Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1000: Neutral pig raising

   Chaos area, this is a concept Xu Zhi learned from the Kingdom of Kasa and the Kingdom of Cresson. Kuangsha Literature Network

  Urudin hills are the chaotic areas of the two countries.

  Casa didn't care, and Krison ignored it.

   A lot of chaotic forces entered the area, and there was wind and rain in that area, but no one dared to affect Casa and Collison outside the area.

   This is a buffer zone of war. From the mouth of Hexis, Xu Zhi knew that this madman, Grick, slaughtered more than 30,000 people, and he had many blood of chaotic forces on his hands.

   And in the two border cities of Casa, there are more than 30,000 people.

   This buffer zone has given too many people information. People with self-knowledge and foresight evacuated early. Some stubborn and loyal people stayed on. There were also soldiers and soldiers leading the army and civilians in the city.

   Bleeding in the war, because this chaotic area has been reduced a lot.

   No one can join the people in the chaotic area, thugs, thieves, desperes, mercenaries, all kinds, but the lack of good people.

   For the real world, a country with a thousand years is rare, while in another world, the emperor of a country is 1,246 years old.

  Xu Zhi threw out this suggestion and waited for a detailed explanation, which caused a lot of people to think about it.

   For them, this is a brand-new concept, whether it can be accepted, it needs to go through the majority of the two parties to agree.

   Otherwise, even if it hurts, Turanto's opinion is the best way to referee.

   "Turan, how do you feel?"

   "Wonderful, the details need to be carefully considered."

   "That's exactly what it is. It's better to stay there and maintain the original form."

  Song Zhongkai is obviously very satisfied. If it is dealt with this way, both parties have paid, it is fair, but the two sides have not lost at the same time, and they still maintain the drinking water of the river.

   "If it is not governed, wouldn't that place become a lawless area."

   "Perhaps this is the origin of the chaotic area."

   "Villas concentrated?"

   "I can't wait for all the villains to go there, the wicked have their own grinds."

The grandmasters under the table had a lot of discussions, and there were pros and cons. A buffer zone is obviously a good setting, but whether this buffer zone will bring other impacts is also a consequence that everyone has to consider. Perhaps one or two years will not see it. Years, decades later, who can clearly understand the impact.

   "If you enter this area, you will be separated from the protection of the law, but if someone uses this to form a national vassal, then they will be encircled together. How?"

   For a long time, Turanto suggested.

   "It is not unfeasible to become a national vassal, but if it is not as intended by both of us, then the joint military exercise will be jointly eliminated. If it is still neutral, it will not be bad to stay there and develop."

  Song Zhongkai's words made some people shivering. Turanto was the killer, and Song Zhongkai was raising pigs. The pigs raised were disobedient.

   No matter how powerful the vassal is, it cannot withstand the combined efforts of Turanto and Song Zhongkai.

   In a chaotic area, each has common interests, but instead allows the two countries to remove disputes and cooperate.

   More importantly, these hundreds of kilometers of area can become a better buffer zone for war, and they can't see each other and can remove many contradictions.

   has even become a private place to resolve personal grievances.

   "The **** incidents of legionary conflicts will be almost eliminated, and private incidents will increase indefinitely."

   "The paintings of the South Australian Union were created in the same way, and some wild areas seem to be like this."

   "Not as ruthless as we are, there are some basic rules there anyway, these chaotic areas are purely fists, regardless of life or death."

   "This chaotic area still needs detailed rules, whether it is Dongyue or northern Xinjiang, you need to make enough risk warnings."

   "The chaotic zone is so unpleasant, it is better to establish a neutral and disorderly zone as Song Zunshang did."

   The general direction was fixed, and the fine outline was repaired separately. Turanto and Song Zhongkai began to move their respective flags continuously to delimit the neutral area.

   Perhaps this decision may cause some trouble after many years, but this time it is indeed a solution acceptable to both parties, and it is far more comfortable than cutting the knife.

  The era is advancing, the concept is constantly changing, maybe some day someone will propose a better strategy to make each other worry-free, but that is the future.

   Simply, neatly.

   The big event to the outside world ended in only three hours.

   This is far faster than various diplomatic blunders. As the highest decision-making level, Turanto and Song Zhongkai are quite clear-headed, competing against each other, and have their own calculations.

   "How did you come up with this kind of idea?"

Yan Jinbai looked at Xu Zhi curiously. With their official rank, it was not enough to enter this kind of show. It was just at the convenience of the parents. When he was on the sidelines, he didn't expect Xu Zhi to put forward a little opinion. The key is to adopt Too.

   "Perhaps it was the thought of chatting with Li Duohuang."

   Xu Zhi whispered back, and blocked Li Duohuang's eye. The more he saw, the more he knew. The only thing he made was a reference. The real masters were still the two empire masters.

   "In the future, the Northwest Army will go south with great probability, so Grandpa does not have to stay in Ganzi for a long time."

   "The South Australia Union is a separate government, large and small groups, structures and laws are a headache, these people are also the most jumping, you can beat them well in the future."

"There is also Yingguo's grass, whichever side is blowing, which side is falling, this time look at what they do, the fourth military area will definitely add a group of brave men to Dongyue's military situation , Yan Jinbai said that the head was right, and also carried a little bit of happiness, on the other side, the Grand Masters of Northern Xinjiang were thinking about the problem of Xiuliu.

   For Northern Xinjiang, the vast territory borders many countries, and the biggest enemies are Dongyue and Xiliu Union. Now that Dongyue, a thousand-year-old fritter, has been removed, some people are relieved.

  The pressure brought by Song Zhongkai was not small. When he and Situ Xuankong partnered in the early years, they had the reputation of "within a hundred feet, there is no life", and the two great masters at the time were almost unable to breathe.

   At that time, the two great masters stood at the forefront in many countries, waiting for the rise of Yan Xingxia and Huang Putu.

   "Unfortunately we are in the Inspection Division, if only in the Fourth Army and the Southern Yunnan Military Region."

   "Fortunately, I didn't sign the contract of the Northwest Military Region at first. Maybe you will be retired in the Northwest Military Region. It is more troublesome to transfer to other military regions."

   "Anyway, it's all trouble. Our six-home inspections are also suffocating. Which one will assassinate as soon as he takes office."

   "The secret snake will sooner or later come out, we are doing this job, whoever engages us, we will get him."

   Xu Zhi squeezed his fists, inner ghosts, foreign enemies, are not good things, even the former is more hateful than the latter.

   I have read the materials about bitterness, and caused many consequences and influences, and there are even unclear ones. Xu Zhi was furious when he mourned the misfortune of some people.

   Mastermind, accomplice, chess piece, abandoned piece.

   should go to jail for justice, and some people, he will send them to **** by hand.

   stared at the bitterness education, far more than the two of them, the Yan family, Zhao Mu, and even the person in front of him who was still sitting on a wooden chair and falsely paralyzed.

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