Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1065: accident

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Chen Jingsi and Lu Guoyi fled with a scalp, and Jingmen's big head followed the three-headed dog closely, and Xu Zhi was left carrying the noise.

Various anti-intellectual words made Jingmen Damu feel that he had done evil in his life.

It also made Chen Jingsi and Lu Guoyi feel that what Jingmen Damu was doing was the Nanyang head-down technique, and this IQ was very ridiculous.

"Biduo Huanhuang, come out quickly, don't say you lost someone."

Jingmen's big head roared twice, and his head looked up, and the dazzling light came, and it was dull now.

"Yellow hair, big cousin didn't enter this sulfur hole again, you can't scream if you shout your throat."

"Bear II, you stupid bird."

Jingmen scolded. He thought about the juniors of various families coming out to practice. At the beginning, who was not dressed in disguise and followed them secretly, fearing to raise them for a decade or two, and once inadvertently hit the water directly.

Parents’ unified mantra is naturally to go out, be more careful, self-reliant and so on.

It won’t let the next generation know that it is secretly protecting or even losing chance.

It is not surprising that Piduo Xiong Er did not know that Piduo Ring Phoenix was in the corridor of Naika Sulphur Cave.

To be fair, sometimes it can make up a lot of things.

Xu Zhi, who was being carried, was also confused, and it was rare to see such a situation with a guru. Was this uncle unconscious, or he entered into Alzheimer's disease early and became demented.

"Silly bird, yellow hair, are you scolding me, I'm going to **** your uncle."

"Xiong Er, you are my uncle, please shut up for a while?"

Jingmen Damu crushed an upright pillar of sulfur shoots with one foot, barely increased the speed by another two points, chased for nearly an hour, and now he is less than 150 meters from the front.

If it weren’t for that **** energy lamp light, Jingmen Damu felt that he had erupted several times at the time, and it took at most half an hour to catch up with the two who ran ahead.

Of course, he still needs this **** guy to talk less.

"Yellow hair, you are really there. Learn to turn around and scold others. Niu, I am ignorant of you as a brother. You let me punish myself. Friends!"

Between the words, the light of Xu Zhi's hand dimmed, and there was no more light.

Suddenly it was dark in front of him, and he adapted to this bright light for a long time. He said that if he didn't, then Jingmen Damu felt very embarrassed.

With Xu Zhi's lamp, he even dropped his own energy lamp.

Now be a ghost.

Forcibly rushing for more than 100 meters, the body hit a horizontally growing sulfur shoot.

Jingmen Damu felt that he was going to attack the pills sooner or later. When the master was so powerful, he couldn't see anything. He was rushing, omnipotent, and he wasn't breathing in his body every moment.

The faster the speed, the greater the rebound of the collision force.

A small stone can exert great power at a rapid speed, not to mention the terrain in the corridor of Naika Sulphur Cave.

Without a light source, his speed would even be reduced to one-tenth of its original speed.

Seeing that the faint light in front of him was getting darker and darker, and finally disappeared, the sullen Jingmen Damu had a chance to march by perception.

"Does Lao Tzu want more enemies?"

With the big mouth of Pidkur II, if he survives, he will definitely say everything in the cave.

The ending is good. Naturally, many friends have a bad ending.

"Finally, I got rid of this old ghost, his mother, how many miles have I rushed."

"I am afraid that I have escaped one sixth of the time during this time."

One-sixth, according to the standard route of the map, should be about 25 kilometers, but that is just a calculated straight-line journey, without jumping up and down, crossing obstacles, etc. In fact, after comprehensive calculation, Chen Jingsi and Lu Guoyi ran The distance is far beyond this distance.

In the Naica Sulphur Cave Corridor, everyone has already traveled two thirds.

"Fortunately, I was as light as a bird, and I felt like a panacea. I jumped fast."

"Maybe we have run more times and the terrain is too familiar."

"Why don't you mention the critical moment, the two of them burst out of their potential to escape?"

Lu Guoyi and Chen Jingsi are not only controversial, Xu Zhi lazily lying on the two people, like a lion dance, one person dances the head, one person dances the tail, he acts as the lion props.

It is just two pathfinding techniques, which are not locked by Qi and spirit, or directly enter the battle, the pathfinding technique will not be destroyed.

Lu Guoyi and Chen Jingsi ran quite fast.

"Good job."

"Really good."

When talking in a low voice, the two can't help but praise Xu Zhi. The words are the second most exciting. It's great to take the energy lamp and pierce Jingmen's eyes in the reverse direction.

This is simply the pain of relatives, the enemy is fast, Jingmen's eyes are depressed.

The effect lasted for several months, and the guru had to be angry.

The small team seems to cooperate well.

Strong has strong benefits, and weak also has weak uses. The ability is great regardless of size.

For Xu Zhi's temporary integration into the team, both of them felt very satisfied and didn't take it seriously.

When they were satisfied, they suddenly saw a little starlight in the distance.

"May be worse."

"Which kind of heartlessness does it."

After a little communication, the faint starlight has become more and more obvious between the leaping and jumping.

"Someone has set fire on here again, and I went to his grandmother."

Looking at the faint and weak sulfur Mars, Chen Jingsi could not help but curse.

The thin oxygen can make people suffocate. It is difficult for people with thick sulfur white smoke to open their eyes. Even if there is a light source, it is still a ground with very low visibility. Only by virtue of perceiving forward, all the troubles are a killer.

"I don't know how far it burned, can we rush over."

Lu Guoyi glanced at Chen Jingsi. The master trainer's patience was much stronger than that of the expert trainer. If they rushed past, Xu Zhi suffocated halfway, which is a big head.

Let it go straight, they alone passed through the burning zone, let this guy and the slowly catching Jingmen big eye circle ~ ~ does not seem to be a good idea.

After all, Xu Zhi and Jingmen did not have a long time ago.

This is the case of his own child, so he must be beaten and beaten to death to be relieved.

As for going back, it must be able to beat Jingmen Damu, a hard fight, plus Xu Zhi fell in the hands of Jingmen Damu.

This time, Jingmen has some time to wear weapons.

Without a sneak attack, the fighting result may not be very satisfying.

"Don't worry, you just rush. Despite the rush, don't be afraid that I'm suffocating. I'm also a person who knows **** turtles."

There is no speed standard for the flight of the aircraft. With Chen Jingsi and Lu Guoyi running, Xu Zhi feels that he will not break the connection between him and the dream world.

Unable to bear the breath, he went there temporarily to avoid it.

His only hope is that these two must rush over, which is related to four lives.

"Assuming that the ignition occurred 24 hours ago, according to the current burning speed, the coverage of dense smoke and the speed of air flow, to calculate the burning."

"It's no choice to count a fisherman. Run, just like before, march fast."

Chen Jingsi just thought about it, and Lu Guoyi's thinking was disrupted. He thought about it, and had to give up the calculation.

The three of them plunged into the thick smoke, running for more than three or four hundred meters, and suddenly heard Lu Guoyi say "I lean".


Chen Jingsi shouted.

Awake by the two, Xu Zhi's eyes widened sharply.

In just a few seconds, the world is completely different.

No one carried him.

Chen Jingsi and Lu Guoyi disappeared.

The whole world was red, and the infinite heat suddenly struck.

This is already another world.

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