Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1133: Make money without losing money

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Qingchuan Shenhuo and Yan Xingxia pulled each other's lips together, and the two made some inexplicable expressions, and became addicted.

As the landlord of the Union of Hatut, Qiliduolong is embarrassed to be caught in the middle. He has something to do with Jingmen and exchanges with Qingchuan Shenhuo. What can he do.

After thinking for a long time, he plunged into the jumping research project.

Having found several jumps that killed the group, he seriously studied the causes of the deaths of the jumpers.

To a certain extent, a guru's detection of corpses outperformed many researchers. In addition to personally entering the field to signal the importance of this project, Kilidoron also pulled dozens of biological aspects from Benin City. Of scientific researchers.

As for Jingmen Damu, who controls many areas of the ancient Belvedere, Xu Zhi is also active in this area, so it is his responsibility to track, investigate, and make records.

For many intelligence personnel, his only requirement is to record a video record of Xu Zhiqun's killing.

As long as they have this record, whether they research it or go to Dongyue Yan's family to discuss it, there are some benefits, not the inexplicable nonsense as it is now.

The detectives, secret agents, and followers, the three grades of intelligence personnel were properly arranged by him. Jingmen Damu even issued the call for letters, so that the master cultivator who was the best at tracking in the jurisdiction was tracking in the dark.

He waited for Xu Zhi to get rid of the detectives, get rid of the spies, and then go around and do some mass killings, and the master practitioners took a strict picture.

But he didn't expect people to fly.

Can a master cultivator take someone to fly for more than three hundred meters.

How strong is Dongyue's light body technique?

They now have another topic.

Others flew from the Nujiang Canyon of Jinsha, and this time there was a record, but it was not the record they wanted.

The men's work was too bad, Jingmen Damu could only play on his own, and dozens of good followers were dispatched to investigate, but nowhere was found. Jingmen Damu once felt that these people were probably dead.

"There must be relics in this area, a large relic that we have never found."

A spy reminded that Jingmen Damu also thought it was very possible. Xu Zhi and others had not yet left the country, and they did not have their customs clearance information at all levels. They must remain in the wilderness area. There was no trace of it for a few days. Go inside.

It is worth the ruins that two master-level cultivators took their juniors to drill in. Jingmen Damu thought about it, and he was quite happy.

The other party can bring juniors into the ruins, which is to show that the risk of the ruins is very low and it is suitable for development.

There are not many relics suitable for the expert level and the master level cultivator level. Whether it is enclosure control or development, or the development of relics, it is a great achievement for the Hatut alliance country and family.

Explore the secrets of Xu Zhiqun's killing and jumping, and find possible large-scale ruins, the two do not conflict.

Jingmen Damu is quite happy, looking for various caves everywhere, whether he sees Xu Zhi and others, or finds the fog, or even the Shenshi Mopan, there will always be some gains.

When his head just looked into the cave for a while, he saw a little light shining through the undercurrent cave, and Jingmen Damu also heard the voice of others saying hello.

He only saw that the figure was getting closer when he heard the sound quite familiar.

"Hahaha, Grand Master, I haven't seen you for a long time."

Jingmen stared at the kid indignantly, and the ghost knew how much they had spent trying to find the kid, but the guy got into the cave again.

It seems that these three people are quite happy, it is a good harvest.

"You are the next ruin."

"Yeah, how do you know?"

Xu Zhi nodded for a while when the chick pecked rice. This kind of gentle ruin, anyone who loves it in the future will go, let alone he is not thinking, and Lu Guoyi has no courage to drill back again. As for Chen Jingsi, he has not entered the ruins. Conditional.

He has cut a piece of the Shenshi grinding plate, and the chance of this relic to be restored may be relatively small.

"Haha, I'm so smart."

Jingmen said with pride, as long as he knew the location, time, and finally ascertained the situation, it would be very easy to get such a large-scale ruin.

Xiong Er, I really want to thank you for the whole family.

"Master Grandmaster, are the flying vehicles you put on the grass convenient? Take us to Benin City."

"Well, Benin, are you not in our Gulicheng wild area?"

"It's time to go home."

"Don't, Xiong Er, no, Xiao Xu Zhi, you see how fun our Hatut League is, stay a few days longer."

Only after turning to God from the information about the ruins, Jingmen Damu suddenly heard that Xu Zhi was going to Benin City, but also wanted to return to his country. He felt lost for a while.

The secret of this kid group's killing and jumping has not been found yet.

Do you want to be so anxious?

Do you return to your country?

Dongyue didn't jump much, and wanted to kill and jump in large numbers, only in the area of ​​Nan'ao.

"I miss my motherland very much, Ao, and we are about to start school."

Calculating the time, this trip to South Australia is coming to an end. For this country, Xu Zhi is not going to come next year. He is going to change places to fight the autumn wind.

Jingmen stared at him, and it was inconvenient for him to kill in groups, so he could only use a stick to beat it, which was too inefficient.

Towards the end of the Vulcan Festival, the jumpers began to enter the dormant stage, hiding in various caves, or digging underground holes, and even digging into many rare places. It is much more difficult to find these small things.

"You are really a young man who loves to study."

Jingmen hummed several times, and he couldn't hold back this guest.

"Xiao Xuzhi, say goodbye today, I don't know when there will be a chance to get together. Before leaving, can you meet the old man's last wish."

"The last wish, senior, are you going to die?"

Jingmen's big eyes are very painful. If he can, he hopes Xu Zhi shut his mouth and shouts. This kid is always angry.

"Can you perform the mystery of mass killing and jumping, I can send you an eight golden sun stick, and also send an aircraft to send you to Benin City."

The cost of sending a special aircraft to Benin City is very fire stick is very valuable. The master-class treasure stick, this long stick is a mixture of eight metals and has a fiery power. , Belonging to the high-end level of the baton, with millions of weapons, Jingmen Damu is making a **** start.

Jingmen Damu thinks that it is better to talk directly with Xu Zhi and other people. He has heard about Dongyue Yan's breaking rules. Whether it is for future generations or apprentices, they are all self-reliant. People like Xu Zhi are sure Lack of money and equipment.

"You always tell me the ability to kill and jump in all directions, who has that kind of skill, Grand Master, you are talking about dreams again."

Xu Zhi laughed, this old product wanted to hit him again, and the language trap was thrown away. Whether he accepts or not accepts his Bajinyang fire stick, he can prove the ability he has. For him, it is only totally denied, In order to get rid of this trouble.

If the chanting can really be taught, he will definitely give it to Yan Xuankong and others, and the highest level of Dongyue will inevitably sell a good price, which is far more beneficial than his own transaction.

"Oh, all my aircraft are charging."

Tried again to no avail. Jingmen's eyes were weak and weak. If the kid had no backstage, he really wanted to catch him and ask him a question.

"Bad old man, stingy bag, not at all our friendship to eat dog meat."

"You said this thing, I am generous, you see more generous than me."

Thinking of his three-headed dog that was shared by the pit, Jingmen Damu is still hurting.

After all, Dabaobang doesn't make a deal, but he still has Xu Zhi et al.

Jingmen Damu looks at the cave, and the other party stays in this cave for seven or eight days. This place is afraid of a large ruin.

Share a three-headed dog and take a high-level large-scale ruins address as compensation, which is profitable. 2k reading network

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