Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1019: Black physique

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For small remains of undead nature, the first entry is fresh, and then it is boring.

Interest becomes work, and I'm used to it when I'm excited.

The more advanced practitioners, the stronger the ability to adapt to the new environment, especially young people, full of acceptance and hard work.

Xu Zhi has slowly adapted to the atmosphere of this small relic.

Shaking his figure, Xu Zhi passed through the hazy gray mist.

Looking at the oncoming hillside, he suddenly pulled a parachute that was slightly broken behind him, and his feet hit the slope. After a quick run, he had completely eliminated the unexpected force that burst into the small ruins.

This is a safe landing.

The quick and quick reaction ability eliminates some of the entry risks of small ruins directly.

For cultivators, the more mature ability, coupled with the continuous improvement of combat methods, the appropriate equipment conditions, such as the early days of cultivation, the general risk of falling into the ruins is continuously reduced.

Even if it is a running escape, many people can survive the small remains that last only a few hours.

Rarely, the inspections of the Sixth Hospital rely on checking the dirt, pursuing the murders, and clearing the vain to obtain promotion. This requires several years of hard work and good sense of smell in order to find flaws in the clues.

Relying on sweeping small sites to get promoted is what most people do.

The area that Zhao Mu chose for him was a little more ruins, plus Xu Zhi has the care of an acquaintance, and may have more care in removing the ruins, and the speed of accumulation is not bad. .

But Xu Zhi didn't expect something to come to the door. Huang Jianping and Li Kuang were in the front, and Wang Siyuan, the deputy head of the gray-collar county, was involved. This was an official who was removed from the Super Inspection Department.

Zhao Mo, who came up like a moth to fight the fire, was very happy to be laughing.

This is a double-edged sword. If Xu Zhi is injured, he will benefit him.

"Maybe I have a black physique."

Xu Zhi sullenly took out the relic long iron gun and entered the fighting state.

The front feet only get things done in the real world, and the rear feet step into small ruins. This kind of hillside terrain can pop up a skeleton horse knight.

The dark-colored undead bone horse, combined with the worn skeleton knight on the bone horse, compared to the dark knight in the Luo family ruins, this low-profile version looks like a joke.

However, the heavy gravity brought by the opponent's rusty iron sword made Xu Zhi quickly sober. This is an undead that still retains a certain fighting consciousness. It has no fear of damage, no fear of death, and it is fierce and powerful. Cannot be used against undead.

This seems to be more powerful than the undead in the small ruins he experienced last time.

Xu Zhi's long iron gun turned into a flashing figure, constantly hitting the joints of skulls and bone horses.

His current strength, against a dark knight can be suppressed, the low version of the skeleton knight, the combat time required to take it seriously is not long.

Just after the battle, the sound of Didi Di came from the receiver around his waist. This was a wake-up call to set up the communication tower. This time it was faster. This guy was obviously very lucky.

"Can Xu Liuyuan and Liuwuyuan receive signals normally?"


Xu Zhi replied, and Liu Huoqing's faint reply came from the receiver on the other side.

All three are safe to enter.

Xu Zhi explained a little bit about what he had just met, and allowed the other two to adjust quickly. For Dianxing, finding an area without awakening the undead was the best result.

He began to adjust each other's route and distance according to the two's receivers, to prevent the mutual travel route from repeating, and also recorded the removal records of the remains.

In less than half an hour, Liu Huoqing's dull voice came, and the opponent apparently had entered a fighting state.

"I have a lot of undead creatures in this place and need help."

Half-sounding, Liu Huoqing said dumbly: "There are six bone-riding horses, ten of them are wearing rotten black clothes. They are fast and can't be thrown away. There are more than fifty skeletons with swords following. Later, my group killing and light body skills are inadequate and difficult to work around."

"You are amazing."

Compared with Liu Huoqing, Xu Zhi felt that he was normal and lucky. This physique was not black at all. Except for a skeleton horse knight who had just landed, he only subsequently encountered two skeletons with disabilities. The killing is exceptionally easy.

He might have cleaned this area before.

On the other hand, Liu Huoqing is not involved.

The awakening in charge of the two people's travel route constantly arranged Xu Zhi's direction. This time, he had to rely on the topography of the two people's feedback in the brain to give them a best meeting point.

It’s better to let Xu Zhi enter the route that Liu Huoqing has traveled. He can’t let Xu Zhi take a lot of chasing undead creatures in the past. That’s not help, it’s pure chaos. People will be hit hard.

Liu Huoqing's direction of escape must not deviate too much. Undead creatures have always not cleared the air, they will gather more and more, forming a sea of ​​bones.

But the situation is obviously not under the control of the awakening. Liu Huoqing's route when he fled is quite Listening to Liu Huoqing's report of the undead, it is Xu Zhi, and his heart is sweating coldly.

"If there is a signaling device for those adults in a house, it would be good to transmit the picture."

The terrain depends on speculation, Liu Huoqing is badly deteriorating, and the awakening is already sweating. Xu Zhi and Liu Huoqing are just two red dots on the display, passing by between the converging terrains.

"Don't vomit, your strength, you can take the ordinary signal tower is already pretty good, if you are bigger, you can't take it."

Xu Zhi's legs and feet continued to attack. In the distance behind him, he also followed more than ten skeletons, but these undead creatures did not run fast, and he was thrown away for a long time.

"There is a barren mountain with a rock in the middle, it is still a cliff, it is difficult to climb, go forward, and cross the stone mountain confluence at the same time, I will go to his"

Liu Huoqing scolded, vomiting countless dirty words in his mouth. It seems that this life is so unlucky. In the voice from the receiver, his emotions are a bit irritable.

The barren mountain is not high, just over 100 meters. Xu Zhi wanted to fly through the flight and send magic to the past. At the moment of crisis, he couldn't make much reservation. After hearing Liu Huoqing's words, Xu Zhi had to go forward again.

It takes a certain amount of time to climb over the barren mountains. The other party may not be able to wait, or it is difficult to believe that he has the ability to quickly cross the barren mountains.

Quickly rushing around the barren mountain, nearly ten minutes later, far away, Xu Zhi can already see Liu Huoqing's embarrassing figure.

There are several skeleton horses trailing behind him, and the knights who wield sickles on the horses.

Several black ghosts kept making intoxicating laughter.

Xu Zhi took a deep breath, closed his eyes a little, took out the heavy and powerful alloy stick, and several protective magic fell.

He screamed and killed them.

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