Grand Line: My Armed Color Can Turn Into A Natural Disaster

Chapter 82: The Uproar Caused By The Supreme Four Meeting! (Please Subscribe!)

As time passed, the negotiations between Lei Luo, Hongfa, Sengoku, and Garp have been going on, and there is no intention of ending!

On the warship in the distance, the Marine soldiers looked through the binoculars at the four negotiating people on the ice, with awe and longing in their eyes, and the voices of whispering and discussing faintly sounded.

"Marshal Sengoku and Vice Admiral Garp, white paper flower Lei Luo and red-haired Shanks...Hiss! It's not an exaggeration to say that this meeting is the meeting of four people standing at the top of the world..."

"If one day I can stand in that position, I will have nothing to regret in this life!"

For a time, countless people were fantasizing that it was they who stood on the ice one sea mile away, as if the ice one sea away was the Five Elders' power room, and only those who stood at the top of the world were eligible to participate.

"Shut up, everyone!! Talk about the chief indiscriminately, and there is no military discipline."

Ghost spiders, fighting dogs, flying squirrels and other Vice Admirals all spoke out to scold the soldiers under them, but the soldiers had just calmed down, and they lowered their voices to discuss again.

"I didn't expect that Marshal Sengoku would actually negotiate with the pirates. How is this different from compromising with the pirates?"

"What's there to talk about, the big deal is to die! Marshal Sengoku is old...the more he lives, the more he goes back..." Vice Admiral, the radical fighting dog, snorted dissatisfied.

Dignified Marine, the army is powerful all over the world, how can it compromise with the pirates?!

"Marshal Sengoku must have his own considerations! It's not appropriate for you to speculate about your boss in private, right?"

"You are so capable, so it's not your turn to take the position of Marshal?" Vice Admiral, the flying squirrel of the stability faction, has always been at odds with the fighting dog of the radical faction, and he returned unceremoniously.

Huoshaoshan Vice Admiral of the neutral faction gathered his full beard, lit his cigar, took a deep puff, and persuaded with a smile on his face: "Don't say a few words, Marshal Sengoku naturally has his reasons for doing this! "

"He is the marshal, and we are subordinates, just do what the boss ordered!"

"However, this white paper flower Lei Luo is indeed not to be underestimated. Statistics show that he is only 24 years old, and he has already stood at the same height as Marshal Sengoku, Vice Admiral Garp, and red-haired Shanks. Entrust the Whitebeard Pirates to him, there must be a territory for him in the sea in the future!"

After a word of persuasion, Huoshaoshan Vice Admiral quietly brought the conversation to Lei Luo, lest the two colleagues continue to quarrel.

On another warship not far away, Admiral Kizaru and Admiral Aokiji stood on the bow. Kizaru's eyes under the brown sunglasses were full of aggrieved eyes. He looked at Lei Luo who was a mile away from a distance, but there was a gleam in his eyes. Deep fear.

The first time I met Lei Luo was when I supported Aokiji "Eight Eight Three" in the Banaro Island incident!

At that time, Lei Luo was strong, but his strength was just that. Even if he could cause him some trouble, it was far from being able to make him look at him...

But how long has passed, and the person who was not qualified to look at him not long ago has climbed on top of him, standing at the same height as Marshal Sengoku!

Since the Banaro Island incident, this guy has been strong all the way, making great strides, and the speed at which his strength improves is also unimaginable, because it is terrifying!

But what is even more frightening is his leadership ability, if only Lei Luo is strong, then there is nothing to fear;

But the people under him are also ridiculously strong, there are two ghosts at the door, and only two people hold him, Marine Admiral, so hard to do it!

Formidable strength, an incredible speed of strength improvement, and the charisma of attracting powerful people from all walks of life to be used by him... There is no doubt that this guy already has the qualifications to be crowned emperor in the New World!

Aokiji's eyes were also filled with apprehension, the ice surface one nautical mile away was an area that he, a Marine Admiral, was not qualified to set foot in, and that white paper flower Lei Luo was standing there;

Standing at the same height as Vice Admiral Garp and Marshal Sengoku!!

Thinking back carefully, since the encounter with Lei Luo, he has suffered in various ways, and it seems that he has never defeated Lei Luo once;

Back then on Banaro Island, if Polusalino-san hadn't arrived in time, he might have been exhausted to death by Lei Luosheng!

Although I kept holding back my energy afterwards and wanted to find a place with Lei Luo, but every time he would only pull him further away...

And after today, the gap between him and Lei Luo will only get bigger!

Whitebeard has already entrusted the Whitebeard Pirates to him, and with the influence, financial resources, and firepower of the White Paper Flower Chamber of Commerce, Lei Luo only needs to ascend to the top, and the position of Four Emperors can be lifted!

And on the special warship for the Seven Warlords of the Sea, there are only four of the original Shichibukai left!

Eagle-eyed Dracule Mihawk sat down on the bow of the ship and looked at the four figures on the ice a mile away: "Today's negotiations, if Lei Luo can really force Marine to pay compensation, it will shock the New World, no, a part of the world Big news."

"And he will also shock the world, become the Legendary passed on by the pirates, ascend the throne and become the emperor!"

Dracule Mihawk's hand unconsciously rested on the black knife Ye, the blood in his body seemed to be boiling, and he couldn't suppress the idea of ​​wanting to fight that man named Lei Luo more and more!

Pirate Queen Boa·Hancock leaned on the love snake, and the admiration flowing in her beautiful eyes was undisguised: "Defeated Marine Admiral, fought against Marine's two living Legendaries with one enemy and two, and used Admiral as a pledge to win the battle." Marine lowered his head and negotiated.....and took over, he didn't think it was unreasonable for such a person to sit on the Four Emperors seat!"

"Times change, old ones go, new ones come, Whitebeard dies and abdicates, Lei Luo ascends the throne strongly, this is probably the so-called unstoppable destiny of manpower!"


Before the words fell, Bartholomew Big Bear immediately expressed a different opinion: "If Lei Luo wants to ascend the throne, it depends not on God, but on human power! Don't forget, he is not just the vice-captain of the Whitebeard Pirates !"

"He is also the president of the White Paper Flower Chamber of Commerce!"

"Not to mention anything else, the White Paper Flower Merchant Guild's means of collecting money and gathering information are already top-notch, and it is even more powerful to gather a pair of earth-beating ghosts that can be combined to confront Marine Admiral!

Although it is the strength of Vice Admiral alone, once the two are combined, especially Admiral, who is known as Devil Fruit, will be overwhelmed by their abilities.

"The business of the White Paper Flower Chamber of Commerce is all over the world. Who can guarantee that Lei Luo only has a pair of ghosts under his command?"

"The power he hides in the dark is the most terrifying and awesome!"

After a long time, Bartholomew Daxiong added as if talking to himself: "Sealing the emperor at sea...for many pirates, this is an achievement that is difficult to achieve in a lifetime, and now Lei Luo is only one step away... ..."

Bartholomew the Bear muttered in disbelief.

This battle between Marine and the Whitebeard Pirates finally developed to such a point, if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't have believed it.

But even seeing it with my own eyes now, I feel very unreal, extremely surprised, and stunned.

Marine's devastating blow, except for the old Whitebeard who was besieged to death, now the pirates have a slight upper hand.

The extremely young Lei Luo survived the attacks of Garp and Sengoku by himself.

Lively dragged the battlefield to the point of negotiation!!

We must know that in today's scene, no matter which pirate group Marine is attacking in an all-round way, such a scene is impossible.

Whether it is Kaido, Big Mom or Shanks, it is difficult to completely resist Marine's all-out attack.

In the cabin not far away, Edward Weibull, whose IQ was only 5 years old, was sitting in a naive manner. The little old lady Miss Ba Jin listened to San Wuhai's conversation, and stomped her feet in anger.

"Damn Whitebeard, damn Lei Luo!"

"Whitebeard is dead. Everything he left should belong to our mother and son. What kind of thing is that Lei Luo? Where did it come from?"

"Marine is also really useless, a hundred thousand troops can't catch a Whitebeard pirate group, and let that Lei Luo take advantage of the loophole!"

"In this way, isn't our mother and son's trip in vain... No, no, no, this loss must be made up for by Marine."

Edward Weibull asked naively: "Mom, Mom, are you angry?"

"Shut up Weibull! How stupid are you!!"

Weibull sniffed his nose and closed his mouth, with a look of grievance on his face. He didn't understand why his mother was still angry with him after he had clearly done what his mother said...

When my mother is not angry, she always calls him "Mom's sweet baby"!

On the other side of the pirate side, the pirates headed by the captain of the 16th Division of the Whitebeard Pirates are also paying attention to the negotiation situation on the ice one nautical mile away.

Father Whitebeard is dead, what is the future of the Whitebeard Pirates, and where should they go? Almost everyone is worried about such issues, and the voices of discussion are becoming more and more noisy.

"What is Deputy Captain Lei Luo talking to Marine about? Why is it taking so long..." The longer the time, the more anxious people became.

"Lieutenant Captain Lei Luo is used to being the president of the chamber of commerce, and he is also used to solving problems as a businessman. He won't sell us, will he?"

Suddenly, such a disharmonious discourse came out.

"That's right, Dad is dead. Deputy Captain Lei Luo has been running the White Paper Flower Chamber of Commerce and has never stayed on board. We don't know what he thinks."

"If you want me to say, don't talk about it at all! Didn't the Jinbei brothers place explosives on Marine's warship, and blow them all up with one shot!"

"That's right, the old man is dead, what else do we have to talk to them about? I think Captain Lei Luo's mind is hard to fathom..."

Time passed by minute by minute, two hours later, and three hours later.

Almost everyone was impatient to wait, and they began to waver again.

Lei Luo's strength is indeed awesome, with a young and strong physique, he can compete with a monster like Garp, but he is not very old after all.

Really, if in this most advanced meeting, with a scheming guy like Garp Sengoku, can you really get enough benefits for the Whitebeard Pirates?!

After all, Lei Luo seldom comes to the Whitebeard Pirates, except for a few captains, many low-level pirates are seeing Lei Luo for the first time.

Although Dad Whitebeard seems to value him very much, and he safely handed over the pirate group he has been running for a lifetime to Lei Luo.

But whether Lei Luo will completely carry the pirate group as the father said, that is still two things to say?

Now the red-haired Shanks attitude is not too clear.

If Lei Luo fails to resist the strength of these three parties and acts against the Whitebeard Pirates, it will not only discredit Lei Luo.

The sixteen captains below probably wouldn't just support him in making him emperor at sea!

"Enough! Stop talking!!"

Seeing the words of his brothers getting more and more outrageous, the big vortex spider Skuyad immediately shouted to stop!

"Lieutenant Captain Lei Luo is father's designated successor, can you discuss it?"

"I believe that Deputy Captain Lei Luo must have his reasons for doing so!"

"We have to trust Dad, and we have to trust Vice Captain Lei Luo like we trust Dad...Everyone, be ready to fight. Once the Vice Captain needs it, our Big Eddy Spider Pirates will be the first to rush up!"

"Yes!" A slightly disturbed voice sounded from behind.

After all, although after Lei Luo came, the battle between the Whitebeard Pirates and Marine began to dawn, but the death of Whitebeard still had a great impact on the morale of the group.

The big vortex spider Scuyad sighed inwardly, secretly hoping that this fellow Lei Luo would be able to withstand it.

As long as he survives this time, then Lei Luo will definitely be one of the Four Emperors!

If Lei Luo failed to negotiate in this far-reaching 'four-person meeting', or even made some unpredictable things, he would probably be ruined.

Even the Whitebeard Pirates existed in name only and fell apart.

The Whitebeard Pirates, famous in the New World, also reached a watershed between demise and rebirth.

Therefore, even if they feel uneasy now, as vassal captains, they have to stabilize their hearts first. They just hope that kid Lei Luo can stabilize this wave.

As long as they hold on to this wave, they will have no problem supporting this brat to become the Four Emperors.

at the same time.

The same scene is constantly being staged in the forty-four vassal groups under the Whitebeard Pirates.

Many of the forty-four captains, including Haixia Jinbei, met Lei Luo, the emperor's mate in Legendary for the first time. The scenes of the two living Legendaries fighting Marine are really shocking!

But the age of the other party is really too young, not to say that he is very young.

It’s just that compared to people who can have the same status as him at this stage, the age is too young, Sengoku is 76 years old, Garp is 75 years old, Kizaru is 58 years old, Akainu is 53 years old, and Aokiji is 47 years old.

Even the captains and captains of the Whitebeard Pirates, in addition to brats like Ace, many people like Marco and others are in their forties.

Among the crowd of this rank, Lei Luo is really too young.

If he can become Four Emperors, it will refresh the minimum age for Four Emperors to be enthroned.

Even at his age, the future of One Piece may not be known.

It's just that the location is too far away, and the variables that appear are too great.

At this stage, the forty-four captains of the Whitebeard Pirates are all the captains of the 16th Division.

The shock and doubt for Lei Luo are the same, but the biggest feeling is still hope, hope that Lei Luo can lead them out of the predicament and regain the glory of the past!

At least don't let this group disappear from the sea.

And on the Moby Dick, the captains of the 16th Division were silently watching the negotiation situation on the ice.

The captain of the second division, Huoquan Ace, walked around the deck anxiously: "What is the deputy captain talking about with them... I'm so anxious!"

Ace obviously didn't realize that he was the biggest fuse that triggered this war.

The captain of the 5th squadron, Foil Vista, was sitting on the side of the boat: "Ace! You have had contact with Captain Lei Luo once, what kind of person do you think he is?!"

"Although he is young, he is mature and calm as a mountain. I feel that I can't see through him at all."

Ace tried hard to remember the scene when he and Lei Luo met for the first time!

The extremely strong body is wearing a neat and capable suit, and a handmade origami White paper flower is pinned to the chest...

A very inexplicable vocabulary appeared in his mind at that time, that is "thug in a suit!"

No matter how much he pretends to be a civilized and wise man.

But there is always a roaring tyrannical temperament in his body.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for him to cultivate his weaponry to the point where he could beat Demon fruit power at such a young age.

The practice of Dao armed color is more difficult and terrifying than the development of fruit.

Otherwise, there would never be so few armed and powerful people above the sea.

This ability depends entirely on one's own arduous physical exercise and willpower.

No tricks at all.

Once there is slack, the ability of armed color will even degenerate.

So even though Lei Luo pretended to be a polite and civilized businessman, he was definitely an extremely tough person in essence.

Even his character is the same.

After all, he resisted the temptation to eat Devil Fruit and immediately become stronger.

On the contrary, it is impossible to cultivate the Armament Haki of this level without the most outstanding willpower.

So on this point, Papa Whitebeard's vision is much more accurate than that of the captains.

"However, I believe in him, and Dad also believes in him. He defeated Marine's Admiral and resisted the joint attack of Marine Marshal and hero Garp. I believe he will solve this battle

. "fight

Ace said firmly.

"Okay! Since you believe it, then we will follow him for the time being, but if there is a problem with the old man's vision, then I will not just vote for Marine!" the captain of the home team, Diamond Joz, said in a calm voice.

Ace froze for a moment, then became quiet: "You're right!"

The captain of the first team, Marko Phoenix, never left the ice surface one nautical mile away from the beginning to the end.

Looking at Deputy Captain Lei Luo standing with Garp, Sengoku, and red-haired Shanks, and then looking at the body of Whitebeard who was restrained temporarily, he felt a little complicated in his heart.

He can't control what will happen to Dad's vision, but the Whitebeard Pirates must survive.

This is where he, as the "eldest son", must check.

Lei Luo is a little younger than him, but his strength has already reached the same level as the red-haired Shanks and Marine hero Garp!

But what will be the final xinxing, he is not sure.

He only knows that if Lei Luo does not lose the prestige of the Whitebeard Pirates and ends the war, then he will support the Whitebeard Pirates to ascend the throne.

His strength has reached a huge bottleneck, and he has not improved for three years.

Always a line behind Admiral.

Just the slightest gap is enough to form a chasm-like distance.

But if... Lei Luo is with Marine?! Or finally agrees to some conditions of Marine, then he must stop him.

"No matter what your father said, you must support it. You have already waited for a long time, and there is no need to wait. At this stage, you can only go to the dark. Trust Lei Luo first.

Although Marco said so in his heart, he still had no confidence in his heart, but he still admires Lei Luo's strength now.

This scene at this stage is all brought about by Lei Luo's strong strength.

Thinking of Lei Luo's terrifying Armament Haki, Marko felt envious in his heart, he is old after all, if he has half of Lei Luo's armed color attainment.

It's not impossible to completely advance to Admiral's strength.

Looking at Lei Luo, who was in high spirits, and Shanks and others, regardless of the final result, at this moment, Marco still couldn't help feeling a little admiration for this young man.

On the top of the giant tiger-headed Sea Kings separated by a line from the Moby Dick, Floyd the Frankenstein and the two ghosts who knocked the door did not say a word. Floyd silently stared at the ice in the distance, keeping an eye on the situation Variety;

And Ajin and Rudolph squinted their eyes and fell asleep, using a faster way to recover the previously consumed physical strength, because the old dog Lei Luo may need them at any time!

At the same time that Marine, Lei Luo, and Hongfa were meeting, the deep sea prison thousands of miles away, the waters near Impel down!

The warship that disappeared from the battlefield is slowly heading towards Impel down!

On the bow of the warship, Blackbeard Marshall · D · Teach and shadow Mage Gekko Moria are standing on the deck with 4.2 big thorns. Behind them, there is a ship full of Marine soldiers;

If you take a closer look, you will find that these Marine soldiers are covered with a dull color, as if they have not been exposed to the sun for a long time, and their complexion looks extremely unhealthy... and everyone has A humble stitched scar!

"Impel down is coming soon! I hope your plan doesn't go wrong, otherwise neither of us will be able to escape, and we will both die!"

"The Warden Magellan is of Admiral level strength!"

Gekko Moria said with some anxiety.

If the Thriller barque hadn't been blown up by the Straw Hat Boys, he wouldn't be bewitched by Blackbeard to come to Impel down to break the prison or something... that's crazy!

"Thief hahaha..."

The Blackbeard thief laughed, the fat on his stomach and face shaking out layers of waves: "Don't worry! Do as I say, as long as your zombie is fine, nothing will go wrong this time


Yes, strictly speaking, the soldiers on this ship are not living people, but zombies, who were killed by Moria and replaced by shadow-controlled zombies!

Zombies are more obedient than living people, absolutely obey the orders of the controller, and they are not afraid of death, and they will not hurt. There is nothing more suitable cannon fodder than these zombie soldiers to rob prison from the poisonous warden Magellan. !

Now more than 90% of Marine's forces are concentrated on the frontal battlefield with Whitebeard, and the remaining 10% must guard the various branches and Marineford's Marine headquarters. The defenses everywhere are unprecedentedly empty;

There will never be a more suitable opportunity to rob prison than now!

Participating in Marine's extermination war against Whitebeard pirates this time, what he plans is not only Whitebeard's Shock Fruit, but also the heinous criminals on the sixth floor in the deepest part of Impel down

The sixth floor of Impel down, the deep sea prison, only detains the most vicious people, many of whom are silver medalists and bronze medalists who were defeated in the old days against Pirate King Roger and Father Whitebeard;

If these people can be gathered under the command, whether it is the life of Lei Luo, the life of Ace, the destruction of the Whitebeard Pirates, the position of the Four Emperors or even the strongest in the world, they will all be at your fingertips!

It was originally planned to capture Ace, the pirate king Roger's evil blood, and exchange it with Marine...... I didn't expect that guy Akainu to be so useless, he couldn't even deal with a seriously injured Lei Luo;

"Lei Luo... next time you see me, will you not be so lucky?"

"Even this time if you get seriously injured by Garp and Sengoku, it will be your death..."

"Once there is any news, I will go to you personally"

A savage look appeared on Blackbeard's stubbled face.

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