Grand Line: My Armed Color Can Turn Into A Natural Disaster

Chapter 90: The Unbelievable Plague Quinn! ! (Please Subscribe!)

The wind and clouds were surging above the sky, and soon it began to rain, layers of mist appeared on the sea surface, and the end where the sea and sky met, the visibility continued to decrease.

Going to the deck of the Brachiosaurus, looking at the white banner hanging high on the island in the distance, Plague Quinn's face changed suddenly!

"Is there an ambush?"

"Impossible! My calculations cannot be wrong!"

There was a deep shadow in Quinn's eyes, he is not the kind of Jack the Drough who climbed to the position of the Three Plagues by muscle and brute force;

As one of the three big kanbans of Beasts Pirates, he not only has the brute force beyond Jack the Drough, but also the inventor of dangerous mechanical weapons and germs is his true face!

He has ravaged many marine warriors who were enemies of the Beasts Pirates with his advanced poison-making chemical technology.

His strong strategic mind and ability to command troops are the most terrifying aspects of him. It is precisely because of this that he became Governor Kaido's pre-tent military adviser and firmly sat in the position of the Three Disasters!

Therefore, his calculation can never be wrong!

When he first saw the blank picture, Quinn was indeed taken aback.

But calm down and think about it, heh, it’s just a plan to retreat from the enemy with an empty city!

Whitebeard no longer exists, so how can Lei Luo, a kid in his twenties, shock Whitebeard's sons?

The current Lei Luo should be overwhelmed and exhausted, struggling to mediate between the fifteen captains and the more than forty former captains of the vassal regiment!

And his White Paper Flower Merchant Association used to bloom all over the world, and now it is scattered all over the territorial waters of the Red and White families, with powerful intelligence gathering capabilities;

As expected, this guy should have received the news that De Reiss Rosa was attacked, and knew that he was sweeping up the various locations of the White Paper Flower Chamber of Commerce, but this guy has no skills at all.

There is no way to get out a horse to deal with it, so we can only use this kind of psychological warfare tricks.

"Do you want to scare off Laozi?"

"Hahahaha... Lei Luo, ah Lei Luo, you are nothing more than that, you are too young!"

All kinds of thoughts flashed by, and Quinn was sure that the scene in front of him was just Lei Luo's poor strategy, and at the same time, an unknown fire burst out from the bottom of his heart.

"Fire the plague bombs and raze the island to Laozi!!"


Before the words fell, the earth-shattering sound of the cannon boomed, the barrel of the cannon was scorching hot, and tongues of fire were spewing out, and the hot cannonballs dragged a green smoke tail in mid-air, "Every ten cannonballs are filled with poison!!

This is his proud work of Plague Quinn, a representative work, which made his name of Plague!

Once the plague breaks out, it will kill thousands of miles, not a single blade of grass will grow, and everything will perish!


When the plague bomb landed, there was a violent sound like a mountain shaking. The soil where it landed quickly collapsed, the green poison spread in the wind, and the trees and grass withered quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye!

"Boom! Boom! Boom..."

The cannons rang out, and the entire Nagar Island was shrouded in a layer of poisonous green mist!


Quinn laughed wildly, the fat on his face was extremely distorted!

"Little ones!"


The high-pitched and wild roars of the givers and those on standby responded to Quinn's call.

"Leave the boat there, land on the island, leave no one behind!!"


Everyone wore gas masks in unison.

Moving forward, the Brachiosaurus speeded up suddenly, as if it had turned into a giant assault boat. In just a few minutes, it crashed into the pier of Nagar Island in an extremely brutal manner.

"Kill! Not one left!"

"Eradicate the White Paper Flower Chamber of Commerce!"

The givers with a strong body rushed forward first, followed by those on standby, roaring and rushing to kill!

Standing on the bow of the boat, Quinn looked at the huge white banner on the high tower building in the center of the island. The contempt in his eyes was undisguised, and he sneered, "Quin died here? Hehe......

"Which base of the White Paper Flower Chamber of Commerce should I go to sweep next?"

Quinn took out the sea chart, and gesticulated with his fat fingers on the chart!

However, the next moment, a voice of astonishment and surprise interrupted Quinn's thoughts: "Master Quinn, there is no one on the island!!"


Quinn raised his head abruptly, the small eyeballs almost protruding from the triangle sunglasses, his complexion changed slightly, as if he smelled a dangerous smell with his keen intuition as a conductor.

"Master Quinn, there is no one on the island, and there are obvious signs of retreat in the buildings and strongholds!!"

In just a few short breaths, the subordinates who returned from the island came to report!

"It's not good... I was calculated!!"

"There is no one on the island, and Bailian Gaohang led me to the island...... If you reason with this momentum, you may have already fallen into the encirclement set by the other party in advance!"

Quinn, who had a strategic and tactical mind, realized this instantly.

But it's not right, Lei Luo should be at his wits' end at this time, there is no way he has any remaining soldiers to ambush him, except... ah!

Quinn suddenly thought of something, and suddenly felt a chill in his heart!

Did he think wrongly from the beginning?

That kid Lei Luo has already integrated the various forces under Whitebeard's command, and subdued Whitebeard's old gang?

Only then can he have enough troops to do these things!

At the same time, two teams returned from the island came to report: "Lord Quinn, there is no one on the island, and all supplies have been withdrawn!"

"Master Quinn, the buildings deep in the island are filled with plagues written in scarlet letters. Quinn died here..."


Quinn slammed his fist heavily on the side of the ship, causing fine cracks to appear on the solid side of the ship.

"Withdraw! Get out of here!"

Quinn gave the order without any hesitation, but the panicked voice of the lookout on the ship also sounded urgently: "Master Quinn, look... look over there!!"

Quinn looked in the direction of the watchman's finger, damn it...!

In the distance where the sea and the sky meet, dozens of pirate ships rushed out, broke through the thick fog, and came through the wind. The leader was the Black Jewel driven by Floyd, and a huge video phone was placed on the deck. Worm, from the moment he received Lei Luo's order, Floy rushed to this sea area as fast as he could.

He designed and manufactured the jet propulsion device on the Black Gem, and he will drive this ship faster than others!

Taking advantage of the time when Plague Quinn had not yet arrived, Floy modified the main gun of the Black Gem;

Launching high-purity dry ice-like substances to rain and fog this sea area is a trivial matter for a scientific worker like him who is crazy and enthusiastic and has super hands-on skills.

The climate change in New World is already complicated and treacherous. If you secretly do something, such as rain or fog, the other party will not be able to detect it, but this fog will become the biggest protective color for Boss Lei Luo and the others to surround Plague Quinn.

As a capable subordinate, one should always think of the boss and share his worries... This is Floy's only non-scientific motto.

Lei Luo sits firmly on the throne, watching the pirates under his command complete the encirclement of the entire Nagar Island!

"Quinn, I took your life away, Kaido can't even keep you! I said it!!"

Lei Luo exhaled and opened his voice, a thunderous and deep voice resounded through the entire sea!


Fifteen captains, forty-four captains of vassal regiments, and more than 30,000 pirates shouting and roaring in a dense crowd, the roar of mountains and tsunami is frightening!

On the island, Quinn's givers and waiters froze in an instant, their legs trembled, their faces were pale, and they couldn't see any blood;

The entire Brachiosaurus has only about a hundred people...more than one hundred against more than 30,000, such a disparity, no, the result of crushing the gap in troops can be imagined, it is dead!!

This image is so impactful!

And everyone on the Quinn boat saw this weird and shocking scene at the moment. On the surrounding sea area, Lei Luo sat alone on top of the huge Sea Kings, full of Haki!

There are countless captains from the Whitebeard Pirates around, and the captains of the sub-groups are all sitting on the huge mast, complimenting Lei Luo who sits high on the head of the Sea Kings.


"This is absolutely impossible?!"

Quinn looked at this scene in disbelief at the moment, and he stared at everyone on the surrounding warships in disbelief...It all stimulated his nerves so much!

He couldn't believe such a thing!

One after another, the pirates from the Beasts Pirates re-boarded their warships. When they saw the shocking roar of the densely packed 30,000 pirates, they couldn't help but gasp in their hearts.

Eyes full of fear!

Even Quinn can't believe that Lei Luo has subdued the entire Whitebeard Pirates in just two days, and can quickly integrate forces to surround him?!

Does he not need time?!

Wasn't it necessary to deal with Whitebeard's death after being attacked by the entire Marine army? (aeed)!

How does he have time to arrange all this on this island?!

Shouldn't the Whitebeard Pirates be in chaos now?!

Shouldn't Lei Luo be seriously injured and overworked?!

Everything is different from what he thought, what is going on now?!

But Quinn, worthy of being one of the three big kanbans of the Pirates of Beasts, the plague who is best at brains and strategies, quickly calmed down after a short shock.

"Lei Luo, you are indeed extraordinary, but I'm afraid you still have the power now?!"

"If you are disabled, these guys will definitely attack you!"

"—It's just helping stinky fish and rotten shrimp, and you still want to keep me, Quinn?"

In terms of military strength, he is at an absolute disadvantage, but in terms of firepower, the plague bombs loaded on the Brachiosaurus are enough to destroy a small country!

Regardless of the large number of people in Lei Luo, if you use plague bombs to cover them with single-directional firepower, the poison of Shangde will soon tear a big hole in the encirclement!

His reputation as a plague is not in vain!


Quinn slapped one of the subordinates beside him on the head: "Don't panic! Go back to the ship, open all the muzzles, load all the plague bombs, and meet the enemy!"

These words seemed to have magical powers, and the givers and those on standby came back to their senses!


That's right, why panic, under the firepower of the plague bombs, let alone more than 30,000 people, even a small country will be destroyed in the pervasive poison!

The firepower of the Forward Brachiosaurus cannot be calculated with common sense at all.

The people who were originally scattered on the island quickly retreated to the ship, the Brachiosaurus started again, the sails accelerated, and it broke into the encirclement directly, and at the same time pulled Lei Luo's fleet into the range of his artillery fire.

"Kang ku ku ku ku..."

On both sides of the Brachiosaurus, black muzzles continued to protrude. For a moment, the Brachiosaurus seemed to be transformed into a giant hedgehog, waiting for Quinn's order to launch a heavy artillery attack at any time.

Quinn on the deck stared at Lei Luo on the opposite throne, and said with a distorted smile: "Lei Luo! Heh, Laozi was looking for you, but you came to the door by yourself and took my life? Hahaha

"Boy, Laozi will teach you a lesson. On the battlefield, superiority in military force is not equal to absolute superiority!!"

Quinn grinned grimly, and issued an offensive order brazenly: "The frontal main gun, the auxiliary fire!"

Commanding operations is skillful, especially artillery fire commanding;

It’s not a matter of hitting the cannonballs all at once to win the game. At different times and in different strategic positions, different cannons are used.

Fire, this is the value of the whole ship fully loaded with firepower!

First use the frontal firepower to tear open a hole, and then drive straight in. Once deep into the enemy's encirclement net, directly use the firepower from the left and right sides of the ship to salvo, and the firepower from the stern

Can be used to block pursuers;

If all goes well, a quarter of Lei Luo's men can be quickly wiped out with just one attack, and at the same time, the encirclement will be completely torn apart!

"Boom! Boom, boom..."

The hot and poisonous cannonballs shot out from the fiery cannons are about to fall on the pirate ships on Lei Luo's side!

Lei Luo is still sitting firmly on the throne, the corner of his mouth twitched: Ace!"

With his current strength, dealing with Plague Quinn can be as direct and strong as dealing with Jack the Drough;

But today is different, he is now the king of the White Paper Flower Pirates, the king must have the posture of a king, the captain has something to do, and the crew will do their best.

Fire Fist Ace stomped his feet fiercely and flew into the air: "Mirror Flame!"

Ace, who jumped into the air, sprayed out a large amount of hot flames with one arm, and instantly built a wall of fire that covered the sky to stop all the plague bombs.

The corner of Plague Quinn's mouth twitched into a sly sneer, if the plague bullets were so easy to block, then it wouldn't be the scientific product that Plague Quinn was proud of!


The moment the plague bomb touched the flames, it exploded directly, and a large amount of green poisonous mist poured down, like a huge cover that was continuously pressed down, directly buckling the Lei Luo fleet.

over the sky.


Plague Quinn laughed exaggeratedly and funnyly, with such a huge coverage area, it seems that this battle will end faster than expected!

Looking at the miserable green poisonous mist all over the sky, everyone on Lei Luo's side panicked a little. The overwhelming green poisonous mist was really depressing.

Suddenly, a tyrannical aura as stable as a mountain spread out!

Everyone looked up and saw that Lei Luo was neither in a hurry nor in a panic, sitting on the throne in a bold and grandiose manner, with an indifferent expression as if the mountain collapsed in front of him and would not change;

With just one glance, the hearts of all the pirates are determined, and everyone has a common belief in their hearts. Captain Lei Luo is so calm, there must be a way to deal with these poisonous smogs!!


Lei Luo called out indifferently!


With a sharp scream, Marco, who was wrapped in azure blue flames, turned into a huge phoenix with wings stretching ten feet, fluttering into the air: "Stop being arrogant, Quinn!!"

The voice sounded, Marco's azure blue wings waved fiercely, just for a moment, a tornado storm seemed to be set off over the fleet, and the green poisonous fog rushed towards Quinn's Brachiosaurus

spill down.

Quinn's expression froze, Marco?

No wonder!

Even Marko, the captain of the first team, joined Lei Luo. With the help of this "eldest son", Lei Luo was able to subdue sixteen teams and more than forty subordinate groups so quickly.

"Use seastone bullets to push him back, and bring out the special plague cannon!"

As soon as Quinn gave the order, the crew immediately rushed out and fired at Marco in mid-air with a blunderbuss loaded with seastone bullets.

At the same time, the deck of the Brachiosaurus was opened, and a huge heavy cannon with a width of more than two meters and a length of more than ten meters slowly rose up. The caliber of the muzzle alone was a full meter.

Quinn took a deep breath on the cigar, and the lit cigar poked at the heavy gun's belief: "This gun, how do you resist, Lei Luo!!"


The thunderous cannons shook the sky, and even the advancing Brachiosaurus retreated more than a hundred meters due to the strong recoil!

The extra-large plague bomb with a diameter of one meter came over with an unparalleled force, and the eyes of the pirates quickly enlarged, and almost everyone was sweating. Such a big shot

Cannonballs are poisonous, and once they explode, the consequences will be disastrous. How will Captain Lei Luo deal with them?

In the next moment, Lei Luo finally got up from the throne, slowly came to the bow of the boat, raised one arm...

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