Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1139: Villain

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"You take a good rest, I am happy in Tieshan City."

After lying in the hospital for a day, several fellow food poisoners laid back with their faces sullenly.

Gu Yuxi takes care of it a little, and few people have no problem.

After two days of delay, I saw that Tuo Guhong had hailed the baby in the communication space and could be placed normally. Xu Zhi felt that it was time for him to leave.

If you are like Tuo Guhong, your wife does not need to go to the hospital for birth. There will be a medical team directly stationed. All the equipment and instruments are quite complete.

It is said that the birth was given by Chang Sunwen Yao, the current dean of the Yunling Academy Medical College, who rarely shot, and only the big families asked to move.

The gift brought by Xu Zhi was produced by Hexis. A crystal lamp carefully crafted by Hexis was obtained in a contract task of listening to Hexis about art events.

The artwork is a gift, it couldn't be better.

The crystal-clear crystal light is very suitable for children.

Xu Zhi felt that Tuo Guhong might be difficult to appreciate, such as the high-end ones like Somra. He brought a bit of the same level as his appreciation level, at least the master level of Hexis, everyone can appreciate and understand.

"Little brother is here, please quickly."

Today's Tuo Guhong is wearing a red robe. For Dongyue people, whether they are marrying their own children, or praying to a church, they are mostly like red Zhi.

Unlike the Nanao people who purely like hot red, Dongyue people regard red as a kind of celebration.

"Congratulations! Brother Tuo is very happy with your son, and sincerely wish the baby grow up healthily, be happy and have a bright future!"

"It's good to be here. What other gifts do you bring? This lamp is good. I like it. My son must like it too."

With the crystal lamp sent by Xu Zhi, Tuo Guhong is obviously very fond of it. Although he hasn't done much research on art, his vision is very good.

The artistic value is second, and the level of craftsmanship is really comfortable.

The people who come to the Tuo family are extremely close people in Tuo Guhong's circle of friends. In addition to their relatives, more of them are big cultivators.

For example, Luo Jiahui, the principal of Yunling University, the relationship between the first teacher in the southern Yunnan province and Tuojia is good, and the people who belong to the inspection department, and the promotion of Tuoguhong to the master, the two sides have a closer relationship. .

If Tuo Guhong is still a master, he only needs to call his son over to give a gift, and now he is the same rank, and he is the leader of the guru, so he has to make a trip in person.

Long Sun Wenyao and Huangpu Duanrong were also among them. Xu Zhi and Tuo Guhong talked for a few words. When they saw a guest coming, they quickly entered the site preset by the Tuo family.

It is an indisputable fact that Tuo Guhong has become a master, and his family is in the middle. Many objects have been sold. The garden pavilion and rockery in the family have not been repaired and renovated. The reproduction of flowers and trees is extremely lush.

Xu Zhi gave a few glances and rushed to Huang Pu's side.

"President Huang Pu is good."

"Yao, classmate Xiao Xu, I haven't seen you for a long time, is there still Xiao Bailian?"

Seeing Xu Zhi, Huang Pu's expression was also very excited. From Xu Zhi's place, he changed a fruit of life tree, and she still remembers it.

"Not now, see if there is a chance in the future."

Xu Zhi didn't say anything to death. He would have to borrow the instruments of Huangpu Durong Laboratory in the future.

"By the way, Dean Huangpu, have you ever heard of Yin and Yang and the twin lotus?"

"I have heard of it, do you have it, I will buy it."


Xu Zhiqian smiled a few words, thinking that this baby was really liked by many big practitioners, and Huang Pu had a clear demand.

"Don't ha, the old lady still wants to marry someone. I used to look at the fool Tuo Guhong. This unconscionable guy was not interesting to me at all. I turned around and found a younger and more beautiful one. You said I am very old. Oh, I have to plan for the offspring, so troublesome..."

Huangpu's thoughtfulness is just like ordinary women. In addition to cultivation, practitioners obviously also have various needs. They need to form a family and have offspring.


Xu Zhi slapped his head before thinking of what he was going to do.

"President, you are beautiful, there must be a lot of people chasing it. If you don't say anything, I know that there is a very powerful single cultivator, who has not reached the age of fifty, has a crown like jade, and he looks handsome. , He also intends to find a life partner."

"Seeking introduction."

The spirit of Huang Pu's tolerance came suddenly and could be hailed as very powerful by Xu Zhi. At least he was also a master cultivator. This level of cultivator is within her consideration.

Xu Zhi looked at the other party and felt that the dean’s inability to marry was not a face, or a family background, not because of the strength of the master cultivator. The main reason was that Huangpu Duanrong likes to play poison, and the lower order is better to say, such as Huangpu's acceptance of this level is simply a big poison. There must be a lot of precautions when getting along to avoid being poisoned by accident.

Xu Zhi was not sure whether to push Lu Shengan out to block the gun, and the guru was lonely for a long time.

"His character is a bit shy, let me ask you first to see if the other party has the intention."

"No problem, if he is shy, the old lady can chase it backwards, and the old lady will give you a big red envelope afterwards."

The study of poison is very cool, and the age is up, which is very bad. For female practitioners, this cultivation system is very unfriendly. As a woman, Huang Pu is also very worried about marrying.

"That's really great. The dean, Yin and Yang, and taking Twin Lotus at a time have no side effects."

"Two, whoever is so rich, and want to have a baby, just eat one."

"In case of eating two, I mean that one accidentally ate one more."

The fact that Yin and Yang are twining the twin lotus is not as simple as eating the lotus seeds on the two Yang twin lotus. Xu Zhi twiddled for a while before clarifying the secret.

"Are you sure that Yin and Yang and the other twin lotus grow underneath."

"This is very interesting. Was those people blind before? I don't know how to shave the ground."

Huang Pu duan Rong whispered, Xu Zhi felt a little cold, it seems that the Dean of the School of Toxicology is also unclear, only knowing about the matter of Yang Shuanglian.

Even serving the lotus seeds on the two Yang Twin Lotus, there is a chance that the ability of one hundred poisons will not invade further, perhaps one thousand poisons will not invade.

There are not many people who researched this kind of wonder in Dongyue. After all, Yin and Yang and the twin lotus grow more in South Australia. Some big families in South Australia have the answer.

"Whether such a thing as sterilization is too good to it and you will know."

Huang Pu’s opinion was very simple, and the results were practical. Like Yan Xuankong, Xu Zhi had to nod again and again, thinking of himself to talk about a girlfriend in the next few years, and then to marry his son. Woman.

Thinking about it this way, he hurts.

When my thoughts were stumbling, I only heard a loud shout at the door of the welcoming guest, and the sound of waves rolled.

"Master Tuo, I heard that you are overjoyed today and you have a son, which is really gratifying."

The sound was sandwiched with inner air, like waves rolling, and the whole heavy Tuofu could be heard. Xu was a little louder. Tuoguhong's newborn baby made a high cry.

Although the coming people's words have congratulations, but the tone is not good, as if the wicked people came to the door, so many practitioners in the mansion stood up directly.

"Seeing that your junior was born, I remembered my dead apprentice, think about it, you have been killed for six years."

At the door of the mansion, Tuo Guhong looked at the white man walking slowly in the distance with a watchful face.

The man was carrying three long swords, white beards, short hair, extremely high nose bones, and brown eyes radiating into the sharp mangoes of a goshawk. A white suit appeared to be particularly noted. Like Yan Xuankong, if it is not a long-term contact, it will easily give people a sharp and tingling sensation.

"Yuanzong Bokong, life and death in South Australia's wild areas are conceited. You killed a woman, and the beasts are not as good as the dead."

"Yes, life and death are arrogant, he deserves to die, but I am a master, and I still have the right to avenge him. When you become a master, I have waited for more than six years."

Only listening to the two sounds of ‘chirping’, Yuan Zongbo Kong’s long sword popped behind him, and he was grasped by his hand. The white light was dazzling. Xu Zhi only felt a pain in his eyes and immediately returned his eyes. 2k reading network

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