Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1109: Saferos

   A human, wanting to be in this dungeon of strange creatures, is a difficult thing. Even Xu Zhi has to go to dress up.

   stunned a little tauren little wizard who drank and drank near the tavern, and stripped off the other's hood and robe.

   The cloth robe is very loose, it seems to be made of some kind of linen, and it is a bit tattered, but it is always better than Xu Zhi's upper body. Putting on this suit, Xu Zhi's self-recognition instantly decreases.

   The chance of being noticed by ordinary creatures is rapidly decreasing. Many strange creatures have recently arrived in this giant city. The chance of encountering strangers is very high. For Xu Zhi, many creatures disagree, and they nodded slightly when they met.

   The giant city is full of Gunnar roars, and there are constant patrols by tauren warriors, and it is impossible to go out in a while.

  In addition to various powerful creatures, there are also several immortals, falling in such a ruined creature base camp, Xu Zhi's heart beats fiercely, and calms down for a few times.

   Looking for treasures, or finding some kind of rare ore, or even seizing 100,000 or even hundreds of thousands of worth of relic weapons, all of which are secondary.

   The most important point, Xu Zhi had to survive the search for this giant city.

   "Children, you stunned me."

  Xu Zhi was just thinking, and a voice came from behind him, scared that he almost shivered, and cold sweat flowed out instantly.


  Relatively, Xu Zhi expressed his meaning in simple sign language, and after eating enough of the truncated reply, he now decided to keep quiet and communicate in dumb language.

  Mute language is extremely difficult to communicate, but gestures are perhaps the easiest way to communicate in this world.

   Barely, there is no problem in satisfying some basic communication.

   "You mean you are short of clothes, so find someone to peel off a set."

   "It's a pity, it's a dumb."

   greets Xu Zhi's eyes with a very beautiful woman in red. Even if she has thick makeup that does not meet the modern aesthetics, she can't hide her beauty.

   There was a bit of melancholy between the opponent's eyebrows. She looked at the faint tauren little wizard slightly, and then looked straight up and down, with a slight hesitation in her eyes.

  Thought for a while, half-loud, she smiled and said: "Dummy is good, dumb is good, only dumb can keep the secret."

   Xu Zhi's eyes glared in an instant, and he thought it would be bad again.

   There is a problem with the truncated reply, and there is also a problem with being dumb.

   "You stunned me, this guy won't wake up in a while, and now you have to cooperate with me to do the experiment."

   "No price bargain, no one in the city never knows my good reputation of Safiros."

  Nima, the apprentice who had just finished pretending to be someone else, appeared in a blink of an eye. It was more than Chen Jingsi and Lu Guoyi who didn’t go out to see the almanac.

   What did he do?

   Xu Zhi's face was bitter and he kept nodding. The fascinating magic of the woman in red, plus Gunnar's description of Safiros, this one, he probably offended.

   However, just to do an experiment, not to let him die.

no problem.

   Safiros has a special research room and a real estate in the city that never sleeps. The woman doesn’t know the magic. Outside the house, several different kinds of creatures are waiting with some inexplicable flowers and objects.

   Seeing Saferos, these creatures surged and offered flowers.

   "The beautiful Excellency Safiros, I asked people to search for more than two hundred miles to find this bouquet of butterflies, dedicated to you who will always be beautiful."

   "The butterfly flower is nothing but a common flower. I have the flower of death and proper advanced dark magic materials."

   "The flower of death is auspicious, Dickens, these materials are also due to your shots. I have a plant of gentian, which is green and can be used as a potion."

   "A grass is also embarrassed to show it, here I am..."

   Tauren, human, male Medusa, blind caveman, Xu Zhi also saw a dark elf.

   Like dementia, these male creatures have presented some valuable items.

   "I really trouble you, this is Dickens, I still like the flower of death. Of course, I also like the dragon grass, the rattle barnacle is also very good, the death knell is good..."

  Safeiros smiled, and commented on these items from time to time, so that the hearts of the few people who gave the treasure were so good.

   walked straight to the side, a foot suddenly came from the butt.

   "It's stupid, hurry and give the old lady a gift. This kind of thing would require me to do it exclusively."

   Safiros's teeth gritted in his ears, Xu Zhi nodded immediately and looked at the gifts with a smile.


  Further pointing, Xu Zhi showed his relationship with Safiros, and put items one by one on the robe.

   "It's a dumb, okay, I'm not so jealous now."

   "What was the name of the little bull head before, and Te Niang dared to get close to the beautiful Saferos."

   "Forget it, that is the offspring of Lord Gunnar, how much you have to give face, don't be too much."

   "Only half of the food served every day is deducted, and he can't stand it, drinking booze every day."

   Safiros walked in front with a smile on his face, and his smile was stiff for a while, although the other party's voice was low, such as her strength is clearly audible.

  Beautiful appearance can sometimes bring convenience and sometimes trouble.

Especially in this ugly girl and strange exotic dungeon, the pursuit of human These people will not ignore her age of thousands of years, and constantly exude a strong male hormone to pursue her .

  During a play, there are so many male fanatic pursuits in the long years, which is also a lot of fun for her.

   The only trouble is that all her experimental assistants are jealous, and from time to time they come to find a replacement.

   Fortunately, she has good strength, no problem with self-preservation, no problem with hanging these guys, in order to moisturize in the dungeon where the strong man is respected, and did not become the private property of which strong man.

  Xu straightened his robe, which contained all kinds of objects. For the first time, he felt that when he was Safiros' assistant, he might not lose.

  If you look at the opportunity to take these things out, it might be a good idea.

   Judging from what he had learned, the items, poisonous weeds, poisonous flowers, and tonics with uncertain medicinal properties offered by these people were not low.

  Compared to collecting by myself, occasionally found one, which is too much trouble, but I do not know if Saferos will give this opportunity.

   "Close the door and lock it."

   "Something can be found in a basket, but it is just something ordinary, and it is used to make a few."

  Safiros waved to Xu Zhi behind him. For her, over thousands of years, she has seen countless good things, precious things to outsiders, which are just commonplace for her.

   "This world is getting worse and worse, the production is getting worse, and fortunately it is about to leave."

   "Hurry up to improve the strength of foreign objects. Once in the world, the magic power suddenly drops. If there is no guarantee, so many people have been cheated in the past. I am afraid that it will be miserable."



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