Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1198: cost

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In the castle, Xu Zhizheng told Hexis about the application of electricity.

The Lexus on the side listened extremely seriously and took notes from time to time with a pen.

A series of products derived from electricity is beyond Hexius' imagination, but it also inspired his creation.

Xu Zhi discovered that the immortal seemed to like to go to extremes and would create elements that contained ‘terror’.

For example, this "Raytheon" device brings terrifying lethality.

For household necessities such as electric lights, Hexis wanted to use it to make a small enough big sun, which was completely inconsistent with the ordinary people's delicate ideas.

According to Hexius' creative ability, Xu Zhi doesn't think his idea is a fantasy, and there is a great chance of realization.

"I didn't expect that glowing heat is the most basic application. If lightning can bring movable kinetic energy, there are too many things that can be done. Maybe I can make a stronger mechanical creature than the red dwarfs."

"Sir squeak, do you think a machine like a puppet dragon, if there is a'big drill' on his head, when he sees someone, he hits his head and thinks about what a wonderful thing it is."

"Your idea is very unique, that Lord Deng Shen has never done that."

Xu Zhi nodded in coordination. People in different eras have different ideas. It is normal for Hexis to think differently from him. Only different thinking can create a different world.

"I really want to see the Lord Deng Shen Mage. I heard that it is an ancient world different from our development. I didn't expect that there would be so many differences."

With a laugh, Xu Zhi said while agreeing with Hexis.

It was not because hexes could not get to the elemental realm that he put the real world things on Somra's head.

"The ancient wizard city is magical. It is more interesting than the magical kingdom of Ruiou. This old thing is too stubborn and often suppresses new things. I don't know the development of the times. Even if his kingdom is strong, it will definitely be eliminated in the future."

"Your Excellency, you are right."

"By the way, have you heard of Rioo's dealing with me recently?"

Hexis suddenly remembered that this old guy, who was quite disgusted by him, still secretly **** him.

"Your Majesty Ruiou hasn't summoned me for a long time," Xu Zhi whispered, "You know, a jungle goblin like me has very low utilization value."

"That's what I said," Hexis nodded, looked at Xu Zhi's ugly face, and hurriedly said: "Sir, I don't mean you are useless, I mean the old guy in Rio did not know Tap into your inner beauty, you are a knowledgeable artist, he does not know how to cherish."

"That's right, Rio doesn't understand art."

Xu Zhi said carelessly that Rio didn't install an ear to eavesdrop on his head, and said anything in front of Hexis.

Ever since he took his set of designs for refining refined salt and refined sugar, the other party has never called him, and may have put his mind on this one.

Of course, it may also be that the other party issued a special contract, and Xu Zhi did not see it. After all, he hasn’t spent much time in the elemental world in the past few months.

"That's not true. That old thing knows a little about calculations at the most, and it relies on the power of tyranny to suppress people. There is no art cell."

It is rare that someone can boldly confess Mistreo together, and Hexis is excited, with a lot of cursing words about Reo spitting out of his mouth.

It can be seen that he has a lot of resentment against His Majesty Ruiou.

As an immortal, Hexis is not afraid of a frontal blow, but he hasn’t torn his face, he just pummeled ghosts in his back, and I don’t know when the blow will come. This kind of life is a little bit daunting. .

It may also be that Hexis has been busy for a year, and the result is to pick up people's teeth and to vent by cursing.

The two scolded Leo for a while, and Hexis sorted out his collar, and he stopped slightly.

As an artist, he still cares about the image.

"Oh, squeaky lord, have you died recently, I feel that the immortal power maintained on the potion has disappeared."

"You can also feel that, yes, your immortal potion has already been used by me."

Xu Zhizheng didn't know how to insert this topic, but he didn't expect Hexis to take the initiative.

"The effect is very powerful. It is really a crystallization of art, and I don't know if there is a better potion than that in the world."


Hexius's eyes widened, and the cost of making this potion was quite expensive. He learned more about the potion's effects from books, and also had his own theory to speculate on how much people can be resurrected by a potion. This is something he is not sure about.

"Yes, from approaching death to rapid life recovery, the effect is very powerful. If it is regrettable, it may be difficult to recover quickly from mental damage."

Immortal potions are powerful, and the degree of potency even surpasses that of dragons and tigers. It is not only useful for the recovery of injuries, but more importantly, as a master medicine for the customs, it has great compatibility and does not need to be Various ratios are suitable for various situations of practitioners.

If he wants to find shortcomings, Xu Zhi can only express his opinions on the efficacy of mental injury.

"There seems to be no recovery agent for mental damage in the world."

Hexis pondered and said: "The damage on the upper side can be treated, the realm of the soul belongs to God, and mental damage is not the scope of human research."

"Is there really a **** in this world? I mean, the kind of **** that lives?"

From the atheist believer to a swaying left and right, Xu Zhi has seen too many things, is there a god, or someone can be so powerful that others think he is a god.

In the eyes of an ant, even a five-year-old child may think of it as a god.

It can be easily squeezed to death, it can also destroy their hard-built nests, and it can even make monstrous floods flood their homes.

Different class, different perception.

Hexis talked about God, and Xu Zhi was also very interested to mention that this kind of big man's cognition may be different from him.

"God exists, whether it is a true **** or a false god. They have left more or less traces in the world. They exalted the throne and established the kingdom of God in the extraterrestrial world. It is difficult for ordinary people to explore, as we are no exception."

Hexis said with a smile: "If you are in the Shannon Kingdom, please don’t say this, the Holy See cracked down on the atheistic believers very hard, and you will be put on fire."

"I haven't been to the capital of the Shannon Kingdom yet. I heard that there is a powerful kingdom of knights and priests."

The only time I came into contact with the Shannon Kingdom was following Master Bob's attack on the City of Flash, and I left in a quick glance in that pastor city.

What makes him a little bit distraught is that the wind element monarch magic book is in the palace of Xia Nong, which is more difficult than the Nanao fire element monarch magic book.

"The kingdom of a group of **** sticks only" Hexius shook his head before saying: "All are religious mad, swaying around in the name of false gods."

As for the topics of Xia Nong and God, Hexis didn't seem to have much interest. Xu Zhi's topic changed and he returned to the Immortal Elixir.

"If there are many immortal potions of Lord Hexis, I hope to collect another one. In return, I will bring you various small samples of electricity in the near future."

"I want the kind of big light bulb you said, the kind that is brighter than flash, can be connected to my device."

The magical elements of Hexis' fingers lingered, and a white glow shone to the dazzling light, which suddenly appeared in his fingers, and Xu Zhi's eyelids narrowed.

Brighter than flash, this cost is too low. Want to chat with more like-minded people about "Heroes Invincible Grand Master", WeChat pays attention to "reading literature", talk about life, and find friends~

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