Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1007: Masters want to smash the baby

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For Xu Zhi, this is a very fulfilling winter vacation. Whether it is cultivation or revisiting, he feels very happy.

The first grade of high school in Hua'an No. 1 Middle School has now become the third grade of high school.

The fifteen-year-old boys and girls entered adulthood.

The size, or appearance, slowly broke away from the green and began to mature.

"Brother Xu Zhi, I decided to be admitted to the Faculty of Medicine and become a doctor. If you are sick, you can come to see me often."

"Haha, bag, ah, come on, work hard."

At first, the ugly duckling turned into a little swan today. The ancient bag is full of youth and ruddy complexion, and its body slowly grows in shape. It has a bodybuilding body. On the way to the physical sciences, she has received the Xia family's support. She has entered a period of rapid development.

In the aspect of liberal arts, her qualification committee is really strong, quite a bit like Xu Zhi was in the junior high school, relying on the liberal arts to firmly support the overall ranking in the top three of the grade.

Physician is a very good occupation, saving lives and helping wounds, whether it is for people or for themselves, is beneficial.

It’s okay to look for an ancient bag when I’m sick, but Xu Zhi doesn’t want to go there at all and doesn’t curse himself like that.


From the portal of Dongfang Village, His Majesty’s agency contract was sent from time to time to inquire about the progress of the production of refined salt and refined sugar, and you can see that for these two crafts, this majesty is really attentive.

Although Xu Zhi also wanted to delay some time and increase some chips, he really did not intend to do so.

Yan Jinbai and Gu Yuxi answered the questions and answers were very happy, he modified the process above to suit the Casa civilization and it was very nerve-wracking.

Some chemical substances, or the structure of the machine, the world description of the two is fundamentally different, involving some professional vocabulary in recent years has made him very headache.

This is quite similar to hydrogen sulfide, Xu Zhi can only be defined with a segment of rotten egg-like gas.

In addition to modification, he also asked Huang Mao Li Sidan to buy some samples of chemical agents for reference and comparison.

Whether it can be quickly used in production depends on whether the research mage of the Casa and the Red Dwarves have given power.

On the basis of Casa, it is difficult to purify, separate, dry, and sieve crude salt and sugar, but it is not difficult to achieve. In the science of basic people's livelihood, the very different worlds have not caused serious differences.

Such as the high-speed rotary centrifuge is impossible to provide to Casa, Xu Zhi will not find any one to sell this machine in the first half, and the large-scale machine used to be a problem.

The concept, basic structure, operation mode, compliance parameters, and the extraordinary diligence Xu Zhi portrayed on the paper can provide some ideas.

"Call over Holps, St. Depps, Sandinac, and Dorjemy. I have a headache when watching these things."

Even if he lived for thousands of years, Ruiou felt that he was confused. He had too much professional and intellectual content, and he could not digest it for a while.

Before the actual results came out, Xu Zhi's flow charts still required the Red Dwarf and a dedicated research mage to be responsible.

"Sir, you can understand these?"

"Your Majesty" Xu pointed directly at his head and said, "I have a big head now. I was bombarded by this knowledge for a long time. The sacrificed knowledge is completely different from our cognition. It is very difficult to transform it into something we can understand. "

"That's really hard work for you."

Ruiou looked at the material with a thick finger and wanted to generate so many materials. This green skin had to work very hard for a long time. No wonder he had not responded to his contract.

This caused him to dissipate a lot of careful thought.

"Sir Cheek, what did you sacrifice to get such precious materials."

Mist Barma looked at the information and then looked at the small samples brought by Xu Zhi. This is a thoughtful consideration. As long as there are enough samples, the Casa Masters can trace the way of its formation, explore the methods of development, and work It's much easier.

"A large shield from ancient times, more than eight meters long and three meters wide" Xu Zhi made a few strokes, and the shield of the patron took out the pot successfully.

"This is the loot obtained in a black dragon lair in the Urudin hills. No one can use it. They gave it to me. The process was dangerous and almost burned to death."

As soon as Xu Zhi said the place name, Ruiou's liver hurt. He had a fight with Baron Feng Tajin in that chaotic zone, and he didn't get any benefits. He died two Arch Masters. Pi's luck was pretty good. He actually touched the Black Dragon Lair.

"The Urudin Hill seems to be a black dragon cave, as if the black dragon princess Onick is entrenched."

Mister Barma thought about it and added that he had business in various races and traded with the Black Dragon Clan, but it was too cheap to earn. Some old Black Dragon eyes were completely fascinated by gold coins and gems. Beady and careless, doing business is quite strenuous.

"I didn't expect the shield of the patron saint to be in the hands of the black loach of Aurummarasa."

After collecting the arrows of Titan for a lifetime, Suddenly a new accessory came out. Ruiou felt very depressed. When he had two pieces, he felt that the collection path was far away, but the three pieces were different. This is just one step away. Who can know? Will the fourth one come up one day?

The ancient Titans held a high imitation version of the Titan Arrows. They had great power and could fight the Black Dragon. Although the Titans are strong today, they can no longer reach the previous peak.

Now it's all right, one piece after another of the Titan Arrow components was sacrificed by this green skin, and nothing was left.

"For compensation, Your Majesty, if you had any bone chestpiece from ancient times, or a spiritual shield, you could make up for my little soul."

After thinking about it, Xu Zhi said, "Recently, Master Bob has come to contract me again. He wants to fight against a big wizard, and he wants me to be a I have a lot of pressure. ."

Compared with other items you want, bone breastplates and spiritual shields are undoubtedly at the forefront. One can be paired with the Thor's helmet. In reality, it can be used to overcome cognitive barriers, and the other can be specially prepared for. Sandro's spiritual shock is not only useful.

As a natural magic contract creature, Xu Zhi was reluctantly included in the appendage of the heads-up.

Appreciating the battle of mages is a very insightful thing, but it is not wonderful to participate in the battle of duels, as the chaotic magic of the fort system is huge.

Xu Zhiben didn't want to make this contract, but Bob, an old man, took out the master stage theory books of life magic to make contract objects. It was very tempting. He felt that he was very jealous and had to take risks.

Although the master stage is far away, it is a good thing to be able to make some preparations in advance, not to mention that he still has a guardian robe, and he should not be killed in a few rounds.

"Bone Breastplate" Ruiou thought for a moment before thinking: "If I can catch the skull of Feng Tajin, maybe I can pick a piece from him. Undead treasures, only the undead will like."

"Spiritual shield, this is the treasure our Casa Master wants to destroy. Well, if I find one, I almost want to destroy it. Next time I will see two for you." Ruiou nodded.

Orderly magic is dominated by mind control, and the spirit shield's professional defensive spirit spells, which do not match the characters of the Casa masters, have also become the most defensive treasures of lawful masters.

"The speed of Archmage Bob is really fast. If you challenge the Archmage, it may be Leilong of Anong Peak. It is an extremely violent fire mage."

"I have a treasure that all Fire Masters want to smash. You can take it and see if Master Bob needs it. If it is used well, it should be easier to win."

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