Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1029: Animal Translation

   Even the poisonous bee grass and the wasp can understand the words. The genre panel is the best translator in this world. Kuangsha Literature Network

  As long as Xu Zhi thinks, the words in his mouth will be automatically converted into the corresponding language for the other party to communicate.

   is far better than the half-hanger in the ruins.

  White tiger's wisdom is very strong, like a wolf, even after raising to a certain level, he will even spit out human language. The few white tigers raised by Eladon obviously have not reached that level, and will only roar.

   Even if Eradoun possesses master-level natural magic, the role of high-level Druid can't help it.

   But she remembered the joyous Xu Zhi with Bai Huhou.

   The other party can communicate with the white tiger and communicate with the human elves, which is to build a bridge between each other.

   An agency contract was also dumped. For Xu Zhi, this task was a very easy trip for him in recent years.

  Even if the other party pays a gold coin, that's no problem.

   The contract of the special agency has never been hanged on a tree. He now has not too many chances of being in the lower realm. It is rare for someone to summon their low-level creatures.

   Summons the jungle goblin, and has a great chance of recruiting ordinary breeds. Unless there is a real name, the druids rarely use the third-order summoning ability to summon first-order creatures.

   Even if Xu Zhi has the strength of an expert stage, it is more reliable to recruit a water element and a fire element than to summon him.

  Straight footsteps before stepping out of the portal, he saw the delighted form of Eladonn writing on the side.

   "Your Excellency, welcome you."

   "Your Excellency Eladonn, it is a pleasure to see you."

   Old Druid seems to abide by the etiquette, and Xu Zhi also responded slightly. Xu Zhi is very handy in this regard to what kind of people and how to respond.

  Eladonn is not like Ruiou and others, it will bring huge pressure to Xu Zhi, and it will be very easy to get along with.

   "You seem to know Baihu's language?" Eladonn smiled.

   "Slightly understand, there should be no problem in communication."

   "That's great, I'm about to ask some big druids who know Tiger language."

Once Eradoun collected the pen and paper, if there was Xu Zhi, she would not have to do such a thing. Inviting a big druid from hundreds of miles to come to help takes a lot of time. The corresponding remuneration.

   "It's like this, here I am..."

   Eladonn came down to make Xu Zhi understand the reason for the summoning.

  White tigers and other creatures, in addition to the wild white tigers in the elemental realm, there are many white tigers living in the lower realm in the jungle.

  In addition, the elves also have a method of domesticating and breeding the white tigers. These powerful beasts are domesticated into powerful combat units to protect the safety of the elves.

  The castle of Eladonn breeds sixteen white tigers. These white tigers are responsible for guarding the castle and patrolling the castle.

  Originally everything was normal, but in the past month, these white tigers became inexplicably restless, roaring, and even attacking the trainer.

  Eladonn used various methods of appeasement, and could only temporarily ease the hearts of these white tigers.

  Without two days, these white tigers will return to their original state, or even act more aggressively, without a cure.

  If you want to troubleshoot this situation, obviously you can only solve the problem by figuring out what the white tigers really need.

   "So, please help me to exchange a few words."

"no problem."

  Xu Zhi readily agreed that it was the easiest thing to say.

   There is a tiger in the castle, which is covered by a special fence barrier. This tiger is like a small world, providing white tigers to live and breed in the castle.

   At this moment, the tiger roared loudly, and the white tigers kept releasing their voices, roaring endlessly.

   "Can you hear something?"

   Eladon looked at Xu Zhi expectantly, hoping to learn something from his mouth.

  Several elf tamers held long whips and followed behind Erladon with a serious face. Many people looked at Xu Zhi curiously, and they had some impressions of this jungle goblin.

"Ha ha"

   Xu Zhi made an unexplained laugh, and the white tigers could still have some good words when they roared in anger.

   "Are you sure you want to listen?" Xu Zhi confirmed again and again.

   "Of course" Eladon nodded.

   "They are cursing, roughly equivalent to, cāo), dry, special, go to your uncle, shout loudly to Lao Tzu, quarrel the pile of whip-footed monsters..."

  Xu Zhiyue said that the more ugly Elladon's face was, the pile of white tigers he raised did not have a good stubble. This is how much resentment they accumulated. Where did they learn these bad words.

   can't know what the white tigers mean, but Eladonn can still detect the hearts of the white tigers. It is probably correct to know Xu Zhi, but the other party's translation is very vulgar.

   "You can help me to ask, what is the cause of their dissatisfaction, I will take care of it."

  Eladonn said helplessly, it was really unpleasant to learn the contents of these translations.


   Faced with a slightly larger white tiger, Xu Zhi made his own roar.

   "Special, what are you yelling at me?"

   "They asked me to be an intermediary, thinking about what happened to you..."

   "Shut up, let me roar, and then I will bite you."

  Baihu replied very politely, making Xu Zhi face black for a while, could this speak well.

   "Get the white tiger out."

   pointed straight at the white tiger who told him to shut up. Several tamers looked at each other, and after seeing Eradoun agree, he went up and drove him away.

   "Go away, you pile of two-legged monsters, roar~, and then I get angry with a small whip, roar~"

   The white tiger shook his head and shook his head. After a slight attack, he was pumped down by an animal trainer. He was quite honest, and then came out slowly with a roar of dissatisfaction.

   "Can you speak well now?"


   confronted Xu Zhi, a strange jungle goblin, and White Tiger had no fear. As soon as he roared, he saw Xu Zhi and Eladonn whispering, and then a slightly green fist punched him.

   "Can you speak well?"

   "Roar ~ bite you."


   After a while, the tamers also covered their mouths, and Eladonn's mouth twitched twice, saying nothing.

   This is the first time they have seen this kind of violent communication object. This jungle goblin can still fight. A fierce white tiger can only be sobbed and whimpered on the ground.

   "Well, what do you want to ask?"

   Faced with fists, Bai Hu decided to succumb temporarily, and after Xu Zhi vomited his intention, the white tiger would open up.

   "We don't want to eat baby hens, we want to eat baby deer."

   "Eat the hair that is often eaten by chickens, the taste is not good, and it is not full, the deer can be better, no hair, delicious, so miss, call~"

When    roared, Baihu's saliva flowed down.

   "We are holding a happy strike movement. A while ago, we also held a hunger strike, but that was too difficult, and we have changed the way."

   "In order to eat the deer, we will work tirelessly."

   listened to Xu Zhi's translation, and Erladon looked angry, looking on several trainers.

   "A while ago, a jungle deer was bitten to death in the wild. I thought about not wasting it, and helping it return to nature in this way..."

   A green-haired elf beast trainer murmured that she did not expect that the cause of the incident was because the group of white tigers tasted the sweetness of other foods and thought carefully.

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