Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1175: Bad old man

Unleashing magic and long-range strikes on the battlefield requires rhythm control.

At this moment Pratland Black Sword is just a sprint of war slaves, the melee legions are ready to gather, and the long-range strike has not yet been released.

Affected by the evil song of Agrinel, many priests and monks had to release exorcism to reduce the impact of this curse.

The power of the four electromagnetic blasters projected from the top is quite good.

The upstart-like play, four electromagnetic blasters, and a million dollars were smashed down. The results of the harvest are satisfactory.

The pikemen and the crusaders who lined up were killed. More than forty people were directly bombed to death by this uncommon means, and the surrounding melee army affected nearly a hundred people.

Even the cavaliers who walked around the site were turned upside down by the sudden explosion.

Modern warfare is completely different from the dream world warfare. Moreover, Prattland Black Sword is preparing to fight siege, and the legions are advancing layer by layer. At the beginning, they have already suffered a great loss.


The sound of pulling the bow string sounded, Xu Zhi just glanced at it, and immediately retracted back into the tomb of the stone tomb.

Including Doog Woo, who yelled and did not take a step back, immediately bent down to raise his shield to avoid.

The lives of the slaves were obviously out of consideration. The dense rain-like arrows instantly pierced the dim night sky and shot like locusts towards the entrance of the tomb.

The battle situation is clearly beyond the expectations of Pratland Black Sword. Whether it is a sudden top evil song or an inexplicable explosion, this is not a routine method.

The Song of Evil may still be able to bear it reluctantly. It is cursed and cursed, the body's strength is reduced, and its attack and protection capabilities are limited to full strength. It can only play 80%, but this is not turning into waste.

But the electromagnetic blaster caused death, and the heart of Pratland Black Sword looked bleeding.

Each of the soldiers in the elite army is carefully selected, and they are all equipped with armor. They have extremely strong killing and protection capabilities, and they died inexplicably.

It is not clear who the opponent is.

If it is a magic blow, the caster must show his face anyway and wave his staff.

Among the legions, there were already monks preparing, and even archers stared at the door of the tomb. As long as the mage released a powerful attacking chaotic magic, someone would interrupt the casting process, or remotely kill.

But they saw nothing.

"Suppress, keep shooting, don't stop."

"Go forward, keep going."

"Priest group heals."

Before Pratlan Black Sword did not issue an order, the commanders would obviously advance in the same way as before.

"Madiro" shouted Pratland Black Sword.

"I seem to smell a gunpowder barrel."

The big knight responded to Pratland Black Sword uncertainly. In his impression, the gunpowder barrel was big and thick, difficult to transport, and it was very troublesome to cause an explosion. It was far from the convenience of magic, long ago. He was eliminated from the war.

"Isn't it the Devil's Flask of the Kingdom of Casa? It has been explained above, and there is a Master of Casa from afar in their group."

"Demon Bottle"

Maduro said in silence: "The devil fire bottle guides the fireball magic. Perhaps I am ignorant. I have never seen the top devil fire bottle. It is said that the bottle requires more than 200,000 gold coins and has no market value."

Prattland Black Sword snorted and used potions to fight. This extravagant behavior was not consumed by anyone, especially the top-level potions. This potion is more used for small group battles, or The final decisive battle between major powers.

"I don't believe that they have a lot of demon fire potions. They distributed fireproof potions to several main commanders, and they will need their energy for a while."

Prattland Black Sword looked at the entrance of the tomb, and then watched the torrent of armor that was moving forward, his face flashing with confidence again.

Doug Wurg, must kill, and the Archmage from Casa, under the vague hint above, he does not mind the accidental killing, in the area of ​​Kudros, anything can happen, this kind of shirk thing, This is not the first time he has done it.


"Sir, you give me a small ball like this."

Before the magic was released, Bob was taken aback by Xu Zhi's electromagnetic blaster, throwing one at random, he had the power of high-level chaotic magic.

Looking at the dozens of electromagnetic blasters in Xu Zhi's small basket, Bob swallowed several times.

"There is an immortal like you, guess what?"



Xu Zhi looked at Bob, who was interested in Dasheng in his eyes. This old man had no power to resurrect immortality at all. Blind research was the end of death.

"With such great power, no wonder your squeak is very distressed," Elita whispered.

"It seems that there are thirty-six, these gadgets are thrown out. The army of Pratland Black Sword is afraid that half will be killed, and the remaining half will become crippled."

Agrinel released his magic nearby and his eyes swept down the bluestone stairs.

"what are you guys saying?"

Nags pulled off an arrow inserted in the bone and stayed behind. He didn't see the explosion. He shot an arrow in his chest.

"Lao Tzu has been saved, sir, you deserve to be a reliable partner. Let's worship another one."

The bow string rang outside the stone tomb, and the huge pressure caused by the swaying of the armor during the journey. I don’t know when to disappear without a trace. Everyone's face was relaxed.

Obviously, the opportunity appeared.

It's not a dead end, then you can release your full strength, and you don't need to spare your energy to escape.

"This kind of baby, sir, doesn't need to cast spells, it's better to charge you..."

"You are an old man, people are bad."

Bob, the old man, clearly reminisced about his performance in previous battles.

Xu Zhimeng, he is also very limited, and his body is indeed capable of carrying long-range strikes, but the other legions are elite legions, not the barbarian mess.

There was clearly a sharp archer in the opposing barracks. At this distance, as well as the block of the tomb and the obstruction of sight, they all shot Nags.

If he dared to get out, he was properly shot by people's eyes and other vulnerable parts.

Even with all kinds of protective magic, he did not have hundreds of long-range defenses in his eyes, and was shot with an arrow, and he could turn into a cyclops.

What's more, the opponent's melee regiment took advantage of the suppression of the long-range strike, and had already logged in the bluestone ladder. When he exited the tomb door of the stone tomb, he might also face a melee strike.

"You put on my hat and put on your cloak, and the barbarian, quickly take off your anti-beating tiger skin armor."

With a painful face, Bob took off the Archmage Hat and took out the angel feather cloak that he was going to wear.

"You are so, this is this..."

The old mage whispered in Xu Zhi's ear, describing how to use the two treasures.

"Uh huh"

Xu Zhi nodded for a while. If Bob throws a blaster in this way, he is afraid that he will become a murderous demon.

This old man really is not good.

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