Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1156: Break

Xu Zhi is probably a guru booster, and Lu Shengan is that witness.

Gu Changying was present when he was promoted to Grandmaster, and he was also present when Tuo Guhong was promoted to Grandmaster. Now it is Chen Jingsi's turn.

The first two are okay to say that one is on the verge of death and has no choice, and the other is that it has made many preparations and has the ability to shock.

But Chen Jingsi, three years before Chen Jingsi scheduled to sprint master.

Without a big medicine, no potions to improve talent, just go up suddenly?

Lu Shengan felt a little untrue. Of course, Lu Guoyi also adjusted his mentality for a while.

Chen Jingsi's speech was unclear, and he didn't know exactly what he had eaten. Anyway, as soon as his injury was good, he felt that he had the ability to sprint the master, so he rushed and easily succeeded.

This time, Chen Jingsi felt that he was dreaming and had hallucinations on the verge of death.

There are many things that are related to the guru, but it is relatively rare to promote the promotion of the master to the guru.

Once was a coincidence, twice was a coincidence, and three times was nothing.

This is the third consecutive Lianhe Lottery Special Prize, and there is no point in it.

"This is a long story."

Xu Zhi thought about it, involving the immortal potion of Hexis, and the patron saint of the Holy Land. This opportunity, let alone other people, himself, could not reproduce it.

"But I decided to make a long story short, this is the case. I came across a fairy grandfather in the ruins. He gave me a bottle of potion and said that he can cure all diseases after drinking it. He will be resurrected after death. I think Brother Chen will die soon. After that, he gave him a drink, and then he jumped up with a sudden dance sword and was promoted to the guru after the dance, and I couldn’t help it."

"Go to Master Zhuang to see your head."

Lu Shengan touched Xu Zhi's hard head. This explanation seems to be similar to what Chen Jingsi said. The only difference is that Xu Zhi encountered a fairy grandpa.

"Can it be reproduced?" Yan Xuankong asked.


It is impossible for Hexis to always use his own immortal power to make a potion, and the patron saint of the earth was also taken away, how can it be reproduced.


Yan Xuankong knew that Xu Zhi wouldn't lie to him. The purpose of Lu Shengan's coming to Xu Zhi was probably the same. It should be no different from what he asked.

"It's my abruptness. I want to ask Lu Guoyi's nerd. If the chance of the master is so easy, there are more people in this world."

Lu Shengan was very willing to let Lu Guoyi run along with Xu Zhi's buttocks, with a bit of immortality, not to mention that he could become a master immediately, and the chance of sprinting a master before the age of fifty is so small that he will not lose.

Now it seems that this matter must be lucky.

"By the way, after Jing Si was promoted to Grandmaster, I heard that you still had a tie with him?"

Lu Shengan looked at Xu Zhi strangely. If Chen Jingsi was promoted to Grandmaster, he would be promoted. But after the promotion, it was more scary to tie with Xu Zhi. Either Chen Jingsi was abandoned, or Xu Zhifei.

If things are true, Lu Shengan feels that he should also visit Zhuang Baiqiu to calm down his emotions.

"Just learn from each other, try to understand the martial arts, he let me, and then made a draw on the learn."

Xu Zhigan laughed aloud, this could not be reproduced, without the aid of the state of the blood of the ancient gods and the power of the artifact Dragon King, he is now going to fight like that, it should be stabbed by Chen Jingsi with a sword.

"I feel a little obedient."

Yan Xuankong looked up at the sky, and the expert cultivator and the master discussed with each other, which one was not beaten into a dog, and wanted to draw, even if the strength of Qi practice was suppressed to the same level.

"I feel the same way. After all, Jing Si's strength is solid. According to the current situation in our country, he still has a chance to enter the top 20 of the master."

Lu Shengan laughed: "But now it's much more comfortable, Yuan Zongbokong's death battle has all turned into a draw, and the psychology has become acceptable."

"It's also a bible to speak out about this matter. Otherwise, let's go to Master Zhuang Baiqiu to see it and spend some money to adjust it."

Yan Xuankong mentioned Xu Zhi, which made Xu Zhi roll his eyes for a while. Looking at the meaning of Yan Xuankong, Zhuang Baiqiu couldn't hide there.

"Master Zhuang, repeatedly stated that I was just looking for medicine."

"one million."

"It's too dark, isn't this the price of that disease?"

Zhuang Baiqiu’s box is only more than two or thirty meters away and can be reached in a few steps. Xu Zhi didn’t expect Huangpu to be serious. She was looking for medicine in Zhuang Baiqiu’s room. She believed that students would not deceive the teacher. ?

Xu Zhi pondered a little, and then he heard that Huang Pu was whispering to pay there.

"Master Zhuang, let's see a doctor" Yan Xuankong knocked on the door.

"Please come in, the door is unlocked."

There is a spiritual fragrance burning in the room, and the faint fragrance is very comfortable, and it diffuses to almost every corner.

Zhuang Baiqiu was sitting on a mahogany chair, Huang Pu whispered, seemed to be processing the transfer procedures, and when Xu Zhi entered, he began to mumble again.

"Xu Zhi, you can tell me clearly that Ms. Zhuang wants to charge me a million."

For this price, Huangpu's tolerance is obviously extremely dissatisfied.

"The heart of the medicine doctor, the girl Huangpu comes from the famous, and the forehead is very heavy, wanting to break the greet to peach blossom, is not a light burden for the wife, one million, is the price of friendship."


Rarely Zhuang Baiqiu explained a few words, Huang Puduan thought he might have made a big joke.

What a shame, what a peach blossom qi, she just got mad with blood and blood, and listened to Xu Zhi's words and came to look for Bai Lianzi. She didn't expect Zhuang Baiqiu to look like a goddess. After a few sentences, I understood everything.

"Aren't you looking for your wife to see a doctor for medicine?" Zhuang Baiqiu said strangely, not many people came to her to chat and find fault.

"Look, look, you really want me to go peach luck, old lady, uh, girl, I don't think this money is a white turn." Huang Pu Duanrong replied to Zhuang Baiqiu, and hummed at a straight face in Xu Zhi:" Back to the school and you are not finished."

"One million times?"

Exorcism, is this Zhuang Baiqiu being a goddess?

This charge is much more fierce than that of the old Abobo in the ancient bag.

One order is one million. If you take several orders a day, is it not a good thing for a year?

"One million is for the kind of thousand-year-old girl or ten-year-old single dog, as well as people with extremely bad temper and bad luck. We are a minor illness, up to 100,000 yuan," Yan Xuankong explained.

Three fingers pointed on Huangpu's forehead, Zhuang Baiqiu breathed a sigh of turned his head to look at Yan Xuan Kong said: "Master Yan is going to conquer 10,000 yuan?"

"Hear it, ten thousand dollars, something is wrong."

The old driver opened the road, and Yan Xuankong was happy to pay the money. Zhuang Baiqiu closed his eyes with a finger on his head.

"How much do I have to pay?"

After listening to Yan Xuankong's explanation, Lu Shengan was a little uncertain. After all, he hadn't gotten a family yet, and seemed to belong to the ranks of single men.

"Master Lu is now Jin Gui's body, so it's hard to come to life. Since he's here, sit down for a while."

Lu Shengan soothed his chest. Since Zhuang Baiqiu said that he did not need treatment, he was in good health with no problems, and he was in the ranks of normal people.

"Master Zhuang, I'm fine. I was put up by the master."

"No, you are sick."

"Hey" Xu Zhi was startled, and he felt anxious: "I am really sick?"

Zhuang Baiqiu focuses on mental symptoms and does not check his body. If he changes into Sun Wenyao, Xu Zhi will recognize it, but his spirit is normal.

Not hyperactive, calm, and struggling from all kinds of messy encounters, and now even the things of future generations are completely put down.

"Second Master Xu must not doubt my major. You should be an ancestor who has not been blessed, has a strong spirit, and can easily run into bulls, ghosts and snakes."

"That's right, how much does it cost to break this shame?"

Xu Zhi nodded. He has been robbed recently. He touched one pile after another in a broken way. According to this rhythm, he died early.

Xu Zheng, the ancestor known in the world, estimates that it is very hard to bless, and how much incense can not bear this consumption.

From the metaphysics of the heart, if it is not expensive, 12,000 or 20,000, Xu Zhi feels that it can be consumed.

Zhuang Baiqiu continued to have purple brilliance in his eyes, pinched the orchid finger, and smiled slightly: "How much money do you have, then give me all."

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