Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1081: Struck

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In the city of the Hand of Death, the guards are tightly guarded, and even if Doug Wuger and others are fierce, they haven't dared to take the plunge. Kuangsha Literature Network

It wasn't until Bob suddenly appeared with the bone dragon in the sky that he found a good opportunity.

The cold-faced knight responsible for receiving the slaves of many commanders was about to summon the command, and he saw Doug Wurg hit him with a hammer, and then withdrew his body, and a bad wind came from behind.


With a wave of Xu Zhi's halberd, I saw the cold-faced knight's head flying high, rolling in the air several times before falling to the ground, and Guru turned.

In the venue, the chaos instantly became extremely chaotic. The flying demon sons clamored, holding a small steel fork around, and dozens of ghosts roared, floating down from the roof.

Somewhere in the distance, a few vampires looked at the sky and the messy prison nearby, and flew over.

"Kill these intruders, roar~"

The head of the cold-faced knight stood on the ground and made a huge roar. With his voice, a large number of skeletons drilled out of the surrounding ground, and more and more undead rushed into this area. .

"It's not dead yet."

The thief captures the king first, and his first goal with Doug Wuger is to clear the commander in the field.

This commander's individual strength is not too strong, but just an ordinary level. What Xu Zhi didn't expect was that he lost his opponent's head under the halberd of a battle. This undead commander still has most of his life.

The other person's physical condition is unobstructed under his panel, far from the point of death.

Soldiers will fight against soldiers.

At Bob’s Division, the demon blinked, the bone dragon flew, and a large group of vampires flew, and there were two ghouls assisted remotely.

The situation is far worse than they are here, vaguely hear Maratha's scolding, Dracula's scolding, and the sound of Bob and Nags constantly releasing magic.

Only the impact of skeletons, sons of demons, ghosts, zombies, and a few vampires, Xu Zhi felt that his treatment was much better.

Mr. Bob is doing good deeds without name, pulling most of the high-level forces in the city of the hand of death.

"He's a death knight. He has to die in two places in his mouth."

Doug Wurg raised the Frost Warhammer and smashed it against the cold-faced knight's head. He looked straight and saw that the cold-faced knight's body opened his thighs and fled back and forth.


With a loud shout, the battle halberd flew, knocking several flying ghosts away. Xu Zhi's battle halberd stretched out and was inserted into the opponent's cavity, turning hard to stir, and the locked cold-faced knight's body crooked. After the fall, blood quantified to zero.

In addition to the slightly special body structure, this cold-faced knight is not difficult to deal with, the individual combat power is not high, not to mention that their attack came suddenly, and did not give the other party much time to prepare.

"As long as I see it, all death will be struck by light."

After Elita chanted the spell, a bright light rose in her hand and instantly turned into dozens of white lights and waved out.


Professional magic against dead creatures.

A group of devil sons holding small steel forks shouted in the air, their bodies seem to be flooded with oil, and they flew a few steps in a twisted way.

Several ghosts and vampires were swept by the light, also a wave of wailing, and they retreated again and again. As for the skeletons that did not respond, they had just crawled out, and they had turned into bone meal and returned to the earth.

"True cow."

Xu Zhiyin a little regretted that he did not point the Holy Word to the sixth level, and then learned the Holy Singing technique, the ability to strike in this range is indeed powerful, far faster than he came with the agile war halberd.

As soon as Elita sang, she fell more than thirty sons of demons, more than twenty skeletons, plus the ghosts and vampires that were playing back and forth, powerful and powerful.

A magic is more than two hundred experience, a little calculation, Xu Rongzi is green.

He cooperated with Doug Wuger, and the cold-faced knight who had been harvested had only three hundred and twenty points experience, far from the ease and freedom of Elita.

"I don't want to leave, I want to learn tactics, I must be the last five people left."

"Go to your mother."

Allenville seemed to be struggling. When he saw the people who came to rescue him, his head twitched somehow. In the chaos, in the face of such uncooperative objects, the always good-tempered Agrienaire could not help but scold her.

"The child is disobedient, just have a good meal," Kotzes, who helped aside, said quietly.

"that's right."

After taking off the mandala, Agrienaire smashed it down, and Allenville fell silently.

"Pick him up and start to escape."

Agrinel glanced around at the commanders who whispered for help. After a while, she had no time to save so many people.

"I am still a patient."

Kotzes complained dissatisfiedly, without talking nonsense. He can't offend Agrienaire now.

As long as he rescues this silly boy, he will be able to get rid of the troubles with these guys even if his merits are complete. He can also talk to Agrienaire and see what it takes to get the secret in the other’s hands. Solve the problems on the body.

"Catch the invaders, take down one person, a reward of 50,000, and kill a bone-bearing mage, a reward of 500,000."

In the city of the hand of death, a low hoarse voice sounded.

There are many murderers in this city. If you don’t join the ‘dark leader’ sect, or become a city in the hand of death, you need to pay high protection fees to be blessed.

Enjoy the asylum in the city of the hand of death, but they have no corresponding obligation to protect this city, as if the tenant had a transaction with the landlord.

It was not until Cardonis spoke that the city was noisy.

There are people with bows and crossbows striking at high altitudes, there are also gray robe mages who go out of magic from time to time, and there are constantly a variety of strange-shaped people starting to emerge. Jumping out of various Xu Zhi just glanced far away, his scalp was numb for a while, these people are also low-level experts, and he also saw the weird demons of the master level. Masters of various abilities.

Fighting alone may not be a problem, being coordinated, or killing the teacher in a fist fight, this kind of dogfight can't be easier.

The halberd waved, knocked away several skeletons and ghosts, and straightened up and ran away.

"Screw you."

Doug Würg yelled, watching the fireballs fly by, but also followed the mouse.

With their current strength, ten enemies can barely do it, but lack of extreme equipment, it is difficult for a hundred enemies to become a reality, as for a thousand enemies, unless it is to kill some ordinary people with extremely low combat power Otherwise, it would be better to think about it in the head, and many immortals are difficult to do.

Encountered in a group fight, how far will naturally run.

While fleeing frantically, Xu Zhi also saw the previous caravan, a group of Shersin.

"It's not good to shout, the civil strife in the hand of death, kill when you see people, and rob when you see people."

Xu Zhi finished, following Elita who was running behind, and said seriously: "A lot of murderers."

"You also need to be careful, beware of being slaughtered by others," Agrienaire added.

"Babble, we're being slaughtered, hahaha, what a joke, we're the old objects of the trading of Cardonis."

The bird's face Shelsin smiled and said, "Wouldn't it be you who caused the trouble..."

"Kill, kill the group in front."

"I saw a lot of gold coins in their carriage."

When the thugs attack, they will not take too much into account when their heads are congested, how brave people will be, and they will do something lawless.

Hearing a shout, Shelsin's old face seemed to be constipated, and the whip of the horse was raised high, and he quickly waved it.

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