Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1058: Chicken Master

   The sky was shining brightly, and Chen Jingsi and Lv Guoyi, who had a double heart, took Xu Zhi to the "hunting jump" bus.

   Like them, there are so many people who get up early to hunt. At four o'clock in the morning, the city of Benin is already lively.

   mixed into the crowd, the three people were not conspicuous, Xu Zhi had a close eyes closed.

   It wasn't until he passed the level and entered the wild area that he hit himself with a wayfinding technique and followed Chen Jingsi and Lu Guoyi.

   "The speed of running is not bad, it is so much better than the orange orange girl."

Seeing that Xu Zhi could barely keep up with the speed of the two, Chen Jingsi could not help but praise.

   Double talented girl yellow orange orange, is his cousin, even if he is thoughtful, he can't take it now.

   The rhythm of the two parties is not on the same channel at all. If you follow them forcibly, you can only act as a nanny. It is not worth the loss. With them entering some dangerous areas, you have to face the risk of being difficult to resist.

   "Hey, how many young people can be like him, even the boss of Shengan, I was afraid that they would be inferior to them."

Lv Guoyi whispered, but all the boys and girls he met these days, all have strong explosive power, excellent, the atmosphere of chasing and chasing each other is very good, the spirit is very good, the pace of cultivation is fast and steady , Far from entering the bottleneck period of cultivation.

   Step by step, step by step.

   stands out among its peers, there is a higher chance of getting better treatment and more training opportunities, and the probability of following everyone will become lower and lower.

   This "first" state is difficult to teach even in a family.

  Good educational conditions only make the starting point higher and the pace faster, but the real success depends on their own qualifications and qualities.

   There are many opportunities for the rich and the poor are not desperate. The legion and various functional departments can allow a group of people to eventually catch up or surpass.

   There are also some scattered individuals in cultivation. Through continuous accumulation of wealth, they set their sights on the next generation. As long as the offspring are like them, two or three generations will not stand out.

   ran forcibly in the wild area, Xu Zhi saw several small villages, surrounded by barbed wire extremely firmly.

The land around the village was barren and there was no one in it. By this month, they had packed up early, went to work and take refuge in the city, and they would slowly return to their houses until the Vulcan Carnival was over. in.

  In addition to avoiding the unknown number of jumpers, they also have to avoid unexpectedly large numbers of cultivators, to avoid unexpected conflicts, or to prevent fairy fights and mortal suffering.

   "Good endurance."

   continued to run for four hours, Xu Zhi not only followed the two firmly, but also encountered bumpy mountain roads, the speed of travel did not slow down, and the adaptability was quite good, which made the two surprised.

   "From here, it is the Utari River, which is the starting point of our trip, you little things, get away."

   Xu Zhi followed a slap and slapped the yellow skin in front of him, following the direction pointed by Chen Jingsi when he talked. I saw a big river surging in the distance, and the green river seemed to be inlaid on a slightly yellow land.

The riverside is originally the most luxuriant place for plants, but many trees are like sparse autumn leaves, the leaves are sparse and sparse, they are eaten by these jumpers, and there are some trees and vines with rich roots Directly hollowed out, a dead and wounded.

   Nanao people's hatred of these little things is not difficult to understand.

  The chance of encountering jumpers in this area will be magnified several times. Despite the breathlessness of running, the speed of Xu Zhi's start is not slow at all. Between waves, a yellow jump will inevitably overturn and gain experience five.

About these three people, but they suffered too much, and after leaving a corpse, these little monsters scattered and got into the grass, woods, burrows, or various piles of stones, and became difficult to kill. .

   "In the past, there were a lot of stubble in the past. Don't take it lightly and try not to cause trouble."

   Xu Zhi looked at the two men without words. If he hadn't changed the thing before, he really thought the two were innocent.

  In addition to entering the ruins, these two men obviously came to the black hand.

   "When I ran, I saw a little Niang skin, it seemed to be wearing a big sword."

   "I also saw a good one, carrying a long knife, it is estimated to be a treasure level, I hope I might encounter it deep."

Blue steel, alloy, and iron, these three materials may be expert cultivators or some master cultivators. Once they rise to the treasure level, there are no exceptions. The proper ones are all masters, even not The young master also used the treasure evangelist.

  Xu Zhi thought about it and decided to remind the two of them. After all, he is still an expert. This kind of occasion cannot be blended.

   "Remember to throw me away when you two play under the black hands. If you don't have time to dress up, you must pretend not to know me."

   "What do you say, what black hand do you play, we are serious people."

  Luo Guoyi said two words, his inner air was suddenly raised, and he looked at Chen Jingsi, raised Xu Zhi, and stood up on the Utari River.

   The water surface of the Utari River is more than two hundred meters wide, and the narrow one is more than seventy to eighty meters away, but the river is turbulent and the terrain is dangerous, but these places are good locations for flying.

   Crossing the river with Xu Zhi, Chen Jingsi and Lv Guoyi chose the water surface with such a short distance, and saw three people like giant geese, leap forward on the river.

   "Brother Chen, Brother Lu, your inner energy is so strong that you can fly with people as far as you can."

   Stepping into the master class, will have a certain stagnation ability, can carry out a short-range leap flight, this is only for itself, and has not yet to take people to easily cross such a long distance.

  Chen Jingsi and Lu Guoyi's high-level abilities in the realm of masters are obviously extraordinary. When they mention Xu Zhi, they rush on the water, and when they open their mouths, they admire them.

  When getting along with the big brothers, Xu Zhi never skimps on the timely praise. This kind of praise comes from the heart, which is completely different from forcibly flattering.

   "Of course, UU reading, you don't look at who Lu Ge is."

  Lv Guoyi was quite happy, and accepted this compliment by patting her chest.

   "The surname is Lu, we are Xiao Xu with the band, not flying with the boss of Shengan, you spread a woolen hand, lying on the trough."

Chen Jingsi watched as Lu Guoyi grabbed Xu Zhi's hand and let go, he thumped twice on his chest, but he hadn't recovered it quickly. Utari river.

"I go."

Lv Guoyi was shocked. The inertia of his usual actions came in unconsciously, and with Xu Zhi's interruption, he just seemed to have done a stupid thing. When he stretched out his hand and forcibly pulled the two people, the internal energy that he mentioned couldn't help but stagnate. He also fell together with the two of them.

   The subconscious habit is easy to overlook many things. Until this time, Xu Zhi did not fully remember these two acts.

   When he and Huang Orange were still small and weak chickens, they went to North Xinjiang without even preparing clothes for the cold. They didn't expect that after he grew into a weak chicken, the two would still look like this.

   fell into the water. He recalled the moment, and saw three cold lights on the riverside more than ten meters away, all pointing to the place where they had just flown.

   On the bank of the river, three Tsing Yi masked figures drilled out, looking at the hidden weapon that was completely empty, and three people who fell into the water.

   "Nima can't fly so far to hold x, where did the chicken master, actually fell into the river."

  Several seconds later, a Tsing Yi man uttered a weird South Australian language curse.

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