Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1094: Is everyone famous?

   On the nineteenth day of going into the wild area of ​​Dokados City, Xu Zhi’s earthy face was inspired by the numb experience of watching, and the extreme climate of South Australia. Kuangsha Literature Network

   This is not an energy drain that can be compensated by the regeneration talent.

   dang in this area), Xu Zhi has been a little comfortable for not sleeping for many days. For him who has a dream world, this seems a bit incredible.

   As the best representative of sleep, Xu Zhi also had such a day.

The ubiquitous poisonous insects are far more diverse than those in southern Yunnan. The venomous snakes and venomous pythons also have various sizes of poisonous centipedes, poisonous scorpions, sandworms, stone stings, poisonous frogs, blood-sucking gadfly, poisonous mosquitoes and other creatures, and even deworming. Medicines are hard to guard against.

   The tent was torn open by the poisonous insects on the first night. Xu Zhi gave up this camping tool and turned to find the cave nest.

  Relying on the hand-held cutting machine that cut the rest of the Titan's body, Xu Zhi also ran out of several rock rooms, but even if the seal is good, he is very uneasy to live.

   One day, when Xu Zhi woke up and found a slender poison centipede in his nostril, Xu Zhi stopped thinking about adjusting to the dream world.

Roughly, these poisonous insects have already supported the jumping body, but he only found a place to sleep, and he has avoided a disaster. If the poison centipede is hungry, he must be unaware and without much resistance. Drilled into him, even in his head.

   More down, Xu Zhi's mental state is normal, and he is gratified that the experience gained these days has almost reached the peak of his life.

   One day of tens of thousands of experience, the strongest day Xu Zhi also got 18,000 experience, almost close to the effect of the eighth-level chanting against the upper limit.

   brings a total of 250,000 experience.

   This is a huge number. Before that, Xu Zhi didn't dare to imagine, far more than the dream world and the void tavern, or even the ruins.

   Xu Zhi's regeneration talent spans several levels successively, level 5, experience 50,000, level 6, experience 60,000, level 7, experience 70,000.

   And today, as long as he gets another 10,000 experience, his regeneration talent can enter the eighth level.

   This progress is faster than he thought. This is also due to the sparsely populated areas of Dokados City, and there are not many places worth exploring.

  There is no difference in this place except for those who are so flooded that they can't manage it.

   tasteless for others, is a paradise for Xu Zhi.

   Now every 35 points of life recovery strength has doubled for the recovery of 15 points before the initial visit to South Australia.

  According to Tuo Guhong's calculations, he originally needed 60 to 70 years to sprint the master. Now it is likely that it will only take 30 years, basically before the age of 50. This kind of life that may lie and win makes Xu Zhi very excited.

The Hou Tu Xuan Jing is difficult to become a big pit, and has the support of regeneration talents. His Qi practice is difficult to retreat, he will only continue to move forward, far from entering the degree of retreat caused by insufficient medical supplies, avoiding irritability. And anxiety, mentality can be relaxed.

   Many thoughts were put down, and Xu Zhi was also calm and calm. In addition to killing these jumping pigs with chanting, he was constantly practicing his own claw skills, the three major quotations.

   It's hard to fight with Xu Zhi's **** effect, but with enough jumpers to attack, he can also temper his own martial skills.

   Some people rely on waterfalls to practice, some rely on the impact of waves to practice, as well as a variety of small kung fu, rely on chasing sparrows, or butterflies and other creatures. Xu Zhi feels that he can rely on a bunch of jumping pigs to practice.

   In fact, he really got a lot of benefits.

These little things that are not afraid of death, attacked four times, short material, extremely high bounce force is far more cumbersome than Yan Jinbai. It is very important for Xu Zhi's Qi training release, condensing, claw skills and the three major exercises. Great exercise effect.

   The strong body avoids most injuries. Occasionally, he can still rely on healing magic, heavier on medical magic, or even waiting for the regeneration talent to repair.

   swallowed and swallowed, and Xu Zhi made a precautionary gesture, releasing both the gesture and the spell.

   In front of his eyes, there was another huge group of jumps, the number was nearly a thousand.

   Except for some of the jumps that eat by the trees, most of the jumps will enter the carnival stage when they are free, and all kinds of humming are endless.

   When the number reaches a certain level, even the bouncing pigs that can't withstand a single blow will explode with great damage.

   An adult can easily defeat a big goose, but if a thousand heads of geese come together, tragic death is the only end.

   For most cultivators, the inner energy is exhausted, the strength is exhausted, and when they are under siege, they must also be killed by the jumpers.

Xu Zhi had previously suffered a loss in this respect. When the magic value was insufficient, he was caught in the frenzy of the jumpers. Hundreds of jumpers chased and chased. He was extremely embarrassed, until he drilled into the thick rock room and sealed the gaps everywhere, these numbers were so large that the terrible jumpers were not willing to leave.

   For this siege, Xu Zhi has made full preparations. The chanting once every eight seconds will be released several times, and then he will enter the beat stage.

   In the crazy carnival, the yellow skin jumping people's body kept shaking, and suddenly jumped to death in the count of interest. Xu Zhi, who suddenly entered the sight of the jumping people, apparently became the victim.

   "Whereever I see it, all death will be struck by light."

   Facing the crazy jumping pig, Xu Zhi's last chanting was released, his hands were raised, and he leaped at the few jumpers who were lucky to hide in the attack range.

   grasp, take, pinch, buckle, hook, pinch, claw, and many other styles of play, combined with the three major styles, Xu Zhi's style of play becomes more mature.

   grabbed a bouncing pig out of five holes with one paw, and Xu Zhi suddenly heard a cheer from his ear.

   "Okay, kill well, the following brothers are not in a hurry, and Saburo is desperate."

In the thick pile of jumping bodies, a shadow came out, ragged, unkempt, blood-stained, and looked worse than Xu Zhi. I saw him holding an iron whip and split against the jumping people. Smashing, blood flew all around.

   as a blunt iron whip, the level of violence is not lower than the long stick.

   Xu Zhi frowned, from time to time the glory flashed inside, to prevent the broken arm and leg that suddenly came over.

  Thousands of people have only two or three hundred jumping groups. As long as there is no follow-up to join, with a little injury, Xu Zhi can also kill these small things, or beat them to escape from the heart.

  The unexpectedly desperate Saburo disrupted his battle plan.

   But others are kind, Xu Zhi did not say that this is the first time he has encountered a living person in 19 days.

   "Are you from a hunting regiment, or from which military region? As the jumpers dispersed, the two of the bodies began to pant and talk.

   "The bear two hunting group, how about you?"

   "I, I'm desperately Sanlang" The iron whip man froze, and looked at himself up and down. After a few seconds, he asked a little doubt: "You have never heard of my reputation."

  What kind of self-confidence did the practitioners in Nan'ao have Xu Zhi frequently encountered this rhetorical question.

   This is the case for a Jingmen big head, as is a newly drilled unknown cultivator.

  Every one of them feels that their reputation is very good. This is a disease and needs to be cured.

  Xu Zhi felt that he needed to add some information about the practitioners of South Australia. In the face of these people, he could do well.

   "I'm a person from a small place, I haven't seen the world very much, haven't asked me yet?"

   Xu Zhi arched his hand, sorry.

   "I am Akako Harukawa, now you should know who it is."

   The whip man's smug face turned to familiarize himself: "Is there any energy supplement solution, nutrition supplement solution, the same one, too difficult to mix in the ghost place, right, is there water."


  Xu Zhi shook his head again and again, he had never heard of Qingchuan Akiko. This buddy felt too good for himself, and reached out to ask for something, which only made him think of beauty.

   "No, that's impossible. You haven't gone back to this ghost place. How could you not supplement the materials, and quickly give some support to Brother, and I won't lose you back."

   didn't seem to be rejected by someone, and Akagawa's already bad face became worse, hesitated a little in his eyes, and a flash of fierce light flashed.

   Xu Zhigang took a slightly precautionary step back two times, and an iron whip suddenly swung over.

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