoku?"

However, Lei Luo was by no means the one who won't return the punches, he immediately stomped heavily on Sengoku's body, borrowed his strength, and smashed his fiery fists towards Garp's head.


Garp's Armament Haki covering his whole body successfully blocked Lei Luo's fist, but he couldn't block the powerful charge on Lei Luo's fist!

In the next second, click!

The sound of dislocation of the neck bone came out impressively!

Garp's face changed suddenly, and his neck felt a sharp burning pain. If you look closely, you will find that there is a red and shiny mark on his neck at this time!

"Damn.....It's Emission again! The hot heat on the fist is soaked into the body along with Emission Haki...."

Every time heat is immersed in the body, the blood flow rate will be affected, which will force the flow speed of the Qi machine to slow down, and the Armament Haki will run more and more unsmoothly!

"Continue to consume like this, maybe it is really possible to be consumed by this guy...

Seeing that Garp was injured again, Sengoku Buddha frowned, and his aura suddenly changed, from solemn and solemn to domineering and violent. In an instant, the majestic old Buddha seemed to become a wrathful King Kong with evil eyes!

Stretching his arms, the palms of the Buddha suddenly folded together, and he slapped Lei Luo in his palms in a daze, causing a dull sound of gold and iron clashing.

But Lei Luo took the opportunity to clamp Sengoku's Buddha's palms with both arms, exerted strength with his back and arms, a huge force burst out, and with a violent flick, Sengoku, the golden Buddha, fell on his back!

After doing this, Lei Luo was panting heavily, and took a few deep breaths to suppress the boiling blood in his body.


Boa Hancock and Bartholomew Daxiong, who were fishing in the distance, swallowed their saliva unconsciously when they saw this scene: "These three people are crazy to kill... They are definitely crazy to kill!"

It can be seen that the condition of the three of them is extremely bad at this time, Lei Luo is panting heavily, and Garp is in a cold sweat in pain.

The golden Buddha incarnated by Sengoku is constantly retracting. The blow just now seemed to have caused him a great burden. The golden Buddha, which was more than six feet long, shrunk at a speed visible to the naked eye. In the end, there were only less than two feet left He is slightly taller than Lei Luo who is nearly three meters tall;

The brilliant golden Buddha light all over his body is gone, obviously he has fought to the limit.

Let's look at Lei Luo again... Fuck, this guy has the same scars, but his condition is obviously much better than him, and he is full of energy!


Sengoku took a breath of cool air.

"What kind of monster are you?! Don't you lose your energy?!"

Rao, the Marine Marshal who has always been awe-inspiring all over the world, couldn't help but lose his composure!

"Heh, guess what!"

Lei Luo fiddled with his fingers, looking like he was about to throw his hand at any moment.

His condition seems to be much better than the two veterans, but in fact, only he knows how much burden his body has endured.

The power of the armed skill Hot Fist is very significant, but it also consumes a lot of physical energy. It needs to consume physical energy to generate biological heat energy in order to fully display the power of this armed skill.

His physical strength has always been a bottomless pit, bottomless and inexhaustible;

But only this time, he used the armed skill Requan for a long time to fight fiercely with Garp and Sengoku, two living Legendaries [He can clearly feel that his physical strength is about to bottom out!

I didn't feel so tired after fighting Aokiji for three days and three nights!

On the surface, he is in much better condition than Garp and Sengoku, but in fact he has no idea in his heart, maybe the next time he fights...he will fall down.

For a moment, the three of them reached a silent tacit understanding and stopped each other!

However, this silent calm did not last long!

The next moment, bang!

A huge explosion sounded like a shocking thunder, as if thousands of catties of high-purity explosives were detonated at the same time, the solid ice surface was shattered in a large area, and the turbulent sea water set off hundreds of feet high waves.

The three of Lei Luo, Garp, and Sengoku looked up almost in unison, what the hell... Was it really a thousand catties of explosives that were detonated at the same time?

The waves on the sea surface were stirring, and the sky was filled with gunpowder smoke. Obviously, there was a big explosion!

In just a few breaths, almost

Everyone's attention was drawn.

When the smoke gradually dissipated, what caught everyone's eyes was the wreckage of dozens of damaged warships floating on the sea!

"Puff puff...."

There was a sound of strange and heavy footsteps, and a burly figure walked out of the gradually dissipating gunpowder smoke;

The whole body is sea blue, with cloud eyebrows on the forehead, two protruding sharp tiger teeth at the corners of the mouth, half a red sun brand on the chest, and a detonator-like thing in the hand


Even though he had never met before, Lei Luo recognized him at a glance, because this simple blue fat man is so recognizable!

Looking at the detonator in Jinbei's hand again, Lei Luo suddenly realized, could it be that this guy has been lurking under the sea to arrange explosives... It's a bit interesting, he is indeed the leader of the murlocs.

He knows how to use his own inherent advantages, and he came very timely!

"Boss Jinbei?"

"Is it the boss Jinbei of the murlocs? Are they here too? I haven't seen them before!" There was a burst of low-pitched discussion from the pirates.

The Marine side also started to riot: "Sea Xia Jinbei? Is this guy here too?"

"Ex-Seven Warlords of the Sea Haixia Jinbei? Didn't notice this guy before... Could it be that he has been..."

Looking at the wreckage of the warship on the sea, the wise man immediately understood.


"How dare you come here, bastard!"

The moment he recognized Jinbei, Sengoku's eyebrows furrowed into a ball, and he glared angrily, as if staring at the traitor who turned his back:

As expected, those warships at the beginning of this battle were also blown up by this damned bastard murloc!

However, Jinbei ignored him at all, looked at Lei Luo, and said with a half-bow: "Jinbei, the captain of the Sun Pirates, the forty-fourth vassal group of the Whitebeard Pirates, met Lei Luo


"Currently, high-purity explosives have been placed on all of Marine's warships, ready to be detonated at any time. Please give the detonation permission to the deputy captain!!"

As the leader of the murlocs, although Jinbei is smooth and mischievous in daily life, his flexible mind is by no means overshadowed. From the very beginning, he has seen through everything!

Fifty thousand pirates versus hundreds of thousands of marines, facing such a huge disparity in military strength, "the ten sides of the pirates have no chance of winning.

Therefore, to win this battle, you can only rely on outsmarting!

Detonate bombs, blow up warships, as long as Marines fall into the water, they will never be opponents of murlocs and mermaids!

"Jinbei, how dare you!!"

Sengoku was like a cat whose tail was stepped on, and his hair exploded in an instant. How could he not know that Jinbei's last sentence was for him.

I'm really careless. I have been focusing on the battlefield on the sea surface, and I didn't pay attention to the water below the sea surface... These cunning murlocs are really damned!!

"I think...that's a good idea!!"

Bloodstains slid down Lei Luo's face, and he sneered. .

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