Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1266: sublimation

Almost all the green skin of Dongfang Village was mobilized, plus the weapons used by the barbarians in Somra's memory.

Ninety-two wooden weapons, including wooden pig head staff and other wonderful weapons, tossed for a whole day, and finally brushed the heroic shrine.

Looking at the light of the dawn again, Xu Zhi seemed to have achieved something.

This is the achievement of bursting liver.

There is a sense of comfort and satisfaction.

Xu Zhi felt that he was stuck in a big event before the end of the ruins.

It's worth the effort.

If these immortal marks in the Great Martyr's Shrine are common to his weapons, these marks are quite disdainful.

It is unclear whether these marks are good at or what weapons they like, and Xu Zhi once waved his doubtful life.

Every time it succeeds, it can only rule out one weapon, and if the wielded weapon is more skillfully used, maybe these immortal marks jump out.

The characters represented by these names on the monument are quite fond of playing sneak attacks, and when they are almost nervous, Xu Zhi once wanted to make these immortal marks into scum.

Imagine that there are a few small friends who may use it in the future, and the hard hands of the lower hand will be withdrawn suddenly, only to defend and not to attack.

Including some weapons such as the two-headed staff actually correspond to the imprint of the immortal, Xu Zhi was unable to spit out the style of the barbarian immortal.

This is roughly the immortal of magic combined with martial arts. The giant two-headed staff can beat and knock. It is similar to the weapon taken by the ogre magician.

Thanks to his considerable knowledge in Thousands of Machines a few years ago, he is basically familiar with all kinds of weapons. Although he hasn't practiced it continuously, but if he gets started, it is extremely fast, similar and similar weapons, which will always allow him to wave like a model decent.

Everything is done.

The Great Martyr's Shrine is cleared.

Thanks to Somra for staying up late for thinking and drawing.

Thanks to the numerous green-skinned logs for making weapons.

Thank you for the wood truck that Doug Würg made for him. Nowadays, there is a lot of wood in Dongfang Village, and everyone has built a new house. The wood can be used to toss him.

Xu Zhi also thanked the nine remaining imprints in this heroic ancestral shrine, and of course also thanked the dead Kenrohag imprint.

Everyone was busy all night.

The customs thank-you note has a lot of people saying thank you, especially for the many green peels that don't have a good name in Dongfang Village.

After thanking him, Xu Zhicai waved some sore arms and waved his hands, his eyes narrowed and he punched out.

The boxing is as strong as the wind, and it seems that the change is not too big compared to before. After all, the boxing has been so long or the sword has been dancing for so long. The body seems to be used to this feeling.

As soon as the inner qi was mentioned, the glory of the orange earthman came out through the body, and Xu Zhi hit it with a punch. At this time, he was only slightly aware of the difference from the previous day.

Hold back for so long, what he waited for was the difference between perception at this moment and yesterday.

The punching power is heavier, the explosive power is stronger, and the body is more mature and natural when released.

After looking at the gilt broken armor placed next to it, Xu Shui took a straight foot, and a heavy stick of more than two hundred pounds started, and a group of sticks around the heroic temple became active.

As if the dragon had gone to sea, Xu Zhi's figure moved from time to time, and there was a gust of wind all over the place.

Several groups of wind whirlwinds even formed the shape of a tornado, constantly flying around Xu Zhi's body.

This is the crazy devil stick method that he is very good at now. Since temporarily stepping into the realm of the master and enlightening the ‘guardian’ of the shadow of the stick, Xu Zhi has not used such a free energy to quickly cast the stick method for a long time.

If the sudden increase in his previous strength caused him to explode in spirit, he unexpectedly realized many new understandings and realized certain points of the guru realm in advance.

At this moment, it is more like climbing slowly step by step, constantly making up for some omissions in the cultivation stage at this time, or in the stage of strengthening the master.

This attribute given to attack does not seem to be the same as the extra attack capability brought by weapons and weapons.

It is more contained in the body and reflected in the inner body. Without changing the weapon, this ability will be stripped.

The combat skills are more mature, the damage brought, and the explosive ability brought by it become more powerful.

This made Xu Zhi take a cold breath. At this stage of his strength, if he wants to enhance his ability of 20% or 30%, he must either rely on Qi training to advance, or he needs to change his powerful martial arts skills to Dacheng to play a stronger role. strength.

Crazy devil stick ranks 73rd in Dongyue intangible cultural heritage stick technique The limitations of the door stick method itself.

Qi training has strengths and weaknesses, and martial arts naturally have levels.

Xu Zhi can now play better than others, relying on more advanced proficiency and higher contact.

Just like Yan Jinbai, the practice of Qi Qi is obviously just the level of his Changchun Zhenyang Gong before, but it stiffly suppressed most people.

Such as Yi Chuan, it is only by virtue of the extremely simple big gun move, which has simplified many people, and has suddenly picked many people down.

Walking ahead is not because of the very high level of spiritual practice, but the level of immersion in this area is too much compared with people of the same age or recent years.

They are constantly being dialed up and understood by the big guys, and there are many cultivators who learn more than normal.

This gap will not be able to smooth out the level until they meet older cultivators in the future, or become cultivators who want a higher level.

For example, if they broke through a ladder of cultivation, they entered the advanced cultivator from the basic level, and then stepped into the expert cultivator from the high level. Even if they had the ability to challenge the initial level of the class before, but after really stepping into this ladder, They are still in the ordinary position of this ladder.

Entering a new cultivating class is a new beginning. Facing more cultivators who have entered this level for a long Their previous honors did not bring sublimation of combat power.

Differs greatly.

This is a fact, and they can win, only those who have reluctantly stepped into this level.

Like Tuo Guhong, he takes advantage of his body to restrain most practitioners after all.

Even though Xu Zhi had the power to fight against Qingqing Zuo before, he also had the strength to break the wrist with Zhao Zhengyuan. When they brought their previous abilities into the master class, facing the more than 4,000 master practitioners in Dongyue, Xu Zhi estimated that he had entered The ranking of masters is up to about 3,500.

Only by continually cultivating and growing, can he occupy a seat among powerful master cultivators.

Master cultivators can hardly see mediocrities. Thousands of feet want to go further. Development and growth are much faster than people in this class. That is a very difficult thing.

The higher up, the harder this gap will be.

In addition to the mentality of constant sprinting, obviously it also takes a lot of effort, energy and time, and even a steady flow of wealth.

The constant years of polishing have made the elderly decline, and many newcomers can replace the higher ranks.

But now, this gap has been smoothed out a lot.

Xu Zhi didn't expect his martial arts to turn into a magical day.

This is a kind of sublimation.

Let him step into the realm of the master and still have enough strength to sublimate.

The influence of the ten-point inner attack attribute will continuously coordinate his combat skills to be more suitable for the body to play.

There is no special change in his body, but his output has indeed been greatly improved.

This unexpected ability advances the ability that should have been available only after master-level cultivation.

Perhaps, after he entered the master class, the mad devil stick method, now ranked 73rd, could move forward a little bit.

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