Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1075: Somra Translator

  Like a cooked shrimp, Xu Zhi who was comatose was carried back by Lu Guoyi. Kuangsha Literature Network

   The dog tail that he dragged in his hand was the welfare he brought out to everyone.

   "Come, come and share."

  Chen Jingsi cut the dog's tail into small pieces without any taste, and it was good to take the wine.

   "Little Brother Xu has been very powerful, that is to grab food under the master and the first master of South Australia."

   "You can still think of us after eating so sanely, if you don't say it, you should eat less."

   "You chew a bite, this thing is strong enough, and the teeth that hurt when you eat it hurt."

   "They ate a dog, I really envy."

  Xu Shi's threw back the movement to make Xu Zhi wake up a little, the last thought in his head turned around, Xu Zhi exhausted the last effort and got into the dream world.

  It is difficult to actively run the body of the thick soil mystery for a few seconds, like a thunderous thunder, slowly running up.

  Unconscious operation is stronger and more efficient than conscious operation. Xu Zhi did not understand the principle.

  Tuo Guhong roughly said that there is no thought, no dimension, and escape into the ethereal. When all thoughts do not exist and the body only has instincts, everything is closest to the natural fit.

  As long as the running route is adjusted to the correct path, Xu Zhile relies on physical instincts to practice, and it is too simple for him to escape from the conditions mentioned by Tuo Guhong.

  Hou Tu Xuan Jing is special in the practice of Qi, and the quality and total amount of internal Qi are larger and more sufficient than the Qi exercises of the same level.

  Compared with the pursuit of the ultimate attack of the White Tiger Qisha, the development comparison of the Hou Tu Xuan Jing on a single item is hardly satisfactory, and it is extremely moderate.

   The only thing that I am not afraid of is probably to fight against the enemy. The total amount of gas in the family is enough to release three or five strokes. The thick soil Xuan Jing can support thirty or fifty strokes.

   "Thousands" and "Topping"

  Xu Zhi thinks about his own tricks. As his hidden dragon claw tricks realized by the magical dragon king's magical powers in the early days, the skill of the thousand sticks has developed to the final training. He has supported many battles with these two skills.

  The realization and production of unique tricks has always been not a simple matter. Even with the crazy devil stick method, Xu Zhi has not yet evolved the final form.

For example, Shang Qianqiu’s practice of direct tricks is not much. For ordinary practitioners, that kind of trick is extremely powerful, but if they can’t practice, they will become suitable for their own style. Eventually, there will be more and more flaws, and they will be easily attacked by opponents of the same level. Straight through.

   sat straight on the wood, still confused for a long time in his head, and then he removed the chaotic thoughts.

   Until the rest and fullness in the dream world, this completely eliminates the effect of binge eating three-headed dogs.

   "Be sure to maintain a fair, just and harmonious way of communication. Here, I once again recommend my host Mr. Xu..."

   In a corner of the village, Somra was like a announcer, and he spoke in the Elasian language.

   "Xiaosuo, what are you doing?"

   Xu Zhi looked curiously at Somra holding the Titan's head. At this moment, the blue skin was talking to the Titan's head to himself. Xu Zhi felt that Somra was alone for too long and his head was broken.

   "Haha, master, look at the baby I made."

   Somra pointed at Titan's head, and Xu Zhi looked at it seriously. After watching it for a long time, he looked up confusedly.

   "Little cable, this head is still that head, nothing has changed."

   "Inner, hey, master, do you want to look at its inner, is it still a Titan head? Obviously not, it is now called the Somra translator, the greatest simultaneous translation construct machine in history."


  Xu Zhiyi Le, the greatest simultaneous interpretation in history is in his mind. What can compare with this kind of panel comparison, familiar with all things, direct simultaneous conversion.

   "Look, as long as my baby is bound to the inputter, after the conversion of the head, Titan's mouth will spit out the Elasian language."

   "It's okay to input Dongyue language, as long as the communication target is locked, the language in the other party's mouth will also be automatically converted into Dongyue language and other languages ​​by Titan head."

  Seeing that Xu Zhi didn't seem to pay much attention to the Somra translator, Somra got anxious and introduced his research results for a while.

   "Masters like me who are proficient in multiple languages ​​are rare, don't you think this is a great artifact to avoid conflicts of civilizations?"

   "Haha, clash of civilizations" Xu Zhi's thoughts turned around, and then there were some hindsights: "You are mainly for us to use."

"Of course," Somra said happily: "I have been thinking for a long time. I think the reason why our old world and your outer world are fighting is that they may not have much contact. It is difficult to have a normal way of communication. If we can communicate, we may have conflicts. Not so intense."

   "This is a result of my meditation, which took months to achieve."

   Somra stared at Xu Zhi for a long time, and then shook his hand and said, "Master, shout, the peace of the two worlds will fall on you."


  Xu Zhi didn't know that this was the first few bigwigs to tell him about world peace. How could world peace be so easy, give a nuclear bomb, and then give a switch button, the world's nuclear level is simple.

   "Xiaosuo, you might not know, in our world, world peace depends on this."

   Xu Zhi waved his fist. Only when the fist is hard to a certain degree, can the unobtrusive beating be honest and you can return to the negotiating table quietly.

   Peace on the lips has never been fruitful.

  Even if he has peace of Then people have to be willing to listen.

  When the interests are huge, and when the strength of each other is too large, the first thought and action in mind are always conquest, even killing.

   Inside and outside of the ruins, nothing happened.

  Peace, this world has never existed.

  The battle will never stop, and the development of mankind has always been a history of war.

   "Do you really think so? Like Gwen Magnus."

   Somra has some intentions, and only feels that after many months of hard work, he seems to have hit the water.

   "I know the wolf language, but if we can't fight and ruin the wolves a few times, do you think the wolves outside the village can get along with us peacefully?"

   "But there are always differences between humans and animals."

   "There is no difference, only it is more unbearable, and it requires greater deterrence."

  Xu Zhi sighed and said: "Maybe the humans in our external world are the weaker."

   is just a leakage of a relic biological species, which caused a biological disaster in South Australia. If one day, the relic is fixed in reality and can be accessed without barriers, the scene must be like the end.

   "Do my best, if there is an opportunity to contribute, I will definitely bring a Somra translator to communicate."

  Xu Zhi said this, Somra was happy again.

   "It seems that the direction of my research is correct, but your master is too weak."

"You're right."

  Weak chickens are not qualified to talk about world peace. Xu Zhi points his regeneration talent to the fourth level and has 20 points of life recovery.

   Now, his wish is that his weak chicken can fly off the ground and slowly step into the realm of master-level practice.

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