Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1163: task

   Division of labor and cooperation, Xu Zhi and Gruzhak are busy too fast. Kuangsha Literature Network

  Forty kilograms of the fairy dragon was washed with blood, cut into equal-sized strips, and placed in a large pot and boiled.

   The eyes of the two people kept communicating, and now they prayed that leader Card would not come back to see the scene of the gunpowder barrel, and don’t find this one.

  If the gunpowder barrel is lit again, only 50 to 60 meters apart, it is very troublesome, and it is likely to be a pill.

Xu Zhi’s third ear is raised high, and the immortal ears from Hexis have extraordinary hearing. As long as he is serious and listens hard, he is familiar with Card’s voice. Hearing the other party through the tunnel is not counted. difficult.

   The other party really wants to order the ignition, he can only miss these three arrows of fire, fled back to the elemental world to hide the disaster.

   "Madzhak, your cooking seems to be better than Gruzhak, the pieces are much better than he cut."

  Vell walked around the kitchen, and occasionally glanced toward the edge of the lid.

  Introduced by Gruzak, Xu Zhi knew that this habit of stealing food, now there is nothing to talk about, rubbing time, I do not mind.

   "Cut me, but my cousin's cooking is better than me."

Xu Zhi stuffed a handful of firewood in the fire pit, and the fire became more vigorous, and he cooked the fire. He was very good at this job, and he was good at both worlds. It was no worse than the half-orc that has been cooking for many years How many.

   "Captain Fuer, why are you so strong, tell everyone about your experience."

   "That's nothing to say, our fire monsters are born strong, and half-orcs like you, who have worked hard for ten or eight years, can't keep up with the strength of our ordinary fire monsters."

   Seeing Xu Zhi praised himself, Fell was still happy, but strong strength does not have much experience. The birth of a race determines many things, strength, life, wealth, birth determine fate, this is a real truth.

   "Babble, born to be strong."

   "Who's so special, haha, it turned out to be the captain of Sharu."

   There was a sharp and disdainful tone outside the dining room. Vulcan just broke his mouth and scolded, and when he saw the person coming, he immediately changed his face to Yan Yue again.

   The strength between the captains also clearly distinguished high and low. Xu Zhi looked at the outside and saw that the gangsters were silent and silent, leaving a passage on the outside.

   An iron-cyan creature with snake hair came over, even though Vell lowered his posture, with a slight sneer on his face.

   Medusa is still a very capable Medusa. The level of the silver level makes the elite fire monster Vell immediately lower his head, and the crowd of gangsters dare not speak out.

   "Mead Malik leader is looking for captive escorts. I thought about the number of living people on your side. I recommended your team to the leader."

   "Captive escorts?"

  Fair looked at Medusa with a bad face. The recommended work was never good. If there is a good thing, Medusa can still turn it to him. I am afraid that it is a mission to die.

   "Yes, you are hiding behind, I'm afraid you don't know that the leader of Nazba was captured by them, and now the leader of Medmalek wants to exchange captives with each other."

   "Nonsense, we are also in charge, many brothers were killed and injured, right, brothers."

   saw Medusa Sharu directly sent a charge, and Vell immediately denied that this kind of thing can be done, but he can't admit that his voice caused a lot of gangsters to speak.

   "I don't care whether you charge or not, now there are only 32 people in your team at Huxin Island, oh, there are two cooks, that is, 34 people, barely enough."

   "The leader has an order, and the invincible team will **** the captives to exchange personnel and set off immediately. With this order, do you accept or not, chatter?"

  Medusa sneered, making a strange sound, the face was red, Vell was redder, and a trace of flames appeared in the palm of the palm from time to time.

   "Why, you don't respect the leader's order, you want to betray the leader, chatter, that is to cramp the skin, of course, like you, senior fire monsters, as long as you remove the fire core in your lower body."

   "Sharu, you villain with a cold arrow behind..."

  Fell's teeth creaked, if there was no pressure from the leader, in this short distance, he had to let this Medusa see who was stronger.

   Fighting is not as good as Medusa, that is to establish the opponent's effective distance and occasional petrochemical ability, but if the close shot, his winning rate is very large.

   "Come on, Vell, this is the 16th time you are angry with me, but are you going or not?"

"go with"

  Fell shouted, the flame in his hand ignited and slowly extinguished again.

  Xu Zhi glanced at the other party. Although the fire monster had strong strength, the character decided that he would endure and survive. In comparison with the violent killing of Medusa Sharu, making a big mistake, he was more willing to take a risk task.

   became an escort, to exchange captives, there was risk, but it should be difficult to kill, he thought for a few seconds, and took this task with a sad face.

   "Leave, let the people go, the two of you put out the fire and go together."

   "Captain Foer, my leg, ah~"

  Gruzhak just wanted to say goodbye, and was kicked by Xu Zhi, his head immediately woke up.

  Compared with the lake heart island that did not know when it exploded, there might be a hint of escape.

   "Even if I have a leg injury, I will try my best to follow Captain Foer's and participate in the mission together."

   "You have a little conscience."

   looked at the evasive gangsters, and then at Gruzak, who still showed his loyalty with a leg injury, Fell felt a little bit more comfortable.

   "For a while, the two of you will follow me. It is best to choose to **** the seriously injured. That kind of character has no resistance against accidents."

  Xu Zhi and Gruzhak nodded quickly, they must learn this experience.

   "Go on the task, and the task comes back and stutters."

  Fur shouted, regardless of Medusa Sharu, directly pushed the door away, and then a bunch of gangsters looked at each other and followed closely.

   walked for only four or five minutes. Xu Zhi followed Fell to the center of Lake Heart Island. In this square, more than twenty elves, druids, and archers were bound.

   This is the last battle, most of the people involved in the battle are senior characters.

   Take these people to exchange for the leader of the Lai Fen maze, absolutely qualified.

  Med Malik thinks it possible, and on the other side of the lake shore, the elf side also agreed to this proposal, and the two sides temporarily held a truce.

  Xu Zhi discovered the old man, Ji Yi, in a surprise, sitting among the many captives, his body was no different from Gruzak, it seemed that his leg was seriously injured.

   When summoning the lower realm, Xu Zhi knew that the old man was riding a griffon in response, causing him to fall into the air as soon as he came out.

   is better now and has become a captive.

   looked straight up, looked at the griffins and phoenixes circling in the sky, and then looked at the Cyclops who were preparing to throw stones.

   Exchange prisoners, this job is not light.

   It was safe before the exchange. After the exchange, it was difficult to say.

   No wonder no team is willing to go.

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