Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1002: Traces of the earth element monarch magic book

  The king's body has a curse, but Shang Qianqiu was stabbed several times and was seriously injured. Kuangsha Literature Network

   As the main force of the battle, Gu Yuxi's wave was not lightly affected, without Xu Zhi's containment, and he fought with Caitlin directly. At this time, she was fully aware of the terror of the opposite woman.

"She will release the way you used to resurrect Chen Yingzhuo," Gu Yuxi whispered: "We set up an explosive trap and killed more than ten people. She was named by her. Within a minute, those people restarted Stand up."

   "Apart from being weak, I can't see any other signs of injury, which makes the fight impossible."

  Although Kaitlyn must have the limit of resurrection, this method makes Gu Yuxi unable to hold up, and the opponent who was easily killed was returned by the opponent, which is a desperate ability.

   "She enlarges some places here."

   The three people did not carry the recorder, but just captured some short videos as they approached the ruins. The images were extremely shaking and extremely blurry.

  Let Xu Zhi pay attention to Caitlyn holding the item. Last time the woman was holding a Vulcan sword. This time, it has been replaced with another item.

   "It was a book, a very thick book, and the sword was hard to hurt. I have never seen a book used to hit someone."

  Gu Yuxi zoomed in on the video, and the book held by Caitlin gradually came to Xu Zhi's eyes.

   The yellowish-brown color, wide and thick pages, can cover nearly half of Kaitlyn's individuals. This book can be used as a shield without any problem.

In the extremely blurry image, there seems to be a small shadow sitting on the book.

   "It's a bit similar to the one we took at the Lizardman Ruins, do you want to?"

   "I am very interested in the book she has, and I will have to do it with her sooner or later."

   Caitlin's treasures are endless, and the book on the other side's hand seems to be similar to the earth element monarch magic book explained by Somra.

  Even if the opponent has wings that can fly, Xu Zhi is not particularly envious. He had the ability to fly early. If he set foot on the master, the master, the flying skills should be higher, far faster than the birds flying.

  The ruins of the high-altitude ruins made him think of chicken ribs. Good luck cannot always be with them, and it is inevitable that they will miss.

   Even if you enter the six expert-level cultivators, it is hard to tell the victory of both sides.

   Two consecutive high-risk, Xu Zhi has the heart to lock the high-altitude remains.

   But Caitlin's book became the reason why he had to enter it again, maybe once, twice, or three or five times, he had to go in.

   has to find out.

   This may be the closest element to his tentacle magic book.

  Although the difficulty of obtaining is huge, it is the easiest one he can get.

  Compared to the palace of Xia Nong Kingdom, or the five grand masters of Shenshan in South Australia, Caitlin is much better at dealing with it.

   Relying on the support of the arsenal, he had such a possibility.

   The other party seems to be highly alert to these outsiders in the ruins. Even if Xu Zhi does not go to her, Caitlin will come automatically.

   This is instead an opportunity for him.

   "We will meet the two of them next year."

  Mr. Xu Zhi meditation in his heart, and laughed at the poor Shang Qianqiu, and shot two healing spells for the other party.

   Healing trauma slightly, it is complementary to modern medical methods and complements each other, but he has a limited amount of magic and needs to give priority to the treatment of Wang Zhongwang's body.

   "Very comfortable, Xu Zhi, you touch it twice."

   "Thinking beauty."

  Steel Nao's reply was very simple, he called Shang Qianqiu's wailing whisper.

The situation of the people is stable, and Xu Zhi also let go of his mind. Although this trip is loss-making, it is not completely unavailable. The blood talent of Wang Zhongwang is further inspired. Similar to Yan Jinbai, he may need to control this kind of negligence very well. Talent grows as it comes.

  The problem of mantra can be solved slowly, and physical therapy can also be repaired. As long as the roots are not damaged, everything is not a big problem.


  Now what makes Xu Zhi headache is how to communicate with Mistreo.

   blew the small snail, but unexpectedly blew back to His Majesty Ruiou, and there was no Grand Druid under Mister Barma, which made the communication between the two sides extremely inconvenient.

Asking Mist Barma for help, he is very relaxed, and the two sides can have a friendly discussion, but for this one in the palace, Xu Zhi's is a bit unnatural. He still acts as the internal response of Hexis. The next time I went to His Majesty Ruiou, I was worried.

  The most important thing is that there is a hint of little hope in the contract of His Majesty Ruiou.

  Mistreo's agency contract: Green Paper, you rarely call on your own, what surprises?

   Contract: Baiyu Wine Cup x1

  Looking at the contract that he grabbed at hand, this majesty is likely to be drinking. Reo restraint is extremely strong, and he rarely drinks alcohol. It seems that he still feels depressed about the invasion of the Cresson Kingdom.

   The two sides did one, Baron Feng Tajin suffered a big loss, and he also fell out of luck. This is not something to be happy.

  Bob's actions in the Flash City also attracted the dissatisfaction of the Kingdom of Xia Nong.

  Your Majesty Ruiou probably needs some relief.

   For Xu Zhi, he is still looking forward to it, a little hope that Xu Zhi will come up with some altar conversion items.

   This makes Xu Zhi very big and suitable for the surprise of King Casa. How can it be so easy, it is too difficult to increase the friendship between the two sides.

   The last small home theater went smoothly on the street, from the initial stunning to the final lack of interest, the limited broadcast content will rejoice in just a few hours.

  Xu Zhengzheng wondered if he wanted to make two more genuine films suitable for Casa's aesthetic. The contract of Ruiou changed, the content was the same, and the contract was replaced by the crown of Mister Barma.

  This majestic thread moved quite quickly, and Xu Zhi felt that he was thinking again, maybe he and Mister Barma’s friends had to be broken.

   "Congratulations to His Majesty, His Majesty He Xi."

  Mistreo lying on the golden chair and sipped his After drinking a glass, the side of Mist Barma was on the cup again, and the cooperation was quite tacit.

   "Where does hi come from?"

   "I heard that His Majesty beheaded the enemy who invaded Casa, and his reputation is well-known. Even we have heard the news in the elemental world," Xu Zhi replied.

   "This is not joy, this is sorrow" Ruiou was startled, and said: "You should not understand, my heart is still bitter."

   This congratulation seems to be a bit stiff. Ruiou drank another glass of ale, and the figure seemed a bit lonely.

   "Sir Cheek, what kind of baby you bring, so that the father Wang can enjoy it."

  Looking at Xu Zhi of the two-handed object, Mister Palmer made an eye and quickly changed the subject.

   "Then you sweeten?"

   Xu Zhiyuan didn't make any preparations, just brought a bag of sugar and refined salt.

   These condiments commonly used by green skins were brought to the palace for the first time.

  After Xu Zhi explained, a figure quickly ran out of the side entrance of the palace, took a spoonful of sugar, and put it in his mouth for a while.

   "Sweet and sweet, slightly tasteless, like swallowing sand."

   "Bitter salty taste, very bad taste, these two really belong to the top quality seasoning."

   The taste of the palace staff was bitter. This swallowed a spoonful of sugar in a small bite and bore a small bit of salt. Xu Zhi also admired such a trial.

   "Bitterness is good, Bama, you should remember that as a monarch, that is to be able to endure hardships, and only after eating the sufferings of the world can you understand what is truly sweet."

   His Majesty Ruiou looked at the refined salt, picked up the spoon, scooped a large spoon, put it in his mouth and chewed it.

   "If you can't bear the pain of a seasoning..."

   seized the opportunity, and His Majesty Leo began to educate Mistabalam.

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