Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1015: Mortal suffering

   For the latter, ordinary groups and the police have a good conflict. It is better to have a group enter the ruins while chaotic. It is even better to die in the ruins. Kuangsha Literature Network

  In the final analysis, the Inspection Department of the Sixth Hospital of Tieshan City has the responsibility to deal with this ruin, and eventually will have to pay for it.

  A large number of ordinary people entered the ruins, and Fan Tiexin did not know what the consequences would be.

  Which one is behind to make trouble, the gods fight, so many mortals.

   Fan Tiexin chilled faintly.

   There will definitely be a death rate. Ordinary people enter, and even a large number of deaths may appear. Those who have no trace of experience may even get stuck immediately after entering.

   This is a small relic, there are very few rules, and there is no completely safe way to enter, that is, Xu Zhi enters, and he has to take high altitude to reduce possible accidents.

   But he is more worried that someone enters to make a fortune, or ordinary people eventually become basic practitioners by absorbing the energy of the world, this accidental event will stimulate the brains of many people.

  Everyone thought he would be the lucky one.

  A two-dollar lottery ticket can produce a lottery professional accountant, will there appear small relics professional accountant?

  Some people imitate repression, it is very likely to follow Xu Zhi's practice, and even spread to many places.

  The four rules and the agreement on life and death exemption clarified the official responsibilities, and made the crowds in order at the scene. Fan Tiexin knew that he could not find a better way at present.

   Perhaps, I can only wait for the arrival of Liu Huoqing, the inspector of the fifth court.

   When you sing your opponent's play, you can also cancel Xu Zhi's regulations.

   OK later.

   Fan Tiexin looked at the warning ring afterwards. This small relic came once every six years and was known to such a large ordinary group.

   The second time, the third time, what should I do.

The small ruins in the areas where the information was leaked have been built into copper walls and iron walls. Various protection settings and power grids are built. Every time the small ruins are opened, they are like fighting. The relationship between local officials and ordinary people is very tense, which makes the inspection department headache. .

   Obviously, the consequences of forced repression are not good. Even if the local inspection department changed people, some inspection officials were demoted and even removed from service to serve their sentences.

   But five or six hundred people entered this small relic together, Fan Tiexin couldn't guess the scene and consequences, Dongyue seems to have no small relics and large relics flooded into so many people at once.

   He looked at Xu Zhi, at the moment the sergeant was answering questions loudly.

   "Xu Xunjian, I copied the agreement in your format, my dad signed it for me, my mother also signed it, and the squire Jia Zidan made a guarantee. Can I go in?"

   "No problem, the children's shoes are courageous, please submit the life and death exemption agreement, stand here and wait."

  Xu Zhi followed his finger to an area outside the warning circle, and asked Zhou Shengmei to draw a white circle last week.

   "My son is gone, so can we."

   "No, no, you also need to sign your parents."

   "I am an adult, I can be responsible for my actions, and I have a squire as a guarantee."

   "According to the information of our technicians, your parents are still alive. I will say again that you must have your parents' signature and handprint. Those who do not follow the rules will be disqualified from entering."

   The crowd gathered was obviously divided, and there was a formal means of entry. Obviously most people would follow the rules. Only a small number of people were talking quietly there. Xu Zhi was much easier to deal with at this time.

   "Wang Qingmin, you are happier, go back and find your father and mother to sign, we are all in the back."

  Some people who were originally in opposite relations have become advocates of rules at this time.

   "Smash it, my mother and I didn't come. You must remember not to go first, but to wait for us."

  Wang Qingmin shouted a few words and urged him, then he spread his legs with his wife and rode an electric motorcycle to run back crazy.

   "People and I rushed back partly. Mayor Ma and Director Wang of the Superintendent of Police may have a bit of arguing and do a good job of interception."

   Xu Zhi whispered two words to Zhou Shengmei. Zhou Shengmei nodded and took out her mobile phone to send messages continuously.

   "Xu Xunjian, you are in charge of this area, can you make a fortune when you enter? They said it was another world, can you explain it."

"You don't believe what I explained," Xu Zhi said with a haha: "If I say there is nothing in it, and there are all kinds of scary monsters, you certainly don't believe it, but it is true that I haven't made a fortune yet. "

   "That surnamed Fan is too ridiculous. How can a bone stand stand up and cut people, and it is more powerful than people, that dead liar."

Fan Tiexin, who was scolded, shook his head helplessly in the rear. What he saw was different. His cognition was completely different. For some people, it was a matter of common sense. For others, it was totally a fantasy.

   "Xu Xunjian, they said that the air inside is sweet, and you can break through to the level of basic cultivator with one breath."

   "There is such a good thing, then we must not go in and steal the air and sell it."

   This question is very close to Xu Zhi's previous thoughts, and I thought it would be enough to take a breath and breathe.

   "They say that it is only useful to breathe inside."

   "Fake, if there is such a good thing, the official will try to make a safe vehicle to let everyone enter the ruins."

   "Officials wouldn't do this kind of thing, if everyone became a basic cultivator, how difficult it would be to control."

   "Quickly submit your agreement, think about it more, and see if they tell you if they are the basic cultivators who breathe the air of the last ruin, the next one."

   As for Jing Jing, all explanations are in vain. Xu Zhi turned over and took over this life and death exemption agreement. Zhou Gang, as his name implies.

   "Xu Xunjian, that surnamed Fan said that the risk is so great, can you take care of my son in a miracle."

   "If the risk is too great to exceed your capabilities, it is best to stop. In addition, this tour inspection does not know what punishment to accept this time, probably will not follow into the ruins."

   Xu Zhi's words made some people's faces slightly ashamed, and then the bloodshot brain was filled with all kinds of beautiful prospects, and there was no time to worry about others.

   As for Xu Zhi's punishment and whether or not to enter the ruins, they don't care.

"Master Xu, I really can't let so many people Zihao ran over with a hard look on his face and turned his finger. He was tied to Xu Zhi's side.

  Signature, that must be signed, he is no longer famous locally, and can not stop the way for the folks to get rich.

   But vaguely, Zhou Zihao felt something was wrong. Although most of the hidden things are good, there are also some disadvantages that I dare not think about.

  If Fan Tiexin is telling the truth, he can't help but go up and down for a while, it is a big trouble.

   "You understand a little bit, Zhou Xiangshen has never been inside?" Xu Zhiqi said.

   "In those days, I didn't fight for it, I didn't get any chance. I am so confused that I haven't entered the ruins yet."

  Zhou Zihao's old face was flushed for a while, and for a while, he was in his forties to cultivate to the level of an expert cultivator. His ability to cultivate is purely aided by water mills and ordinary medicinal materials.

   In fact, this is also the reality of most practitioners.

There are quite a lot of people who haven’t entered the ruins. There are even some people who have the opportunity and are not willing to go in. Under the premise of having excellent conditions, not everyone is willing to take risks to seek a vague opportunity.

   "I just listened to Li Kuang's bragging bī) before I came over to make trouble."

   "He went through the ruins, grabbed a sword and sold it for more than 2 million, and he is quite famous on our side."

   "He said that the ruins are magnificent and full of money, as long as they go to pick up, what is the vitality, take a breath, and repair it to add a good piece."

   Zhou Zihao's words brought out an unexpected person. Xu Zhi looked at the stack of life and death exemption agreements with interest, and several of them mentioned such a person.

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