Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1122: Prevention and assist

  How much power it takes to open this holy weapon, Xu Zhi is temporarily unknown. After using the power, this dragon mouth only opened a small gap. Kuangsha Literature Network

   This situation is a bit embarrassing, but a few tauren got up happily.

   "He really can open the dragon's mouth a little bit."

   "If you want the dragon's mouth to open, you need to not only have the dragon's soul, but also have the dragon's power. He seems to be too poor in power."

   Of course, the strength is a little worse, Xu Zhi has not released the internal gas for a sudden eruption yet.

   In terms of strength, Xu Zhi has more or less reservations to prevent possible accidents.

   For the holy weapon that can bit off his arm, he is more prepared and is constantly calculating the approximate strength required.

   Derivation, calculation, this is some of the qualities of the new era practitioners.

  In recent years, people have completely detached from the cultivation situation of hundreds of years ago, and various directors will make full use of various data to conduct targeted cultivation data analysis. This situation even spread to various scenarios.

  As Chen Jingsi calculates the burning of sulfur in the Naika sulfur tunnel.

   And Xu Zhi is also calculating.

   The rapid outbreak of inner qi, the continuation, and the maintenance of balanced strength are all things he must consider.

   "Advanced Bloodthirsty Magic"

   When Xu Zhi gritted his teeth and broke the dragon's mouth, the red robe tauren wizard Marquez's staff lifted up, and a little red awn waved from the staff, and immediately fell on Xu Zhi.

   It seems that there is an auxiliary force in the body, and the gap of the dragon mouth that is being broken open is suddenly widened by one finger.

   It was just this sudden accident that tightened Xu Zhi's spirit. The broken dragon's mouth suddenly merged, and Xu Zhi slowly stood up and turned back.

   "It's bloodthirsty magical magic that increases your strength, I'm helping, you feel it, is it stronger?"

   "This magic has no side effects, not what you think it is."

  This kind of rear-handed behavior is somewhat misleading, and Marquez quickly explained two sentences.

   "Blood thirst"

Of course, this magic Xu Zhi understands, not only from the previous cognition, he also learned various magic symbols of the old world under the guidance of Somra, in addition to not releasing these magic, for the ability of various magic, He has a certain understanding.

   "It takes too much effort to break open the dragon's mouth. If there is any harmless auxiliary magic, please release it as soon as possible. When I focused on breaking the dragon's mouth, suddenly a magic came and it was a little shocked."

   "I will bless you with advanced Holy Spirit, which can keep your power maximized for a period of time and also make your power stronger."

  The dark stick Jadet read a word, a little white light appeared in his hands, the light turned into a golden cup, and then a clear stream was poured on Xu Zhi's head.

   Xu Zhi only felt that there was another magic power in his body, and the power in his body seemed to be a little more.

   The combination of these two kinds of magic can make him stronger and exert more power.

   "Unfortunately, no one here can pray for magic, that is the most powerful auxiliary magic."

   "Well, what's so good about the magic of Elasia?"

   "If you can't eat grapes, you can say that grapes are sour, and a magic book for you to pray, you just want to learn."

"miss you."

  The tauren people murmured for a while, a little bit envious of jealousy and hate between words.

  Nigong Kingdom is very good at violent magic. Most of the magic is the outbreak of earth and fire damage magic. There are very few magic cattle and cavemen who are good at auxiliary magic.

   "I will have a little side effect magic. Strengthening the power is very effective. I don't know if you want it."

   looked at Xu Zhi, Safiros said quietly, her words made a few tauren spirits suddenly tightened.

   "Ms. Safiros has practiced desperate magic, which can explode your full defense power into attack power instantly. This is a very controversial high-level magic."

   "Oh, no need."

  Xu Zhipi said with a smile, from Somra, Xu Zhi knew the effect of this magic, this is a magic of adversity turning over, and also a suicide magic, abandoning any defense, strengthening the ability to attack.

   This kind of magical possession, will be very cool to attack people, and will be uncomfortable crying when being counterattacked.

  He didn't riot to kill, just broke the dragon's mouth of the holy weapon, there was no need to get himself unguarded.

  Jean and Shakert are considered friendly, many Taurens are neutral, Safiros, even if this woman is only threatened, it will not be long before they are threatened, and they can count on the other person to move.

  I want to make the relationship between the two better, which is a bit difficult. Xu Zhi will take the time to spend a day or two, and everyone will have no chance to see you by then.

   Three years later, he can only enter this ruin, and Safiros also went to the New World early, and they couldn't get mixed with each other.

   "Do you want to open the Dragon King Divine Power again."

   Seeing Xu Zhi's second effort, this time, the opening of the dragon's mouth was a little larger. According to Xu Zhi's body shape, this gap was enough for Xu Zhi's arm to penetrate into it.

   But to stabilize the dragon's mouth, it seems to be another trouble. Looking at the appearance of Xu Zhi's forehead with blue tendons, it is obviously not easy to activate the holy weapon normally.


  Xu Zhigang activated the Inner Air effect of the Hou Tu Xuan Jing. Hearing Jean's words, he paused suddenly.

  Chen Jingsi's injury has stabilized and is still getting better. At this time, he waited.

   If he wears the Dragon King divine power, with his strength, he may also have the ability to have a longer period with these aging immortals.

   More importantly, the Dragon King Divine Power is immune to first-order to fourth-order magic, any curse, or damage magic will be completely invalid.

   And as a fifth-order magic, quite long spells, Xu Zhi can easily complete dodge.

   If this effect is also effective for the first-order magic in the dream King Divine Power is still an anti-sky artifact, only a very few teachers and hard violence who practice fifth-order magic can cause damage to the wearer.

  Here is an indispensable heart, and an indispensable heart is indispensable. Jean seems to know Xu Zhi's psychology directly and sends an assist directly, so that Xu Zhi can exert his peace of mind.

The greatest danger does not come from when he opened the dragon's mouth, but after the dragon's mouth was fully opened, the holy weapon pumped a black dragon breath to him. This was not experienced by Xu Zhi, and also not experienced by many tauren and cavemen. thing.

   Before the opening of the holy weapon, that was the responsibility of the queen or the dragon kings.

  Xu Zhi is well aware of the gap between him and the first two.

   And Xu Zhi also needs to ensure his safety after successfully pulling the holy weapon.

   He had felt Saferos' bad eyes several times, and the woman probably hated him with teeth.

  If the blood of ancient gods succeeds, for these immortals, his utilization value will be gone.

   Even if some accidents occur, they can only open one eye and close one eye.

  Compared to self-safety, the slightest defect caused by wearing artifacts can be tolerated.

Dragon Tooth Crown, Dragon Tooth Necklace, Dragon Armor, Dragon Bone Greaves, Chiron Sword, Dragon Shield, Dragon Wing Robe, Dragon Eye Ring, Dragon Eye Ring, Nine Components That Are Very Familiar, Wait for Shakter to Take All Dragon King Divine Components Come, Xu Zhi's eyes swept, and there was a sigh of emotion in his heart.

  The experience of accidentally entering the ruins of Meishan with Gu Baobao has been reappearing.

  Dragon King divine power is still the original dragon king divine power.

   And he is not his own.

  'S strength is quite different from that at that time.

  Xu Zhi is also interested in the extent to which his strength can be improved after wearing the Dragon King divine power.

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