Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1171: The crowd in the stone tomb

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In the underground world, I don't know which stone tomb was built in this place. The place is large and the tombstone is thick and easy to defend.

Bone Dragon Gremalasa squatted in a passage outside, almost guarding against a thousand troops.

As the big king of the lunatic asylum, Pratland Black Sword is not like his two younger brothers. Not only is his personal strength more powerful, but he also has a strong army.

In the case of the raid, the recruiting army led by Doug Wuger was ruined.

Facing the charge of the knights, Bob and others had to flee in haste.

"I'm telling you, it's not that I can't do it. It's the people who spent money hiring that are not easy to use, too messy and messy."

Doug Wuger was clearly dissatisfied with the result of this battle. The slave money contributed by the Scherzin Merchants directly hit the water in one battle.

"Obviously you can't direct."

After taking the chicken blood, Degar's stomach swelled slightly, and there was a trace of blood on his face. He was very opinionated about Doug Wuger's command.

"It's not always the case with wars. I shouted a charge. I'm at the forefront, and they followed me to kill, ah, ah, how to command."

Xu Zhimu was silent. The fighting style of the barbarians is indeed the same. It has always been a violent play. If it cannot be pushed down flatly, it will be the end of the anti-killing. For Doug Wuge to command the army, he cannot do too high expectations.

"You should refine them into undead, as long as they become undead, no matter how to fight, no one dares to violate the order and will not run away."

Degar's command method seems to be even more unreliable, leaving Agrienaire as a lone traveler, Bob and Elita as mages, and not proficient in commanding operations.

"What about Allenville?"

Xu Zhi looked at it, and it was probably this guy who had the least sense of presence in the team. His personal strength was average, and he learned command, but everyone rarely needed to use battlefield command and played soy sauce all the time.

"Allenville is back to Dalashan Kingdom."

When people use it, they hate it. If there is a reliable commander, Doug Wuger and others may not be so miserable to escape, they must be locked in this stone tomb.

"Are they going to starve you? By the way, what are you going to do?"

It's not a problem to give these people a meal for two or three meals a day. After all, he did this before and sent Doug Wuger many times.

Of course, if he had an unexpected accident in the real world, these people could only ask for more blessings.

"Isn't this asking you for urgent consultation?"

Agrienier eats chicken legs that she will never forget. She has experienced countless deaths of her companions in her life. She has become accustomed to Doug Wuge's fiasco.

She has master-level stealth ability. If it is not possible, she can still sneak away. Among these people, she is in the most stable mood.

"If you can give us food every day, we can starve them."

Elita whispered in a whisper, her statement is not unreasonable, the human legion is guarded outside the stone tomb, to eat and drink to sleep, faced with many situations, it needs extremely strong logistical support to support.

It is difficult to judge who starved to death.

"Our goal is to target Prattland Black Sword, you don't need to destroy his legion, you don't even need to kill him, you just need his helmet."

Bob felt himself in a big trouble.

Seeing the barbarian's intrepid melee power, he apparently gave birth to the idea of ​​recruiting people, but the barbarian somehow took a fancy to the helmet of the king of the lunatic asylum and struggled for it for several years.

There is no problem in killing Hexis, as long as he gets the helmet on the head of Pratland Black Sword and does everything.

The barbarian promised very simply.

After one action, Bob felt that it was no easier to take the Pratland Black Sword's helmet than to kill Hexis.

Two great knights, commanding the knight team of the forty-man regiment, as well as the monk regiment focused on mental interruption, the healing priest regiment, the melee crusade, archers, crossbowmen, and spearmen.

Pratland Black Sword's guard legion is far more powerful than expected.

In the past two days of starvation, Nags was constantly instigating. Bob thought a lot and felt that his life was very bumpy. If it turned into a lich that the other party said, it would be impossible to see anyone after this properly.

Without conversion, you may starve to death later.

Luck wasn't so bad that it couldn't be cleaned up, this green belt food came down.

Several people discussed with each other, and there was no result, let alone Xu Zhi, not to mention the situation at all, only knowing that people surrounded this stone tomb, how can they give suggestions.

At present, the most reliable method still belongs to Elita, relying on Xu Zhi to supply food, so that the army of Pratland Black Sword cannot maintain consumption and automatically retreat.

"Do you have many chickens in your family?"

Degar quietly asked Xu Zhi that he hadn't drawn chicken blood for many years, and he suddenly felt that he could accept it.

"No, but I know an old Druid lady who has a chicken farm. If you want to buy chicken, I can recommend her to you."

"chicken farm"

Xu Zhi's words seemed to bring a little inspiration to Degar. He began to consider this question. If he could find a livable place, would he go to set up a chicken farm in the future and live a peaceful life.

"I don't like to owe humanity, except for praying to God for peace, this dagger is also for you."

The meat hurt for a long time, and Degar threw a broken black dagger in his hand.

"Come on, then I take it."

The old vampire's face was obviously not as thick as that of Bob and others, and he was even a little stubborn. He threw his personal weapon over.

Xu Zhilai refused to refuse, and the two were human. He was quite aware of the old man's character, such as Degar. If he refused, he would cause dissatisfaction with the other party. He even thought that he looked down on him and caused hostility.

Degar's Vampire Dagger (Left): A weapon with magical power, which can recover a certain amount of injury after killing the enemy.

[Note: The magic inscription of this object has low power and its effect is reduced. 】

In addition to the bad appearance, the magic inscriptions are dull in color, and the actual effect of the dagger is very inscriptions that restore the injured are very rare.

This is an old-world weapon. Degar may have been relatively new when he brought it into this world, but as he continued to use it, the effect of this dagger became worse and worse.

Degar was also clearly aware that the weapon was used very carefully, and Xu Zhi had seen this old vampire use his claws to fight against the enemy many times.

In this world, this weapon is not valuable, and Xu Zhi can't use it, but if it is put into reality, if the actual effect is understood, there may be many people who respect it.

Waiting to enter the ruins to use, this is a good good weapon, equivalent to an extra blood-sucking talent similar to the king of kings.

Can sell a good price?

Or look at which one of Bazonglou likes and digest it internally.

This is much better than getting a weapon in the dream world and taking it out as a counterfeit.

"The handle is also for me. I'll exchange a good dagger with you."

The ghost dagger was pulled out, and Xu Zhi threw it away.

"I am a high-level magic dagger, not this kind of low-end goods with only sharp attributes."

He took the Shadow Dagger in his hand and Degar swallowed it. This dagger was much better than his weapon that did not match the characteristics of the times.

When the mouth was hard, Xu Zhi threw another handle over.

"Advanced magic dagger, then you try this handle, the power is indeed good."

Tainan Dagger (Treasure): Attack power +2, add 6 levels of weeping status to opponents during melee attacks.

The same is the dagger from the shadow of the thieves in the Tauren maze. This magic dagger cuts the gunpowder lead hard. Although the value of the magic dagger is high, Xu Zhi has never used it.

For exchanging these two daggers, Xu Zhi did not give up much, and replaced it with a relic weapon, and then returned to the real world for money or medicine, or even a hot weapon, which was more suitable for him.

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