Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1048: Good luck

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In order to reflect his normal work and rest practice, Xu Zhi waited for a while in the elemental realm, and then came to the usual place until the point. He came to the bed to "resurrect".

The blocker that suddenly appeared in practice, even Xu Zhi, couldn't help feeling anxious.

If it is not resolved, he is in the process of cultivation, because of his faults, he has added a spiritual barrier to himself, and if he does not achieve the purity of his internal qi, there is no chance of a breakthrough in the master realm.

The joy and anxiety brought by breaking through the intermediate ranks of expert cultivators are too synchronized. At first glance, Rao is calm-hearted, and Xu Zhi also has some concerns.

"Good news, bad news, which one to listen first?"

After Xu Zhi got up, Yan Xuankong announced the result with a heavy face.

"You say bad first, I can stand it."

Xu Zhi grinned reluctantly, breaking things from year to year, but it was only a lot in recent years, and he was somewhat used to it.

"Baihu Qisha's Qisha Qi has nothing to do with you. He hits the mountain and river upside down for your specific stick. This kind of stick technique is invincible."

"Here, it's really sad to go against the river, good news, I want to hear it and see if it can be relieved."

Baihu Qisha Qi is the practice of Qi at the bottom of Yan's pressure box. According to personal characteristics, it can eventually evolve into seven different forms of internal qi. It is not limited to one type. The way of fighting Yan Xuankong and Yan Xingxia is completely Differently, the release of internal air is also different.

For the kind of weapons and martial arts that the younger generation chooses to practice, this Qiqi practice can almost be perfectly compatible. This is also the reason why Yan Jinbai played blindly with swords, and Xu Zhichao's long sticks were not corrected by the sword.

Although there is a problem with short legs in the master realm, after being promoted to the guru, the power of this qigong will be revealed. There is a grand guru and a top guru, who are practicing on the white tiger Qiqi. The probability is very low, and the chance of being promoted to the guru will be higher.

The chances of the White Tiger Qiqi Qi practiced in exchange for the Grand Master's soldiers are gone. Xu Zhi said that it was a fake if he didn't feel bad.

This is a comparatively smooth road, as long as you have the ability, you can stand out from many practitioners, and even keep up with the pace of Yan Xuankong.

"Not finished yet, finish this bad one first."

Yan Xuankong shook his head, feeling that his apprentice was really guilty, causing physical problems in the Luo family's ruins, the yin and yang were wrong now, and the practice was messed up. It was he who was a master. There is no way out.

"Your practice of Qi is difficult to change back, maybe you have to take the path of Laotuo's family. In the future, you will practice the Hou Tu Xuan Jing, earn money and pay for medicine, and strive for something in your lifetime."

Yan Xuankong said heavy, Xu Zhi looked at Tuo Guhong with a complexion, and then looked at Gu Changying. When he saw the two masters, he nodded, and his heart was cold.

Tuo Guhong is very powerful, but few of Dongyue's large families dare to send their children to Tuojia to learn Qiqi. If they don't practice, it's okay. They can stop the loss in time. Like Tuo Guhong, the more you go up, the more you will need, and you will die from the toss of your family.

If you don’t practice, you still have room to move forward.

There is enough medicine to allow the Hou Tu Xuan Jing to enter the country very quickly, but once the medicine cannot keep up, this Qi practice will stop and even decline.

This situation is unavoidable in the master stage. Only when it is promoted to the master level like Tuo Guhong and the qualitative changes in Qi practice can it be separated from the medicine and be released.

"Is it still bad?"

Xu Zhi swallowed and thought it was terrible this morning.

"No, let's get some good news."

Yan Xuankong's words reassured Xu Zhi a little bit, he had already fallen into his lifetime, and he wouldn't jump into it anymore.

"In a way, you have a good idea of ​​practicing the thick soil Xuan Jing. Although we haven't figured out why, but if your body is stable, you can develop like this, even if you don't actively spend medicine to practice thick. Tu Xuan Jing, after ten years or so, there is also a high chance of advancing into the realm of masters."

This brought good news. Xu Zhixin listened a lot, and Yan Xuankong meant that he could lie and win.

"You are right. With your body stable, your life can indeed be described as lying and winning, but I'm a little unwilling."

Yan Xuankong murmured: "My expectations for you, Qian Tong and Jin Bai never put the limit on the realm of masters. My master and I will eventually grow old. After a few decades, I hope you Can come to take over, even better."

Even the Grand Master's family will continue to decline, and if there is no relay to go up, it will be like the previous Grand Master's family and slowly decline.

There are newcomers to the top, and there are old people who need to abdicate. This is the law of development and the way to protect themselves. Even in a small city like Hua'an, Shang Wenwu changed from a master to a waste person. The scope of various business areas.

In Dongyue, the only Song family that can keep the family from declining is the Song Dynasty. The emperor of the Song family occupies the great righteousness and inherits it. As long as the Dongyue Empire does not collapse, the Song family will survive.

If there are no accidents, it is clear that Yan Family Prosperity has at least more than 50 years of scenery. This is also the time when Yan Jinbai’s generation is working. In the new era, the family background will be extremely heavy. Even if it falls in the future, there will be a chance to come back.

The higher you stand, the easier you are to worry about losing. Yan Xuankong shook his head vigorously before clearing the thoughts in his mind.

"Lao Yan, you are young and have the majority of your life, so pessimistic, it's still a long time"

"Lao Tuo, that's that you haven't died your son."

Yan Xuankong said in a word, Duo Tuohong's block was endless.

"My son is two months away from birth, you say something nice."

"Xiao Xuzhi may not have a master class day, maybe he can still learn to practice with me."

Tuo Guhong muttered a Then he was blocked by Yan Xuankong's eyes, and his voice became lower and lower.

"If you don't learn, you won't learn. It's so fierce. Fortunately, our Tuojia is also a famous family who is making a comeback."

"He is different from you after all, with different qualifications, and no physical training talent. It is difficult to achieve the four-in-one status of natural talent, Qi training, physical training, and mystery. How to overcome the difficulty of physical training."

"But he was lucky, Lao Yan, in just a few years, who could walk from obscurity to his present level" Tuo Guhong pointed to himself, and Gu Changying and Yan Xuankong before continuing: "Cultivation It’s faster than any other kid, and he has a fierce style of play. He has a solid foundation. If you count yourself, how many top-level masters have formed good ties with him."

"It's not that I said to you, you didn't have his good karma at that time. Our Tuojia's Qi practice has no place. If it is not to a certain extent, no one can learn it if he wants to learn it."

"Luck, good luck."

Yan Xuankong looked silently and looked out of the window. This was a big reason why he accepted Xu Zhi as an apprentice. But there is only one Tuo Guhong in this world. How can someone repeat the lives of others.

"If you don't practice the body, you can at least reduce the loss of medicine by half of the old Tuoqi practice. As long as you work hard and cooperate with his talent for sleeping, there is still a possibility of going to the guru."

"His Qi practice is in line with my flying sword technique. Maybe he can get a flying stick out and hit it ten times or eight times. It is not a problem to kill a guru."

Gu Changying figured it out, and felt that his ability to press the bottom of the box was very good with the thick soil Xuan Jing. Compared with the Yan family's route, the Gu family with the extension family is also good.

"Can his sleep talent last for thirty years?"

Turtle Breathing Skill is a thick soil Xuan Jing.

After listening to the explanations of the three masters for a long time, Xu Zhi suddenly remembered his radiant regeneration talent.

It turned out that this was the pot that caused the Hou Tu Xuan Jing to rotate.

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