Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1038: resurrection

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With a few packs of candy to challenge the immortality, Xu Zhi felt that he would be crazy. It was not easy for him to survive just now.

In terms of fighting, Geralt is obviously not a master, but this guy's mouth makes Xu Zhi unbearable.

He did bear the grace of Jenova, took the ring of life to achieve today's command, and took short hands.

The hardest thing to pay back is human debt, especially in this case.

The mother's hatred, not a total of heaven, Geralt not only wants to seize any trace of strength that can be won, at this time, he, at any cost, as long as he can kill Basil Ray, he is willing to pay anything.

"Nomad black bows, jewelry bows, and swords of agility can be taken as long as you like. You can also take anything you like in my treasure trove."

Gerot's eyes flashed with bitter pleading.

If you combine the top three masters of the rain city, such as Colonis, San Theo, and Ji, together with the two elite shooters who are almost masters, there is no way to help Basil Ray. In general, Lonis hides the hatred deeply, and even needs the mad revenge of the defense against Basil Ray.

Slightly calmer in his mind, Geralt could easily understand the reason for Colonis doing this.

The injury situation of Basil Ray must be seen by Kronis. This may be his best chance in hundreds of years. There is no better time than now.

Stabbing himself with three daggers in his thighs, even if Basil Ray had timely treatment, his body was far from returning to normal.

If you can kill Basil Ray secretly once and release the wind, the Labyrinth Labyrinth is likely to be civilized.

It's just that the other party's means of resurrection seems to be on itself. There are some miscalculations, and now it needs to be hard.


Xu Zhi murmured, Basil Lei was aging and injured again, and was also an immortal.

There is no way to know how much the opponent's abilities and backhands are.

At the beginning, the fierce battle between His Majesty Ruiou and Glick was so difficult. If it were not for him to be a ghost in the back, it would be more difficult for Ruiou to completely kill Grick.

Xu Zhi did not expect that it was his turn to play before the time had passed.

I have never seen Colonis, San Theo with complex abilities, Archdruid Jiyi, two elven archers near master level.

The lineup is very strong, but this is after all a fierce battle with the rogue guru, an immortal.

"Well, there is the ability to get a knife. If everyone can't fight together, don't complain about my escape. After all, the other party is an immortal. The gap between me and him is really too big."

Xu Zhi grabbed the long sword in Geralt's hand, glanced into the distance, stroked with one hand, the figure disappeared heavily, and kept approaching the battlefield.

This life-saving teleportation magic, the stronger the feel at this time, the better. For Xu Zhi, it is not a problem to consume more magic now.

"Unfortunately, my qualifications are dull, I can't be promoted to Chaos Grandmaster, and I can't take Burst Magic one step further."

He was talking about an old druid wearing a purple headscarf, and dark spots appeared on his brown skin from time to time.

Although wearing the green costumes of the druids, the old druid was holding a staff of injury, and the orange and yellow gems were constantly flashing, and the color was not worse than the handle made by Hexis.

Burst, chaotic fourth-order magic with extremely powerful single-lethal lethality, detonated from the subject, without protection. The attacker's end will be extremely miserable, and death is also a serious injury.

Further, it is a fifth-order magic involving rules, fragmentation. When Bob and Kotzes preached the principle of saving the world, they also briefly talked about this magic.

As the strongest magic of single killing, this magic can even wipe away the body of the immortal.

Even with the immortal soul portrayed by the void, the mark is like a rootless tree, and there is no target for resurrection, so it cannot be resurrected in reality. In this case, it is not much different from death.

"He actually set the resurrection point on himself. It's really bold. Does he believe that strong escape can guarantee everything?"

"Find out his stealth point, the initial resurrection body has a certain weak time, he can't escape far."

San Theo waved slightly regretfully, and it was clear that he couldn't mark Basil Ray again in a short moment.

The resurrected body has completely removed his previous mark.

"Sir squeak, will you chaotic group attack magic?"

Bombing with a large-scale group attack magic will obviously allow the rogue in stealth to show whereabouts.

San Theo looked at Xu Zhi expectantly, which made Xu Zhi very melancholy, and he was not a versatile tinkerbell.

"If you give me the Chaos Magic Theory book and the parchment to study slowly, maybe I can learn two Chaos Magic in the future."

Xu Zhi mentioned Geralt's gem sword, and his eyes constantly scanned every shadow on the Gobi beach. His reply made San Theo feel a bit depressed.

In fact, Xu Zhi behaved unexpectedly, so he asked the dead horse to be a live horse doctor.

The result of the inquiry was not satisfactory, but San Theo saw Xu Zhi tearing a bag to reveal a lot of small colored round particles. I saw Xu Zhi grabbing a hand, and immediately hit it like a rain pear~www. Rainbow candy traversed countless arcs in the air, continuously shooting into pieces, hitting on the Gobi Desert, smashing.

Stealth is not hidden in another space. No matter how the body is hidden, the body in the stealth is always in reality. From Agrienaire, Xu Zhi knew this.

There is a difference between Rock and After all, Xu Zhi swayed the candy he brought.

The people also stared at the area where Xu Zhi hit, and as long as there was a difference, they would attack.


"No, Lord San Theo, the old man in the purple headscarf did not come from chaos magic, let go of hellfire."

"The chaotic monomer killing magic that Lord Colonis specializes in is not good at hellfire."

San Theo explained a little bit, Xu Zhi's candies hit a wide range and were used quickly. One hundred bags, four bags are only four hundred, and they have been sold out a dozen times.

The Colonis on the side is obviously a bit embarrassed, the amount of magic mastery is insufficient, and sometimes faces a very painful situation.

When the breathless city host Geralt arrived, he also suffered from a headache, retrieved the long sword in Xu Zhi's hands, and hacked and hacked in the shadows around him.

Although the soil method is stupid, it seems to be the most suitable method at present.

Unless San Theo vowed to confirm that Basil Ray was still active within 300 meters, this behavior would seem a bit silly.

"Our time is running out. If Basil Lei's weak time passes, he will face a **** resurrected him again."

"That's right, you, no one can run away, you have to die."

San Theo hadn't finished speaking yet, and hoarse voices came from all directions.

Basil Lei's voice was obviously full of anger. He hadn't eaten such evil in years.

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