Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1280: No retreat

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Immortality is a state.

This state is not linked to the ranks of practitioners.

Stepping into immortality from the fighting aspect, as long as the fighting power goes against the sky, the master stage can achieve immortality.

As a mage, if you are not good at fighting, even if you have a master-level magic theory level, it is difficult to achieve immortality.

Most cultivators choose to be promoted after stepping into the guru, just to give themselves a little more assurance.

All of them are masters of the five series of magic masters, Bob has almost raised the magical power to the limit of his life.

Humans are not long-lived species and can have long years like elves.

Life is no more than a hundred years, seventy is the rare age, and Bob is eighty-two years old.

Although the old man's mouth is very hard, he is not as good as the young man but he has to admit it.

Poor and sluggish, he likes to make small reports. Xu Zhi can hardly like this contractor, but he has a respect for Bob's age.

There are always some obsessions in life, and therefore go forward.

Respecting the footsteps of the Nava Master is like many cultivators in the real world admiring Situ Xuankong's sword, Yan Xingxia's sword, Huang Putu's gun, and Tuo Guhong's physical exercises.

The blood flowed up when he was young, and it slowly faded after a long time.

The number of people like Bob who can follow the path of the strong and persist for a lifetime is extremely rare.

The Nava division's five series of magic has become a great success, and it has easily entered the immortal state. Bob also wants to reproduce this glory.

But the decline of his body had to stop him.

Masters are particularly sensitive to lifespan, and Bob can clearly feel that he has not much time left.

If he can't step into immortality, maybe he can only shine the last light in the battle with Hexis.

"Doug Wuger is right. When I am on the verge of extinction, my subconscious will also ask myself whether the pursuit was right."

"In the prison of Cardonis, I thought a lot. When I was starving to death, I even prayed to God."

"My mentality is no longer pure, and my age does not allow me to continue to wait. This is the strongest time in my life."

Holding the treasure that the Nava Master once wore, Bob's magic can ignore the resistance of the immortal. Even the first-level magic, the first-class level, can affect the immortal.

This is the power of the divine costume.

You can almost release all kinds of magic at will, without worrying about whether the magic is resisted and works.

Even the black dragon, immune to magic from all walks of life, began to show power under his staff.

The shield cannot penetrate, but the spear is not sharp enough.

The five small artifacts of Nava, when combined, almost exerted a magical power.

"So, you are indeed a little confident to promote immortality."

Having personally sensed the suit on Bob's body, Xu Zhi also had more confidence. In addition to being weaker, Bob's body could not be faulty.

Bob's strength is not in his physical strength, but in the magical skills he controls.

This is the extreme of magic power.

Until the immortal ability is matched, this extreme situation will be very fragile.

But once you have the immortal qualification, the death-free gold medal is in your hands, and the extreme magic power can exert extreme advantages and restrain many mages and warriors.

"Thirty percent chance of success, if you add your horn bow and fire arrow, the chance can be increased by thirty percent."

A whole set of super treasures, the treatment that many archery masters do not have.

Even if it took two requests, Bob felt worth it.

Compared with seeking a non-staff group of the Xia Nong Kingdom, or extracting various high-level pharmacies in the Casa Treasury, its own enhancement will always be the first.

It's a lot of age, and it's not selfish to come out to seek world peace.

His Majesty Rui Ou also saw that Bob was also very clear that both parties knew what was clear.

The achievements are immortal, and they are all happy.

He died in the battle with Hexis, and it was considered to be a waste of heat.

Challenge an immortal, or a powerful immortal with an organization, no one will operate with great fanfare and put everything on the bright side.

Meeting the requirements of strength, age, and mentality, it is difficult to find someone like Bob in the Kingdom of Casa.

The two magic messenger birds were released, and the request for the monarch magic book of the air element and the ice crystal fire crystal were put on the agenda.

"Please do your best."

Bob clasped Xu Zhi's hands tightly and used up both of his requirements. He had few choices. This was almost no escape route. He could only hope that this green leather would eventually help a large one and help him enter immortality. level.

"My best baby has come out, and I still want to do my best. I tell you, don't poke this matter to your majesty, the emperor is more suspicious, I am afraid of him..."

"Already said."

Xu Zhi looked at Bob silently, the old man's small report hit too neatly.

This is unprecedented.

Play a small report in front of him.

Do you want to die like this?

"What are you doing looking at me so straightforwardly, things are not clear, I can't apply for that kind of irrelevant **** feed...ah...ah~"

"Lao Tzu isn't what you summoned today. It was not affected by the rules of the contract. Those who make small reports are the most shameful. Let's die."

After a few hard blows, Xu Zhi came out with this bad usually pretend to be a grandson on the side of His Majesty Ruiou, and pretend to be pitiful, relying on the inferiors to ask for various benefits, and in the blink of an eye he has all the treasures Just like others, what do you think of your majesty Ruiou, what do the mermaids think?

How embarrassing to meet in the future, how to take advantage of His Majesty Ruiou.

This is ruining people's wealth.

"My squeak is so violent" Elita Thurso shivered.

"Beating hard, our soldiers have to speak with their fists, hahaha," Doug Wug was stunned.

"Daddy, do you want to help? Oops, the ice and fire in my body are unbalanced again, and my stomach hurts."

"Squeaky gentleman, he's a lot of age, don't really get killed."

This is the terrible end of the relationship, no one helps when beaten.

After everything was gone, Xu Zhi turned into a glimmer and returned to the elemental world. Bob, who was lying on the ground and pretending to be dead, sat up straight and shot himself medical magic.

"Young people don't know how to respect the elderly, don't you learn how to squeeze this little villain, hey, hey, you group is not conscientious."

Looking at the quartet of potatoes eating at the cozy fire in front of the fireplace, Bob felt he was in pain.

"Your Excellency Bob, hurry up and shout more potatoes to eat, it is still hot now" Elita beckoned in front.

"Goddaddy, come and eat more. If you are promoted to immortality and die, you won't eat it in the future."

The heart that had just been warmed by Elita was instantly cold by Kotzice's splash, and he pulled two Kotzes sticks, and Bob felt that he was passing his breath.

"Your Excellency Bob, you really hope that part of your promotion to be immortal will rest on your squeak."

"Maybe it will be done, Your Excellency Agriline, you haven't taken advantage of his power a step earlier, and you might regret it in the future." I want to chat with more like-minded people about "Heroes Invincible Grand Master", and WeChat pays attention to "Reading "Literature", talk about life, find friends~

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