Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1056: Coins and experience

The air is filled with the smell of some disinfectant potions. Every year, there are a large number of jumping corpses that cannot be handled, and the corpses are thrown out. Towns obviously need to take the necessary epidemic prevention measures.

The weather in South Australia is hotter than in Yunling City. Rao is adapted to the hot climate. A few boys and girls who haven’t released the air are also very hot. They are constantly fanning with a small cloth fan they bought. With hot hot air.

Even if you change into South Australian clothing, this kind of behavior is that the foreigner can distinguish people, and it is not uncommon on the streets.

The business of the tea house is very hot, especially when adding a piece of ice to the tea, a simple match allows foreign tourists to drink one cup after another. The tea is not expensive, but the cup by cup behavior makes spending money like running water into a water. normal.

From the excitement when I first came, to the moment when my heart is flat, some young girls under the bright sun have begun to curse the weather in Nan'ao. Some people have decided to stiffen for a few days and go back after eating some red pigs.

Freshly baked red-skinned jumping pigs are expensive, and if they can be caught alive or sold better, they can be sold for nearly ten thousand yuan.

This is the time when the food and beverage industry in South Australia is paying dividends. The bosses can rarely kill tourists for two months a year.

In addition to eating this ingredient directly in the city, the surging practitioners can also go outside the city. There are many small creatures outside the layers of power grids and fences. The more I get there, there are even some jumpers who can break through these obstacles, and it is not surprising to see them in the city.

There are quite a few "hunting and jumping" buses. This temporarily added utility vehicle also comes with a half-tail box for cultivators to store their prey.

There are also big trucks that constantly transport red-skinned jumpers from outside the city into the city, and a red-skinned truck is quite valuable.

"Shall we catch these jumps, it's so valuable, so valuable, we happen to be short of money, and we have nearly five million dollars in a thousand heads, and we can create foreign exchange, ahhhhhhhhh."

Shang Qianqiu looked at the red skin jumping around the iron fence of the big truck. This little monster changed into various coins in her eyes, constantly beating, roaring, and thinking about a thousand red skin jumping pigs, she The saliva is about to run down.

"Let's rest. In our state, it's difficult to run and pant. It's almost the same as being caught by jumping people."

"The rate of red skin jumping is not high. One hundred heads of jumping, with a maximum of one or two red skins mixed together. The odds of fighting for looting in the field are not small. If you want to do this job, there are no two brushes."

"The three of you will adapt to the environment first in the city. We will take Xiao Xu, Xiao Yan, and Xiao Gu out of the city. Xiaoyan and Xiao Gu will drive you in the future. As much red skin as you can, you must pay attention to safety. "

Chen Jingsi finally ended this topic. This kind of way of earning money they had done in the past was basically equivalent to two months of hard work in South Australia. How much they can earn is pure luck.

Compared with today's cultivation group, the strength of young people has entered an extremely mainstream stage. Hunting and jumping are no problem. Whether they can meet the red-skinned jumping people. It is a problem to carry these prey back to the city.

After verifying the information, I signed a disclaimer agreement and set off from Benin City, the capital of the Hatut Union State. In just two hours, the crowd entered the wilderness, and the large group of people seemed to fly into these strange places. In the wild area.

At first, it was very common for people to outnumber people. After running for an hour or two, it slowly entered the hunting area.

The land is wide and the population is sparse, and the number of corresponding jumpers has also increased.

From time to time, we can see the figures of the jumping pigs, mostly yellow skin, but none of the red skin. For these little things, rushing directly to drive can scare the other party away, but hiding and hiding can easily cause the other party to attack.

Xu Zhi saw that a white-skinned cultivator was under siege, and to beheaded and killed more than thirty yellow skins, these creatures jumped wildly and fled.

Without certain strength, in the face of such multiple blows, it is difficult to avoid physical damage. Seeing that the other party is walking and walking, this cultivator probably needs some treatment or ending today’s hunting trip Too.

"Be careful, these yellow skins are here."

Chen Jingsi opened his mouth and reminded him of a bush under a leaf almost gnawing.

These yellow-skinned jumpers climbing the trees are as flexible as monkeys. When he met the creature that suddenly broke into his sight, he immediately stopped eating, stared at the group of five, and screamed continuously.

Just a few seconds of judgment, these extremely simple and limited creatures of IQ became irritable, constantly jumping from the trees, or flapping their small wings and rushing directly from the air.

"Kill them."

"Tear them."


"So hungry."

The short words continued to echo in Xu Zhi's mind, Xu Zhi was a little stunned. It was the first time that he heard the words of relic creatures in reality. After all, the recognition of the property panel was limited to the world of relics and dream world, but not Know if these little monsters can give him a little experience.

Facing the fluttering yellow skins, he just slapped his hand, and this small thing fell down. The cervical spine was directly broken by him, and he hummed twice on the ground and he died.

The slaughter is just like killing these little things, and he can still practice his skills.

Gu Yuxi's swordsmanship, occasionally mixed with some boxing and kung fu, Yan Jinbai is a long sword and a long sword, killing these yellow-skinned jumpers is extremely easy.

Chen Jingsi and Lu Guoyi only defended a little bit, constantly observing the teenagers.

With the skill of attacking, these youngsters are far better than they were. Even if they had some pride in their cultivation, the two nodded slightly, and Gu Changying, a nanny, lived unhappily with the wind.

There are few places where strong players need to worry about. Without them, these three people can play with ease in these places.

"Xiao Xuzhi, why don't you show your stick skills."

Lu Guoyi looked at Xu Zhi, who fights empty-handed, at The cloud is extremely smooth, but the killing efficiency is obviously not as good as the cold weapon. He also wants to take a look at Xu Zhi's bottom.

"If you don't mind, I can make sticks" Xu Zhi replied.

"It's almost finished, don't."

For Xu Zhi's stick technique, Gu Yuxi obviously still has a shadow.

There is no certain distance between the two sides, and she does not want Xu Zhi's flesh and blood to fly, even if she now has the ability to let out the air, the situation is obviously unpredictable. The sword on her hand is constantly released, and the sword stabs in the yellow skin. Where their throats are.

"True man, then you have to bathe in blood," Lu Guoyi muttered.

I saw Xu Zhi leaning on Yan Jinbai's kung fu for two or three seconds, a long stick has been taken out.

A stick swung out and thundered like a flat.

The three jumps were directly bombarded into plasma, the limbs were shot, and a large group of blood rain spewed out.

For a time, the brilliance hung over everyone's body.

"I think a real man," Chen Jingston paused and said: "Unnecessary, Xiao Xu can fight empty-handed"

He flicked a yellow skin that transformed from a very irritable moment into a frightened expression, and he didn't know what to say under his heart. If this guy was repaired in the future, the gray-faced and gray-faced situation might not be less. How to match it is really a problem. .

Compared with the crowd's resistance to cudgel technique, Xu Zhi's heart showed another kind of emotion.

Just in the past, taking the long stick, the record of the attribute panel impressively records the impact of this attack.

"Successfully killed small monsters of enemy units and gained experience 5"

The jumpers who caused the disaster of biological invasion can gain experience. In Xu Zhi's eyes, the jumpers flashed various experience numbers.

Seeing these jumps fleeing, Xu Zhi screamed, picked up the stick and chased.

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