Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1051: Death Shrine

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Of course, Xu Zhi also believes that knowledge is priceless. For him, as long as he finds the right book and transforms it through the property panel, then he can generate power.

Most of the books hidden by Leilong Wizard are Chaos and Magic series collections, which are not very useful to him who have no extra skills, and he can't learn at all.

He doesn't need it himself. Somra can refer to it. The gas magic of the ancient times has a lot in common with the chaotic magic of this world.

The guidance of books is far stronger than groping by yourself, and the proper way can make Somra's strength recover faster.

Xu Zhi bargained a bit, and finally picked out a few books from Bob.

The two flew into the air in tandem.

"I will come as soon as you go, you stand here, don't move around."

Bob repeatedly told Kotzes that he saw Xu Zhi ran a long way ahead of the road, and hurriedly ran along,

The volcanic lava lake is nearly 500 meters wide and has no ability to fly. It is almost impossible to reach the island at this center. After all, it is a lava lake, not a place where you can go by boat.

It is also extremely difficult to build a building in such a place. If you guess right, it may be left over a long time ago, but it just happened to escape the volcanic eruption and was surrounded by magma.

Xu Zhi raised his hand and flew closer, the building in the thick smoke became more and more clear, the tall two-story stone building, the outer wall has been extremely gray.

In terms of style, it seems a bit like a church, but also like some special style libraries.

Among the thick smoke, Xu Zhi coughed several times, and the smell of this thick smoke was a little bit wrong. It was different from the smell outside the volcanic lake. It was mixed with a strong smell of protein burning, and it was simply a crime to breathe.

"Cough cough cough"

Bob, who followed Xu Zhi, didn't hold back, breathing in a thick smoke, and almost choked tears.

"who is it?"

A powerful mental wave swept over, there was inquiry, but also a strong warning.

"There are strong hands."

Xu Zhi crossed the agile war halberd, strode on the solidified black lava ground, carefully looked around, and quickly entered the fighting state.

Such a strong spiritual fluctuation, the opponent's magical ability will not be low, and even has the ability as a teacher Bob.

"We are indexed, and we don't know which mage is in the same channel."

Bob followed closely behind Xu Zhi, wrapped his angel feather cloak, and was extremely alert.


As soon as the mental thought hesitated, another low, hoarse voice came.

"This site is ours. No outsiders are welcome. You will be given 30 seconds to quickly exit this place."

This is different from the sound of Basil Ray, the language is mixed with many accents, the ancient style is strong, like the taste of the ancient times, quite like Kenlohag's way of speaking.

Xu Zhi seemed to have heard this voice in his mind. He had no time to think about it, so he listened to Bob's reply.

"This is the former home of the Lich Garibal. How did it become your entrenched territory? We just want to visit the ruins of this strong man and will not disturb you."

Bob's words seem to be very clear about the history of this site. He said that the low voice was a bit depressed. He didn't expect that he occupied the place and there was the owner, which was directly exposed by the other party.

This is quite a faceless thing.

The voice replied halfway, "Then you just look at it casually, don't mess up the place, and hurry up after reading it."

The deep voice subsided gradually, and the violent mental fluctuations shrank back.

Xu Zhi and Bob let out a sigh of relief. The other party didn't seem to be able to deal with them, otherwise they would be forced out, but they couldn't deal with the two. Xu Zhi looked at the smoke for a long time, but didn't find the two. Where are people hiding?

"Come on, take a look in the church over there, maybe you can find something."

Bob pointed to the tall building in front of him, covering his nostrils slightly. The door of the church was covered with thick volcanic ash. The large hole in the door made the door seem dispensable and could be drilled in directly.

Compared with the church, the interior is much cleaner. In addition to the several metal coffins on display, Xu Zhi’s eyes were immediately attracted by the huge white skeleton of the central venue.

Like a spider, six bone legs are supported on the ground, with a spinal spur like a centipede in the middle, hovering up and down, and a skull resembling a bone dragon on the top.

"Is this an evil ritual?"

Recognizing his head, Xu Zhi knew that this huge white skeleton was pieced together, not that the creature had grown to look like this.

"This is the Temple of Death, where the Necromancers inherit the magic of death, but they don't know what kind of magic is recorded."

Bob stared at the skeleton, and Xu Zhi touched the death shrine. If Bob introduced it correctly, it was roughly similar to the place of the natural shrine, but the way of inheriting each other was different.

"Do you learn the magic of "vending vampires"?"

There is new magic.

Learn and learn.

Xu Zhi nodded excitedly, and was reminded again by the cold prompt of the property panel.

"Death magic level is insufficient to learn."

Can't learn to prompt me to dry the bird, Xu Zhi looked at his advanced death magic with sulking, this category of magic, he still only has two magic, good ability, but the chance of playing is not high, the quagmire is his use One of the more frequent death magic, the other disintegrating ray magic is less used and the level is quite low.

"Teacher, is there an expert study book on theory of death magic?"

"No, Don't disturb me studying."

Bob's eyes glowed, and he kept looking at the white skeleton, not wanting to ignore Xu Zhi at all.

It's boring to discuss, Xu Zhi can only look around to see if he can get something good.

He had just approached a coffin and heard the dull, hoarse voice again.

"This is my coffin, don't disturb me to sleep."


Xu Zhi turned around, and another mental wave also came out. This was the strongest person to be summoned first.

"I lie here, the other three coffins are empty, strange guests, you can lie down and rest."

Only the undead likes to lie in the coffin. Unexpectedly, the two secretly inhabited here. Xu Zhi looked at Bob who was excited and learning. There was nothing hidden in the coffin. This place was really nothing good. Bob called it a priceless treasure.

Kotzes did not want to be right with Bob. That was the wise choice.

When Xu Zhiwang looked at the sky, he suddenly listened to the violent wind outside the church, and a faint feeling of palpitations came.

"Nags, Degar, I'm back from the robbery. Come and see. This time I got a lot of good things and small gems. We can take them and change things."

A familiar muffled voice came, and a bone dragon's head drilled in excitement in the large hole in the door of the church.

"Hahaha, you are done, intruder, our main hitter is back"

The coffin lid was forcibly lifted, and a skeleton stood with a wooden staff waving it.

On the other side, a shriveled vampire stood up with a smile on his face. Two small daggers waved in his hand. In the church, a bunch of skeletons were drilled from the ground. Several zombies opened the other three coffin covers. , Qiqi crawled out.

"The little ones are all moving and want to cut people."

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