Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1148: Fight

   wore a guardian robe inside, chaotic armor outside, holding an alloy stick, Xu Zhi frowned, and finally put on the pair of **** walking boots that Gunner trampled on for thousands of years. Kuangsha Literature Network

  While praying that he should not be bullshit, he also followed Tuo Guhong into the venue.

   "Pay attention to the distance, be sure to pay attention to the distance, to avoid the aftermath of our battle, and wait for me to come back."

   Tuo Guhong told in his mouth that Xu Zhi murmured, and his finger was facing away.

  The magic of compensation has been protected normally on Tuoguhong. The only thing Xu Zhi can do now is to release the mire magic.

   The distance was a little too far. The finger clicked for a while, and the black light on the fingertip didn't pop out.

   Two kilometers, Yuan Zong Bokong in the line of sight is only the size of rice grains, Xu Zhi hand clicked several times, and finally gave up the release of this magic.

   The plan is often not as fast as the change, and it is different from the imagination.

   The first release of such a quagmire was unsuccessful. As far as the sight is concerned, it seems that there are certain requirements. Like flying magic, some hidden conditions are often mixed in. You need to test it yourself to know the final situation.

  In addition to releasing compensation magic, he can play no other role.

Once Yuanzong Bokong and Tuo Guhong entered an air battle, or a fierce battle on the ground, his magic could no longer be released, and he could not mentally lock Yuanzong Bokong, which meant that he would involve Tuo Guhong when he released the mire magic. Will also reduce speed.

   has the influence of Bolivar, maybe he doesn’t even have the qualification to release this magic, and when he enters the fighting state, the mire magic cannot be released.

   Choose one of two bets on magic, he did not bet on the right.

  Skin skin protection, spiritual armor, giant power, three magic with protective ability were continuously released by Xu Zhi.

   When Xu Zhi nodded, Tuo Guhong stepped on it, the solid ground suddenly cracked, and Xu Zhi saw him drill out like an arrow in the blink of an eye.

   On the other side, Yuanzong Bokong threw Bolivar hundreds of meters away, and then he carried his double swords and ran away.

   For the masters, if they don't fly, the melee ground distance seems a little far away. Xu Zhi waits for more than twenty seconds before seeing two small shadows collide together in the distance.

   When fighting with full strength, the strength of the guru and the aftermath of the battle may reach nearly 100 meters around. As long as the two people are not moving to fight, the distance at this time is very safe.

   Thousands away, Xu Zhi could not clearly see the shape of Tuohong and Yuanzong Bokong in the battle.

   This level of cultivators quickly fought, even if they are very close to each other in a short while, he could not see clearly.

   Far away, I saw Bolivar rushing towards me in a burst.

Despite worrying about Tuo Guhong, Xu Zhi was a little cheerful in his heart. The field of expert cultivators was far less than that of the fighting. When Bolivar ran over a distance of two kilometers, he must not be angry and bloody, which naturally lies in Weak, how to fight.

   This young man who often comes to Bazonglou is more passive than Xu Zhi.

   Anyway, Xu Zhi is trying to help Tuo Guhong, Bolivar is purely used to contain him.

   Yuanzong Bokong's ideas seem to be exactly the same as Gu Changying's calculations.

   calculated, still playing the cards.

   This situation brought Xu Zhi a living space and also helped Tuo Guhong.

   When Xu looked directly, he saw a white light and a colored glass light rise at the same time.

  Tuo Guhong's Liuli Baoguang was just repelled by white light for nearly 100 meters. When he saw the white light violently and then retreated, the two sides chased back and forth in the air for a while.

   "Glass, are you fighting me to death?"

   looked at Bolivar, who was running a little pant with his swords, and smiled straightly.

  The two signed the life and death contract list. There was no law to protect them from being beaten to death in this field. As for Tuohong, being sought for private enmity is another matter.

   "You can call me Val, Xu Zhi, why don't you run towards me."

   "I don't have the kind of containment task assigned by your master, why, let's have a life and death fight first?" Xu Zhi asked.

   "Don't say goodbye, we are friends, friends should be chatting, drinking tea, and discussing at most, where to fight life and death."

   "Your chatting method is really unique" Xu Zhi smiled with a stick and said: "But I still want to die, died under your master's hands, beautiful."

   "Xu Zhi, is your brain broken?"

  Bolivar sulked, Xu Zhi really, as his master said, deliberately came to death to get involved.

   What kind of dedication this is.

  Only the brain is broken, or those who grew up as a death squad to take risks and money will do this kind of thing.

   "You, your ability is really outstanding, just try harder, and you will stand out. You don't need this at all."

  Bolivar is still very worried. He still remembers that Xu Zhi got up in the morning and stepped into the scene of an expert cultivator.

This guy still sleeps every day, this kind of talented person, as long as you work hard a little bit, even if it is a little bit, learning Yan Jinbai, or using his cultivation plan, there will be no future in the future, why do you want to die now .

   "Did you have any unspeakable secrets? You could be told by someone. You can tell me that our family opened a tabloid office. Although it is not big, it can help you promote it and stink the reputation of the bad guys."

Bolivar seems to be an upright young He shook his family background to Xu Zhi. If before this, the guy came to the door and challenged him. When he lost, he went back dumb, Nothing else is said at all.

   "Hidden words."

Xu Zhi thought for a while. There are so many unspeakable places to enter this dead battlefield. He now wants to save his life, but also makes Yuan Zong Bokong think he wants to die. The matter is complicated. It is completely different from what Bolivar thinks. .

   "It's hard to say a word, glass" Xu Zhi sighed: "You said that your master should die, or should my brother die."

   "Of course it is your elder brother" Bolivar blurted out without hesitation.

   "...We can't talk anymore this day, glass, let's decide the life and death."

   "Don't, I think it's okay for my master to die."

  By seeing Xu Zhi lifting the stick, Bolivar immediately changed his tongue. Anyway, stabilize Xu Zhi first and let Yuan Zong Bokong clean up Tuo Guhong, everything will become very easy to handle.

  Bolivar is waiting, and Xu Zhi is also waiting.

  Is it useful to repay magic, can Tuo Guhong suppress Yuanzong Bokong.

  If the reward magic disappears after ten minutes, how to fight.

  Including more than two hundred people outside the boundary, everyone's eyes are staring at the white light and the glass light.

   The final victory point of this death fight is obviously Yuanzong Bokong and Tuoguhong.

   From time to time, a dull sound was heard, and occasionally a sword whistle came again, and then there was a crisp continuous sound of big beads and small beads falling on the jade plate.

   Suddenly, a weird sound like tiger's roar sounded, and the scalp of the voice prickled.

   The fighting lasted only three minutes.

   Yuanzong Bokong's Tiger Tooth Sword has been unsheathed.

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