Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1070: Temple of Fire

  No interest is not early. Kuangsha Literature Network

   This is Xu Zhi's impression of Li Duohuang. He is greedy and often lacks the cards.

   He can count a bunch of minor problems.

   But this woman also has a benefit, running with the other party, sometimes earning a big bargain.

   Li Duohuang came here, pine, plum, bamboo, chrysanthemum, and the four King Kong Sumi of Hanshan Society also came here. It should not be a coincidence.

   That is the treasure of this place, it is worth a few people from different places, but also made a special trip to come here.

   At the master stage, it is not like Xu Zhi's early days in the ruins, I don't know the sky and the north and the north, it is difficult to find the location, and each has its own means.

If they want to find a certain important position in the original, through constant comparison and reference in memory, they have a chance to return to the original place, and the master cultivator can fly and jump, endurance, running at night, extremely fast fast.

   "Eight dollars, I believe what you say, oh, this is a fairy in this lava lake. I am lucky to meet a few big fairies."

   "Fairy, big fairy, I believe you a watermelon."

   Xu Zhi looked at Li Duohuang suspiciously, trying to get something out of the mouth of the little girl. It was really not easy, but the mystery was soon revealed.

  According to Li Duohuang's words, it should not be considered a dangerous thing, otherwise the lady will get a newspaper in exchange for his life.

   "This lava lake can get a treasure similar to the sun stone, which can be used to build the remains of the master's weapon."

   "I used to get one before, and when the genuine product is released, I just want to make another one to sell it."

   Xu Zhi rolled his eyes. Under different circumstances, this kind of analogy is like the relationship between the gold coins in the ruins and the actual gold and silver. Some people like it, and some people feel unworthy.

   However, if the relics are used to build weapons used in reality, and calculation errors occur, it is a blood loss.

  Xu Zhi remembers that there were people who exchanged Yanyang Stone for the poisonous horn that they obtained, but only later. In terms of value, this Yanyang Stone is not low.

   This lava lake seems to be a real treasure, depending on whether you can get Yanyang Stone.

Seeing Li Duohuang unwilling to say more, Xu Zhi had to look around and see if he could find something new.

   It seems that there are traces of foundation around the boulder. It seems that someone once built a house on this stone, but I don’t know how this lava lake was formed.

  Xu Zhi looked at the extreme distance, there seemed to be some vegetation, it seems that this place has not erupted in a long time since the volcanic accident.

   This made him feel a little bit relieved, and now it is impossible to continue flying once again to sacrifice flying magic.

  According to Chen Jingsi and Lv Guoyi's ability to lead people to fly at such a long distance, he really couldn't get out of this lava lake.

   "Hey, look, there are words in this place."

  Not only Xu Zhi, Chen Jingsi and Lv Guoyi are also exploring. Lv Guoyi seems to have found something, and sang under the boulder.

   "The boss is just fine, he studies this much."

   Straight down, I saw a series of large characters passing by on the huge rock wall.

   Although the age is long, but still see clearly.

   "Nim Fire God"

  Xu Zhi looked at it for a while, then looked at these characters in reverse.

   seems to be a **** established by a religion that likes fire. Xu Zhi wonders whether the temperature in this ghost place is too high, and those **** sticks that like fire can't stand it, and they have moved the god.

  On the boulder, there are not even a few fragments of the building left. This is probably a relocation.

  When he looked around, he always felt that the magma in the lava lake seemed to have dropped a little.

   blinked his eyes and looked at the bottom of the boulder.

   is indeed descending, the speed is not fast, almost half a minute, but the drop is only one centimeter.

   "Does this lava lake disappear?" Xu Zhi exclaimed.

   maintains such a huge lava lake, there is no known how active volcanoes are underground, but he has never seen a volcano and will swallow it out.

   "Hey, little cousin, you have been really careful. You can see it. Unlike the idiot below, who stepped on the pumice stone, he didn't know how to die."

   When Li Duohuang spoke, he saw fire on the surface of the lava lake. The lava magma seemed to become a kind of combustible mineral, and the flame was like a wildfire. From one point, it began to spread into pieces.

   only heard the sound of Lu Guoyi's ghost, his body exploded under the boulder, and jumped back.

   "The temperature is so high, I'm scalding to death, woo, woo woo."

   There was a fire on his trouser legs. Rao was isolated from his inner air, and he was beating on the ground again. There was a burst of fire and the flames were still burning.


  Chen Jingsi's long sword danced, and the special cloth on Lu Guoyi's legs and feet were all cut off, exposing the slightly hot and swollen legs inside.

   "What a terrible fire."

   Chen Jingsi sighed that if he did not find this boulder, he still jumped on the lake, which was the end of the slag.

   "Only under such extreme fire, calcination can produce treasures like Yanyang stone."

  Li Duohuang proudly said that this treasured place is a place she greatly regrets, come to one, she rushed one, and directly occupied.

   But among the ruins, if you want to enter this area and then pass through the lava lake, it is also possible for a few talents.

   Song, plum, bamboo, and chrysanthemum probably got the Yanyang stone here before, and even in front of Li Duohuang. This time, they ran again.

   It's just that Baodu hasn't seen it, and the person will die first, probably they didn't expect it in the end.

   Several kilometers of the lava lake fire suddenly rose, and an extremely high amount instantly came in, burning people unbearably.

   Xu Zhi's inner air exploded, the blue light on the body surface just flashed, and was replaced by the yellow earthman in less than a second.

   The more pure and powerful thick soil Xuan Jing internal air obviously directly replaced the effect of Changzheng Yanggong.

   This is the conflict between the two Qi-Qi exercises. From the earliest integration and collaboration, the Hou Tu Xuan Jing now has grown into a king, which directly drives away the effect of Changzheng Yang Gong.

This is also the reason why Xu Zhi had to devour one of the Qi exercises. At the time of the If such two kinds of Qi exercises appear one after the other, he will be easily attacked. Find flaws.

  Chang Zhenyang Gong has a high level and long practice. It must be the first reaction, but the thick Qi Xuan Jing's inner qi is better, the reaction is slower, and the quality comes to the top, which will replace the former inner qi effect in the future.

   Of course, there is no choice for Xu Zhi now. Every day, I just rely on the Hou Tu Xuan Jing to devour a long Zhenyang Gong.

   is slowly completing this replacement process.

   The extreme measure that suddenly appears, comes from above and below, seems to passively advance this cycle.

   has grown into a towering tree-like existence. In the framework of the Qi, the thick soil Xuan Jing continuously absorbs and squeezes out every nutrient of Changzheng Yanggong, and will self-proliferate more robustly.

   When Xu Zhi actively operated the thick soil Xuan Jing fusion, Changzhen Yanggong continued to shrink, and the traces of existence became scarcer.

   When there was a roar in my mind.

   This Tuojia Qi practice has quietly entered the fifth floor.

   The original extremely pure inner qi seemed to weaken a little, and became less compact, and Xu Zhi was not in a hurry to rush into the thick soil mystery again.

   The sixth floor is the master realm, which is a realm he can't reach yet.

   Between breathing, constant consumption, continuous maintenance, but also a slow step to promote.

   When his breath was completely stable, his eyes slowly opened, and I saw that under the bedrock of the Pyro, the Lava Lake had dried up into pieces.

   The golden light of the lake is dazzling, and there seem to be countless gold nuggets blinking in the eyes.

   After the fire, the whole lake became a world of golden glaze.

   Several people were overjoyed, and they searched around. After a little cooling, they went down to explore the truth and reality, and suddenly saw a bell ringing in the far distance.

   A strange song came over.

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