Grand Line: My Armed Color Can Turn Into A Natural Disaster

Chapter 92: Bullet, A Stronger Armed Color Than Lei Luo? (Please Subscribe!)

Plague Quinn's face changed instantly!

The huge and thick dragon tail hit Lei Luo without any suspense, however, Lei Luo who was hit remained motionless like an ancient mountain!

"How can it be?!"

"Captain Lei Luo is invincible!!"

Two completely different voices spread in both camps.

Quinn's pupils under the triangular sunglasses trembled violently, and the face that turned into a dragon head was full of astonishment, covering Emission Haki, and the tail-flicking blow with all his strength [couldn't shake this at all.


What's even more incredible is that he could clearly feel that the moment the Emission Haki that burst out from him touched Lei Luo... was shaken away!

"How strong is this guy's armed color? This kind of defense is not much worse than the dragon scales of Governor Kaido when he turned into a dragon..."

In the next moment, the astonishment and shock on Quinn's face suddenly turned into incomparable panic, because when he was about to pull back the dragon's tail, he suddenly found...his tail was held in Lei Luo's hand, as if It's like being clamped by an iron pliers, no matter how hard you try, you can't pull it back.

What's more terrible is that he can clearly feel a scalding heat constantly invading his body from the tail!


Quinn pulled the dragon's tail more and more desperately, but the dragon's tail remained motionless.

Immediately afterwards, Lei Luo took a deep breath, and the bicep of his left arm swelled up like an inflated balloon, tempering Ultimate's body with an astonishing force, and the arm swung back violently. Pulling, turning into a brachiosaurus and half-orc, with a neck that is more than ten meters long, the extremely huge Quinn lost his balance in an instant, and was pulled and dragged here without any power to resist!

At the same time, Lei Luo's right arm also turned into the color of a red-hot iron, and the surrounding air was distorted by the billowing heat. Facing Quinn, who was being dragged and bumped over, he punched fiercely. fist!!

Emission is the shape, hot fist is the god, and the fiery fist force instantly invaded Quinn's body.

Lei Luo let go of his left hand at the same time, and the powerful force of the fist directly blasted Quinn's huge body, directly hitting the advancing "Two Four Three" Brachiosaurus, breaking the brachiosaurus sculpture on the bow , also broke the three thick masts on the ship, the sails, and the pirate flag fell down!

"Lord Quinn!!"

"Master Quinn, are you okay!!"

The Givers and Standbys on the Advance Brachiosaurus suddenly became a mess and surrounded Quinn one after another.

Quinn, who fell on the deck, was so uncomfortable that he kept twisting his huge body, causing the Brachiosaurus to shake violently.


Quinn's face was pale, and the severe pain instantly covered his forehead and back with dense beads of sweat. There was a surge in his abdomen, and a mouthful of blood with hot temperature poured out uncontrollably.


"What the hell is this.....It feels like my internal organs are going to be burned!!"

Quinn tried to mobilize the Haki in his body to suppress this strange heat, but suddenly found that the Haki in his body could no longer be gathered, and this strange heat had already burned his meridians, making it impossible for Qi and blood to circulate smoothly!

And it is still eroding his body constantly!

"Move, move, move..."

Quinn struggled constantly, wanting to stand up again, because he knew very well that if he continued to maintain this helpless look, he would soon die in Lei Luo's hands.

However, no matter how hard he struggled, that huge body was still unable to stand up again;

The scorching temperature continued to destroy everything in his body, and the strong physical fitness and recovery ability of the ancient Zoan Demon fruit power were completely useless in the face of this strange scorching force.

Until this time, everyone in the Baixihua Pirates is not in the King of Stupid Gods!

"Long live the captain!"


I don't know who yelled first, and cheers resounded like a tsunami resounded through the entire sea!

Team Captain Marco's eyes trembled: "Plague Quinn lost? Lost so easily?"

As the first group of people who followed Whitebeard back then, Marco had been to Wanokuni, and had fought against three big Kanbans more than once. How powerful Plague Quinn is, "he couldn't be more clear!

Even without counting his strange weapons, just relying on the ancient brachiosaurus fruit alone, Quinn's strength is at the quasi-Admiral level.

He was defeated by Captain Lei Luo so easily?

Sure enough... I felt right at the meeting before, Captain Lei Luo's strength has made a breakthrough again, and it is still a qualitative leap!

Thinking of this, Marco felt more at ease;

Dad's vision is very accurate, following such a strong and knowledgeable captain, the brothers' life will be better and better!

Ace's fists are clenched tightly, looking at Lei Luo, his eyes are full of small stars, just like a little fan looking at a big idol, the captain is getting more and more powerful, I have to catch up !

"One day, I will stand beside the captain like Akin and Rudolph!"

The expressions on the faces of the captains of the vassal regiments such as Scuyard, Doma, and Whitebey were even more exciting, and they took the lead in shouting and cheering for a long time!

With a flick of Lei Luo's arm, the bulging muscles instantly reset, and the arm that looked like a red-hot soldering iron also returned to its original appearance;

Then take a leap and jump straight back on top of the giant tiger-headed Poseidon!

Lei Luo made a silent gesture, and all the pirates fell silent instantly!

Lei Luo pointed to the advancing Brachiosaurus in the distance: "Little ones!"


"Chop off their heads, because I will sacrifice the flag of the white paper flower pirates!"


Just for a moment, the pirates flocked to Quinn's pirate ship like a wave of Wuyang Wuyang.

"Damn! Organize defense..."


The voice of the little boss on the boat had just rang out, and the knife flashed, and the head had already landed on the ground!

The mermaids and murlocs of the Sun Pirates led by Jinbei relied on their racial superiority, rushed to the Brachiosaurus at the fastest speed, and started to exterminate them!

Cutting with knives and axes, shelling and shooting quickly broke through the last line of defense of the Brachiosaurus.

Seeing that the situation was not right, Quinn struggled desperately, relying on the huge figure of a brachiosaurus and half-orc to shake the ship, trying to shake the rushing pirates down and do the final needle stick.

"Lei Luo!!"

"You dare to touch me, Governor Kaido will never let you go!!"

"You're defying the entire Beasts Pirates by doing this"

"Mermaid Karate Wu Laiguan!"

However, Hai Xia Jinbei did not give him such an opportunity, as the original Seven Warlords of the Sea, he is already extremely powerful!

What's more, Jinbei didn't make a move from the beginning to the end of this battle, and he was in full condition. Against Quinn, who was beaten to death by Lei Luo and almost completely lost his combat power, there was no suspense about the outcome of life or death!

The fat figure of Blue quickly rushed to the struggling Quinn, the mermaid karate started, and the fatal blow was blatantly delivered!

The fatal blow left a deep dent in Quinn's chest!

Quinn's constantly struggling body came to an abrupt stop, a pair of small round eyes bulged out unconcernedly, as if they were about to squeeze the triangular glasses to burst out, and the light in the pupils in his eyes dimmed rapidly until he completely lost his spirit!

The huge Brachiosaurus body gradually retracted, returning to Quinn's normal size of three meters wide and three meters high.

Received the sharp blade from the vice-captain of the Sun Pirates, Mermaid Aladdin, raised the blade and dropped it, clang~!

The sound of gold and iron clashing came, Jinbei was taken aback for a moment, unexpectedly circled?

Armament Haki covered the blade and slashed down fiercely, finally beheading Quinn's head.

But the next second, Jinbei was stunned, the guy's neck turned out to be mechanical metal... No wonder it's so hard!

His eyes fell on Quinn's fat headless body, Jinbei's face changed again, my God, this guy actually has a black gun barrel hidden in his throat!!

Jinbei immediately understood how Quinn shot the bullet from his mouth before. Driven by curiosity, everyone cut Quinn's stomach with a knife... Bang Dang!

The knife in Jinbei's hand slipped to the deck, and Aladdin and others behind him were all stunned!

"Reform people?"

There are not only organs in Quinn's stomach, but also a large amount of mechanical metal. Quinn's fat body is not fat at all, but there are too many things in his stomach!

But now, those mechanical metals have all been melted and deformed, and their prototypes can only be vaguely recognized as powerful weapons. Jinbei unconsciously remembered that when Lei Luo punched out at the end, his arm turned the color of a red-hot soldering iron scene.

"Could it be that the metal melted because of that punch from Captain Lei Luo?"


It is obviously not Demon fruit power, but it can hit this kind of extremely destructive high-temperature hot punch...... Is this really what pure Armament Haki can do?!

Jinbei didn't know what was going on, and he became more and more in awe of Lei Luo, the new captain.

Not long after, the eradication of the Brachiosaurus was completed, and several plague bombs, several weapons development instruments, several semi-finished weapons, a copy of the relevant information notes of the reformer, and three cans of White's unknown pasty substance sealed in liquid nitrogen were found. .....SMILE man-made Devil Fruit more than 8000 pieces!

Looking at the 8,000 pieces of SMILE man-made Devil Fruit packaged into a box, Lei Luo's eyes flashed a icy coldness, De Reiss Rosa's place was indeed swept by the bastard Quinn!!

Immediately ordered Frankenstein Floyd to drive the entire Brachiosaurus back to Nessus Island where the headquarters of the White Paper Flower Chamber of Commerce is located!

Floy's eyes were full of enthusiasm and frantic request to Lei Luo to give him the right to study these things, and Lei Luo readily agreed.

A few minutes later, on the nearby Nagar Island, including Plague Quinn, one hundred and twenty-one heads were neatly stacked under the pirate flag of the White Paper Flower Pirates.

Lei Luo stood under the flag: "Today, take these one hundred and twenty one dog heads to sacrifice to the flag, and I hope all brothers remember that anyone who dares to offend my white paper flower will be punished for the crime!"

"Even if you are far away, you will be punished, even if you are strong, you will be punished, and if you come, you will be punished!"

The sonorous and powerful voice instantly ignited the blood of more than 30,000 pirates present, and the neat and tidy shouts of mountains and tsunamis resounded throughout the entire island and the entire sea!

"Even if you are far away, you will be punished, even if you are strong, you will be punished, and if you come, you will be punished!"

"Even if you are far away, you will be punished, even if you are strong, you will be punished, and if you come, you will be punished!"

"Even if you are far away, you will be punished, even if you are strong, you will be punished, and if you come, you will be punished!"

Lei Luo waved his hand to signal for everyone to be quiet, and then lectured: "Wolves travel thousands of miles to eat meat, dogs travel thousands of miles to eat shit! Dogs eat shit because they don't have a temper, and wolves eat meat because they have a temper!"

"What does it mean to have a temper?"

"Having a temper means that we don't cause trouble, but we are not afraid of trouble!"

"If you dare to come to our white paper flowers to cause trouble, we will pay back a thousand times! Until no one dares to break ground on our heads!"

Listening to Lei Luo's lecture, more than 30,000 pirates were excited: "Go back!"

"Go back!"

"Go back!"

"Marco!" Lei Luo shouted back.


The captain of the first team, Phoenix Marco, stepped out...

Lei Luo pointed to the 121 heads on the ground, and asked Floyd to take out the video phone bug that recorded the entire battle: "Send these heads and this video to He Zhi



Ke agreed without hesitation, and Quinn went straight to their territory of the White Paper Flower Pirates, so how can it be okay if you don't give Kaido a little gift?

Whitebeard of yesteryear, whitebeard of today, never afraid of anyone, any trouble, any challenge!

Lei Luo then said: "Two things!"

"First, today all of our White Paper Flower Pirates are dispatched to wipe out the invading enemies. All will be rewarded, and the whole group will have a banquet for three days!"


The pirates responded very positively. After all, for pirates, a banquet with endless wine and delicious food is the greatest joy of a pirate life.

"Second, release the news that this seat is officially enthroned and proclaims the emperor, and we only have to wait for the court from all directions! All pirates who want to protect them can join this seat!"


"From now on, I want the White Paper Flower Pirates. The sky cannot be suppressed, the earth cannot be stopped, and the reputation will spread far and wide! I am the only one in the sky and the earth!!"

After Lei Luo finished speaking, the emotions of the pirates at the scene reached their peak!

"Swear allegiance to Captain Lei Luo!"

"Sworn to Captain Lei Luo!!"

"I pledge my allegiance to Captain Lei Luo!!!"

The sound of the mountain and the tsunami shook the sea and the sky, and people's hearts and morale were boosted to unprecedented heights!

Meanwhile, thousands of miles away on the Calm Belt.

The sixth floor of Impel down deep-sea prison, Eternal Hell, also known as "Seamless Hell", means that there is no gap, no luck, and no possibility of escape!

Those who are imprisoned here are the most terrifying criminals above the sea!

Warden Magellan looked down in disbelief, and saw a blood-stained blade, Demon Sword Village Rain?!

The sharp blade pierces from the back, pierces the chest, penetrates and



Magellan's cowbell-like eyes were round and round, and he turned around with difficulty. Sure enough, the familiar face with a thick cigar in his mouth came into view.

"Hun Dan, you are the deputy warden here..."


Shiryu of the Rain pulled out the beloved knife that pierced Magellan's chest, and clear water flowed out from the blade to clean the blood on the knife: "Sorry Magellan, Laozi is tired of waiting for this place.


Then, Shiryu said with some emotion: "Actually, if you are not sure to enter the sixth floor, I probably will not make up my mind to do so!"

Magellan was stabbed in the vitals with a knife, and his consciousness became further and further away. He said with difficulty: "You killed the criminal without reason, and you committed a crime..."


Shiryu of the Rain spat on cigar residue: "Did you know that the most important thing about Laozi is that you read the old-fashioned seriousness!"

"Thief hahahaha, Shiryu, stop talking nonsense with that guy! Key, key, I'm going to choose our companion!"

After taking the antidote, the Blackbeard thief who came back to life soon laughed and said, standing next to him was his chosen vice-captain, Gekko Moria.

Shiryu of the Rain threw out the key: "Remind you, the guys who can be locked here are not good people!"

Blackbeard took the key and shouted directly in the passage of the cell: "Want to be my companion, swear allegiance to me, and you will be free immediately!"

Saying this 1.2, Blackbeard's gaze casts veiledly on the few people he had spotted early in the morning.

"Let me out, I pledge my allegiance to you!!"

"As long as I can regain my freedom, it doesn't matter who I pledge my allegiance to! Let me out!"

The sixth-floor prison suddenly boiled over, and countless criminals kept roaring and beating on the prison door.

"Wooooow..." With his arms broken and his tongue cut off, Doflamingo, who was imprisoned here as a cripple, could only make a whining sound. In this noisy environment

It is impossible to be heard in the middle.

"It's better to stay here for the rest of your life than to work for a guy like you, get out of here, and don't get in the eyes of the uncle, the despicable lurker on the Whitebeard ship!" A sonorous voice

A thick, but cold and brutal voice suddenly came.

Before the voice fell, the entire sixth-floor prison fell into a deathly silence, obviously extremely afraid of the owner of the voice!

Hearing this voice, Blackbeard's body trembled involuntarily, as if he had encountered a natural enemy.

Walking along the sound, it was a prison with almost no gaps, the gate posts were as thick as a millstone, and the sound came from here.

"Let you go, didn't you hear? Or, you want to try my uncle's Conqueror's!"

The incomparably powerful aura rushed towards Blackbeard through the solid prison door!


In just an instant, Blackbeard Marshall · D · Teach flew out backwards and hit the corridor wall heavily.

But no one expected that Blackbeard, who had been taught a lesson, stood up with a smile all over his face, and let out a strange and indistinct laugh: "The thief hahahaha..."

"Long time no see, Devil Scion Douglas Bullet!!"

There was no sound from the cell opposite.

Blackbeard was not embarrassed, and said to himself: "There is a guy named Lei Luo, who is not afraid of Conqueror's Haki! Armament Haki is even more on par with you, and he is interested in challenging


"I'll give you back your freedom, how about you help me kill him?"

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