The black ghost on the nose of the plane!

It's the guy who attacked Wang Ya and the others at the KTV last time!

4V1, the Black Widow trio can completely handle it. I feel like I don’t have to worry too much, but I want to find where the main body of the aircraft’s nose is.

The three Black Widows stared at the sudden appearance of the plane and frowned.。

“Which senior is it? Please don't get in the way of our mission. otherwise……”

As soon as the short-haired girl finished speaking, the aircraft head moved its neck. Seeing this, the three of them narrowed their eyes: "Are you not giving me face?" In an instant,

three black ghosts attacked the aircraft head. The IBM of the three black widows also had their characteristics. , that is, the hands and claws are the same.

Three black widows attacked the nose of the aircraft at the same time, but the next moment, Wang Ya, who was about to find the main body, was slightly startled.

The first one to pounce was immediately caught and thrown back in a spin.

The two clones smashed into each other and were almost knocked apart. The third black widow crawled on all fours like a spider and swept away quickly.

The plane's nose jumped, just in time to open the black widow's sharp claws.。


The next moment, Black Widow was grabbed and torn into black mist with a roar.

Through the clone, Wang Ya watched in shock as the nose of the plane directly hit the trio.

This guy... is stronger than I thought!

After knocking down the clones of the Black Widow trio, the aircraft head did something that surprised Wang Ya.

He roared and rushed forward, biting one of the clones without letting go.

The short-haired girl in the lead showed horror when she saw her clone being bitten: "This absorbing the energy of my clone.。”

“Run! "

The three people immediately turned around and ran away, but the beast-like aircraft head did not intend to let the three of them go.

After absorbing the three clones, the aircraft head ran like a wild horse and crashed into the police station's office. , all kinds of documents were hit and flew all over the sky.

Like a greedy beast, the plane's head swooped down and knocked down the girl with a single ponytail at the back, and bit it down in one bite!

“ah! ! ! "

Wang Ya can clearly see that the nose of the plane is absorbing the black energy from the demi-human!

This guy is forcibly maintaining his existence by absorbing the black energy.

After absorbing the black energy of the first demi-human, the nose of the plane is The body also swelled, and the limbs hit the ground with a loud noise.

The police officers in the police station looked at the strange scene in front of them in horror.

The three black widows who had just rushed into the police station in a brash manner, Being chased by an invisible thing.

The police could see the black footprints on the ground, but they could not see the invisible beast.

They could only watch the three black widows being bitten to death on the ground, but He was motionless and did not dare to make any sound. He even stopped breathing.

Everything happened too fast. From opening the door to fighting, it was less than 30 seconds! The

black ghost sucking the black energy of the demi-humans...

Cold sweat broke out on Wang Ya's forehead.

This time The head of the plane suddenly turned its head and looked at the handless Wang Ya clone.

It opened its empty mouth, and black air rolled in its mouth: "The handless... clone, ha... ha... ha...……”

Weird...very weird laughter, the kind of mechanical laughter without emotion.

At this moment, Wang Ya's clone raised his head and said in a mechanical voice that was agreed to be very unpleasant: "You can die because of your laughter."。”

“No hands, ha...ha……”

Before the plane head finished laughing, Wang Ya's clone, who was like a human stick, walked up to the plane head.

After the two sides were silent for 3 seconds,……

“roll! "

Wang Ya's clone took out two double guns and sprayed them into the face of the aircraft head!

Only then did Wang Ya know that what his clone was holding was not a pistol, but two short-barreled shotguns.

When the captain of the Black Widow struggled When she got up from the pool of blood, she couldn't help but take a breath.

Where was the aircraft head?

The aircraft head's head... was blown to pieces by Wang Ya's clone!

And all of this was not controlled by Wang Ya. , but the clone decided based on Wang Ya's character and instinct.

Seeing his clone blasting the head of the aircraft head into airplane slag extremely domineeringly, Wang Ya grinned: "It's just that, hiding garbage, Why don't you come out and play with me? "

The weakness of the clone is the head. Wang Ya's clone instantly blasted the nose of the plane into pieces. The plane's nose, which was originally 1v3, turned into a black air without even the ability to resist. Seeing the black air that was about to disperse, Wang Ya's

clone Immediately lie down on the ground and suck up the black air.

Wang Ya can feel that this can maintain the existence of the black ghost for a longer time.

After killing the nose of the plane, the clone quickly returned to a handless state. It is simply insignificant and does not let the enemy see it. ·The appearance of the weapon. Even Wang Ya, who is the main body, didn’t know until he saw the clone shooting.

His clone is so good at playing! It’s interesting, it’s really interesting!

When he saw Wang Ya’s IBM, Captain Black Widow was quite shocked.。

“IBM with a gun? This...does this really exist? "

It's not that she is ignorant, but Wang Ya's special attribute is too rare. Others are fighting in close quarters, and Wang Ya is also fighting in close quarters, but...his clone actually carries two short barrels for close combat. Troll.

This shocked the short-haired girl who was a sophomore in high school.

She originally thought that Wang Ya's IBM was a handicapped product, but... is this clone really what a first-year student should have?

At this time, Wang Ya Pressing the headset: "Senior, how are your injuries?”

“I...we were so weak that we couldn't move. "

The energy of the short-haired girl was sucked away by the nose of the plane.

But Wang Ya said: "Please press the speaker。”

“OK "

When the short-haired girl pressed the speaker, Wang Ya suddenly said: "Don't give the energy back to them, kill them!”

“Well? "

The three people in the Black Widow team were suddenly confused. This... why would Wang Ya...

But the next scene made the three of them feel that their brains were not strong enough.

Wang Ya's clone came over and closed their eyes as the three of them closed their eyes. , prepare to accept death……

“Why...listen to you, I want them. "

The clone separated part of the black energy and let the three people absorb it, and the three people also recovered their ability to move.

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