Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1099: end

  Xu Zhi's appearance made Jingmen Damu and Qingchuan Ako obviously embarrassed. Kuangsha Literature Network

   The other party was obviously extremely tired, squatting on the ground and squinting from time to time, falling into a short duration of sleep for a few seconds, struck by the momentum of the two, and slightly awake, obviously physical and energy have reached a certain limit.

   "You were probably hungry and dizzy, anyway, I don't know why you chased me to death, but still called my father."

Harukawa Akiko's face was black, he really left a black material on the other side, and even Jingmen's big head knew that this matter was embarrassing. How to be a man in the future, will the desperate Sanlang nickname become a desperate shout father.

  Just think about it, he was depressed.

   was hungry, dizzy, and hallucinated. Is there such a possibility?

  Akikawa Akagawa is also seriously thinking about this issue.

  Hungry, thirst, physical fatigue, in multiple states, will the illusion of will appear, thinking about the deepest heart of his father.

   This is something he can't be sure of.

  Is it an illusion, or is it true.

   was shouted by Qingchuan Shi Xiuwu and jumped up the hillside, and the trailing picture kept entering his mind.

   even had a few words, still hovering in his mind.

   This is almost consistent with his father's harsh attitude towards him.

  Thinking a little bit, Akikawa's Akiko also fell into contemplation.

"excuse me."

   Qingchuan Akiko stood still thinking, but Jingmen Damu thought a little, then reached out and shot Xu Zhi.

   "Dead old man, perverted, help, this old man is impolite to me~"

Knowing that the other party is searching, Xu Zhi can only be controlled by the other party. When the person is under the eaves, he has to bow his head. The powerful medicine has been transferred to the dream world by him, not in his clothes or in his backpack. If Jingmen wants to rely on searching To confirm the situation, it was a wrong idea.

  Of course, it's inevitable to call it for a while. There are few people in the checkpoints of Dokados city crossing the wild area, but there are still some. His screams attracted several people to watch.

  I saw that it was the Grand Master Jingmen. These audiences could only keep their opinions and onlookers, and they would not dare to come up and extend ‘justice’ in a short while.

  Unclear about the real situation, they just keep watching, let alone go to a guru, this is a very courageous thing.

   "It's impossible, I only drank a few drops at the time, and at least half of the potion."

   Was awakened by Jingmen's eyes, and Qingchuan Akiko instantly knew the other party's plan.

  If he can really confuse his wits, the poison must be extremely precious, not to mention the remaining half of the bottle, only a few drops must be kept.

   At the time of the Jingmen Damu search, Qingchuan Chizi also carefully looked at Xu Zhi's rucksack.

   For a long time, the two of them came to a close.

   found nothing, this kid's rucksack was hollow and hollow, except for some South Australian paper money, plus black cards, pass documents, mobile phones and other conventional use items, there was nothing else, even if it caused a trace of suspicion.

   "I sincerely apologize to you."


   The two apologized quickly, compelled to search and found no evidence. They had just picked up the suspect's black material, and in the blink of an eye, they had another black material in the other's hands.

   The ordinary person searched forcibly and searched. The people of Dongyue Yan's family were forcibly searched. As long as Xu Zhi was not happy, someone always came to find the place.

   "Mr. Xu Zhi, it is better to go to the hotel where we are staying for a while to see your tired journey."

   "I will give you a feast to make a guilt."

   Jingmen Damu and Harukawa Akiko pressed their minds, and each sang their hands.

   "Farewell, I'm exhausted and sleepy now. I'm really afraid to enter the tiger's nest and eat the Hongmen Banquet. You're dying and you're timid and afraid to go."

   "Don't worry about me suing, from now on we don't owe each other, and each walks on the one-way bridge."

   Xu Zhi waved his hands, flushing the two of them with red faces. If Xu Zhi made the two feel a little bit heartbroken.

   can't be friends, but the other party obviously doesn't want to make them enemies.

The shuttle bus for "hunting and jumping" in Dokados City was scarce. Xu Zhi waited for a while before he saw a shuttle bus swaying steadily, and he didn't care about the two of them at the moment. Get into the car.

  It was only a few seconds, and he fell into a light sleep.

   What jump, what experience, what Jingmen big eyes, what Qingchuan Akiko.

  As long as there is no high-risk risk, Xu Zhi feels that he should sleep as soon as possible.

   His body has not escaped into the dream world. On the side of South Australia, under extreme security conditions, he must still maintain certain vigilance.

  If someone strikes him, the vigilance as a cultivator will make him instantly counterattack, and he can wake up again.

  After a long time, Xu Zhi found the hotel in the city of Dokados, and now he can no longer resist the sleepiness brought by the instantaneous relaxation of energy and sleep deeply.

   "Akako, although you may have some kind of hysteria at that time, but when you meet the other party, is your mind still awake, is he killing and jumping, is there a body around the ground."

   "Can you be sure that those jumps with no external injuries were killed by him? This is really important."

"If the other party’s means can be shared with us in South Australia, even if we can only learn two or three costs, with our huge group of expert-level practitioners, let alone the destruction, the clearing of manpower in large areas can always control these jumps. ."

   "At that time, even if you step back 300 miles against Dongyue, we can always survive on this land."

  Xu Zhiyakou denies that he can kill and jump within range. Jingmen Daimu has never seen it, and only Qingchuan Akiko may have seen the other party's killing scene.

  Compared to the incident in which Akako Harukawa was controlled by the other party, Damen Jingmen felt that the first thing he proposed was a major event.

   If Dongyue really has this range of martial, or mysteries, or even some low-cost harmless poisons, the situation is not something he can control.

  If you want to bow your head, you can exchange your interests. This is really not possible. The threat of large-scale border movements is not necessarily impossible. It is always necessary to obtain this kind of means, so that they will not be completely desertified after hundreds of thousands of years.

  National interests are completely different from those of practitioners, and there is no comparison.

   What's wrong with the South Australian Union Parliament? Jingmen Damu didn't dare to imagine the scene hundreds of years later.

   Displaced, traveled overseas, or violently, and even mass murdered neighboring Dongyue and other countries, seeking a place to live.

   That is the end, not only the end of the South Australian Union, but also Dongyue, and even the disaster of most countries.

  When South Australia is unable to control the jumping, perhaps these environment-adapted small things will also spread to other areas, and no one can escape.

   "When I saw him, he was standing in the middle of a field. In addition to hundreds of bouncing pig bodies around him, there were more than two hundred bouncing jumps besieging him constantly."

   "At that time, he punched one foot, one claw, and the speed of killing was not fast."

   "As you know, I don't know how those jumps died, nor can I be completely sure if he was killed."

   Qingchuan Akiko shook his head, they had already done one thing without proof, and if they did it again, it would be difficult to finish up to that extent, even if he belonged to the Qingchuan family.

Not to mention the many inconveniences caused by the differences in national boundaries, even the family, Dongyue’s Yan family is no weaker than the Qingchuan family. With the forcible downfall of his father’s spiritual realm, the Qingchuan family is not as good as the East. Yue Yan's family.

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