Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1026: 3 way

   "Help me get up, I have to fight. Kuangsha Literature Net"

   Xu Zhi struggled a bit, but the reality is still to accept, no matter how serious the injury is, he has to finish this wave.

   Undead chasing, endlessly, Tuo Guhong drove a wave of trains, which triggered the many undeads who awakened to their route. There may even be undeads that he had drawn when he ran before.

   lacks the breath of Tuo Guhong, most of the undead may go back, some will walk around in confusion, and a few will find the breath of other living beings.

  Xu Zhi felt that he didn't need to walk around any more, just sit on the spot and wait for the skeleton to slowly come to the door. After the cleaning was finished, let the code wake up and find the signal tower.

   The undead creatures in this small ruin have been messed up and can not be promoted according to the previous regional cleaning method. Xu Zhi is also lazy to fight again, like his serious injury number, what kind of fight.

   "Xu Liuyuan, I can help fight the skull."

   Dianxing carefully said that Xu Zhi remembered that his technical officer's strength was not bad.

Compared with the average senior practitioners, the power and physical strength of the awakening are very strong, especially young, at the most vigorous stage of age, into the sea of ​​undead, or several skeleton knights chasing, without enough bunkers, he is likely It's a dead end.

  However, the number of skeleton knights does not exceed the standard, and even after being chased by several flying ghosts, he can continue to escape for hours by relying on physical strength.

  As a technical officer, he is very qualified. As a cultivator, Dianxing also has the corresponding abilities.

There are few purely civilian staff among the official duties of the Inspection Division.

   Dianxing is not afraid to fight.

   "Very good, then give these dead people a scum."

  Straightly lifted the alloy stick, Dianxing also took out a short knife, shouted, and faced the looming ghost head-on.


In the thick fog of the small ruins, Tuo Guhong coughed and flashed the body, then lifted up his inner air, and the violent wind surged, and the person had exploded and disappeared.

   "It sounds like there is a sound in the thick fog, is that the adult."

  Ge Weidong was a little bit uncomfortable, and refused to face Tuo Guhong in person, asking for official documents, and their pressure was also great.

   "Master Tuo shouldn't be able to get in and leave, he didn't use the receiver for emergency contact. There are a lot of adults, he won't blame us."

   Fan Tiexin nodded. In the inspection department, there was no official document or emergency. They only carried out the opinions of their immediate superiors. Xu Zhi did not nod or issue orders. They could not make their own claims.

   This model is very old-fashioned, but can avoid too many people and confusion, the higher the level, the more so.

   Rules are rules. Like laws, the more you observe, the fewer accidents and accidents.

   "Lieutenant Ge, this time Liu Wuyuan topped your position, your lieutenant's status is in jeopardy."

   "Xu Liuyuan and Liu Wuyuan are both from Yunling College. I may want to promote the feeling. In this case, Xu Liuyuan nodded. What can I do? More times, maybe I will be laid off."

  Ge Weidong reluctantly said that he was the only assistant to Xu Zhi during the year. He rubbed his hands for a long time, thinking about sweeping the shame of the last time, but did not expect this time to give any chance to play.

   "It is already a beautiful thing to attack the chief, Xu Liuyuan did not let you kneel on the spot."

   "That is to say, Laoge, you are considered to be a big man."

   "According to the law, your squatting for three years is not wrong."

   Yan Xiaokuan's serious way of doing things made Ge Weidong distressed for a while. The adjutant, unlike other positions, wanted fighting power.

  Xu Zhi is very melee. He is a qualified assistant to Xu Zhi. He needs to cooperate with the long-range strike assistant. He is qualified in firearms and bow and arrow killing ability, but he didn't expect the accused incident to happen.

   "You said, do I want to practice another kind of boxing?"

  Ge Weidong felt that he was seriously inadequate in close combat and was embarrassed by Huang Jianping.

   "Save it, save your fists and feet, and then you will be charged by cāo), what to do if you kill Xu Liuyuan with one punch."

   "Same thing, wait, are you so worried about me?"

  Not only Xu Zhi's team was staring at the small ruins, but also Liu Huoqing's group was on the sidelines.

Outside the warning line, there were more than three hundred villagers gathered in the crowd and looked at the small ruins unwillingly. They wanted to know if the authorities could fish out something in it.

   The chaos in the county town gradually subsided, and the police force around this small ruin increased rapidly, and there was no possibility of chaos.


  Tuo Guhong, who left in the thick fog, constantly dialed the emergency intercom tool. As a very high priority, their emergency communications will not be handled routinely by the communications company, and will be handled as soon as possible.

  Zhao Mu, the head of the inspection department in Kyoto, looked at the communication from Tuo Guhong, his face was blue and white.

   "Anyway, if you beat yourself, when our inspection department becomes a thief's den."

  One Huang Jianping was the deputy officer transferred from the inspection department, and one Liu Huoqing was the current inspector of the Fifth Institute of the Inspection Department of Tieshan City.

  When he hates iron, he also has infinite anger in his heart.

   Corruption is a condition that exists for everyone. It is just a big or small problem.

  Liu Huoqing was misled by misery. This is because of his lack of self-cultivation and internal deficiencies.

  Mr. Zhao Mu was angrily wondered why bitter education can confuse others twice, and it is the same for randomly appointing an area, and how many people they control.

   " Anti-thief, cult."

  Mr. Zhao took a sip, took out a pen and paper, transcribed a few lines of characters, took off the big seal, and covered it heavily.

   ‘A thorough investigation of Liu Qiming’s Liu clan in Weixuan City, Southern Yunnan Province’

  Zhao Mu glanced at some prominent words on the official paper, and when he was angry, he had some intentions. The small and medium-sized family, killing chickens and monkeys, could only seduce ordinary people.

  As long as the price is high enough, someone will take the risk.

   This is not a matter of family size or big family, but the people's heart. People's heart is always inadequate, there is always something to be confused.

  Unbelievable, it just didn't pay the price.

  The two small superiors of the Yan family will make who is the most uneasy. If they die, who will benefit the most, or the other party is putting smoke bombs, letting him lose the direction of judgment and guiding the internal dread.

  Zhao Mu didn't want to understand what was going on. He scolded a few words and rubbed his head before releasing the official document and looking at the time again.

   "Speed ​​to the maximum, go to Huiling County to see."

"Called all the first and sixth hospitals in Southern Yunnan Province to lead, and asked Luo Jiahui to go to the palace and Huangpu Duanrong Shaofu to come together. Xu Zhi was also a member of their Yunling Academy. Check it."

  Whether or not he can find something, he will not let go of any clues.

   One day, he can find enough clues, pull out those behind-the-scenes culprits, and cramp one by one to make him happy.

   Situ's family, Huangpu's family, Yan's family, plus Song Zhongkai, the highest target of the inspection department.

   Now Dongyue's four grand master family forces have entered the inspection department system. He does not believe that there are any forces or people in Dongyue that can block the inspection of the inspection department and stumbling in the dark.

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