Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1282: Opportunity

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The pressure column kept going up and down, and Huang Pu's heart suddenly jumped up and down.

The fruit of the life tree peeled off the shell was as white as jade, and the number of them blinded her eyes.

The number was so large that she exploded. When Xu Zhi put one in the crystal bottle, her heart twitched once.

Where are so many treasures?

Still the same type.

After testing the fruit of the life tree, Huangpu Duanrong even blended this flavor into the medicinal materials, and formed the formula of Xumingdan.

I have also seen Xu Zhiju's three flowers, and the inside air was refined.

For the fruit of the tree of life, Huangpu knows its value.

She can smile slightly for one or two, three or five are very envious, and ten or eight can accept it. She is a woman who has seen the world.

But there are more than twenty, and together with the last batch, this number is too huge.

Huangpu Duanrong fell into deep thinking.

She was a little bit jealous by this upstart behavior.

Which ruins are not so long-eyed, does Dongyue have such ruins?

It can be stalked continuously. Are there so many treasures of heaven and earth? This is the treasure of heaven and earth in the fairy back garden. It has grown into grapes and can be taken out in a bunch.

One barely counted 10 million, this guy last smashed nearly 200 million in front of him, this time it was nearly 300 million treasures of heaven and earth, but she couldn't help but be jealous.

"Xu Zhi."

Huang Pu coughed.

"I use it for myself, don't change my dad's potion, and don't renew my life."

"Cough cough cough"

Just when he wanted to speak, he was blocked by Xu Zhi, and Huang Puduan's tolerance was breathless.

"The instructor is a lot of age, and I really want to take off the order. You can help me and change me to a little white lotus. Wait for me to make a lifelong pill and go to Kyoto to complete the certification. I will be a medical master in the future. There must be many people. Pursue me, hahaha."

Hahaha, Dean Huangpu you still hahaha.

You really don't understand why you are single.

No matter whether it is a master of poison or a master of medicine, no one can catch the shot of Huang Putu, and no one dares to pursue it.

This has nothing to do with identity.

"I think it's enough for you to discuss with Huangpu Grandmaster about your order."

Xu Zhi decided to remind him a little bit that he was not in love at the age of forty-five, and Huang Pu's life was really miserable, second only to him.

"It's my brother's business to find someone. It's the era of free marriage for men and women. My brother has long ignored me."

Yes, that's right, he doesn't care about you, he cares about your object, that's why you are single.

Xu Zhi could not have said too thoroughly. In case of a quarrel between the brothers and sisters, he was the only punching bag, which is also the reason why Huang Pu's tolerance has been sullen in the drum.

"You are a new age woman, you are right."

Xu Zhi raised his thumb.

Yes, he will talk about it here, this is the family affair of others.

"You said to introduce the object to me before, and I haven't even seen the shadow until now," Huang Pu said sullenly.

"He didn't dare to chase you, and I didn't make any mistakes," Xu Zhi mumbled. Lu Shengan couldn't make it. He had no choice. He couldn't force Lu Shengan to take Huang Putu's shot.

"Look, they all fear my identity as a poison master. Let me change my face quickly. I want to be a gentle woman in the medical department. Hmmm. I like the most salvation type."

Huangpu's delusion of tolerance is very heavy, and the fruit of a tree of life will inevitably be taken away.

Of course, compared to Xu Zhi's inventory, one is nothing.

Only Huang Pu used one, Xu Zhi felt that his medicine would be less, and he had to take care of Wang Zhongwang, who was the most deficient.

The most important thing is that the collection of Huang Pu’s accommodation is full of poison, and it is difficult to find the right one if he wants to change something.

"I want to make up the medicine, the big tonic, the master class can do it anyway, don't give me the poison anyway, I won't change the poison anymore, few fools will drink that kind of red potion."

Except for the unlucky ghost of Qingchuan Akiko, Xu Zhi doesn't think there is a second object to steal the potion.

"Is it slightly poisonous?" Huang Pu Duanrong whispered: "Just a little poison, but that's a big tonic, a really effective big tonic."

"How poisonous is it, and to what extent is Dabu?"

Poisoning mix-and-match is common in pharmacy, because medicine has three-point toxicity. On poisoning mix-and-match, the Chinese people who pursue the extreme effects of medicaments are second to none.

It is not surprising that Huangpu accepted this agent.

Xu Zhi was slightly curious about the scope of the effect.

With a body that does not invade a hundred poisons or even a thousand poisons, he will not have any problem with taking some slightly poisonous tonics. If the efficacy is close, he does not lose money if he replaces a fruit of the life tree.

"Let me make up first. Look at the meridian of the teacher. I have been attacked by toxins before. My meridian is very fragile, but now you look at how thick and tough it is."

Huang Pu said proudly: "Just three big tonics have changed my life. Now I have reached the level of master intermediate."

"It's awesome, this is your thick hair after returning to normal, and it's getting higher and higher," Xu Zhi praised.

"Mainly because of the powerful effect of this tonic, its ability to strengthen the meridians is really great."

Xu Zhi’s focus seems to have shifted. Huang Pu Duan Rong specially emphasized some pharmacy before continuing: "That little poison is nothing, but will it have a little impulsive influence?"

"Thinking impulse?" Xu Zhi asked curiously.

"Just like to think blindly and be energetic, otherwise you think the tutor is all right and think about the man."

"The toxicity of this drug is really terrible, don't change it."

Xu Zhigan smiled, Huang Pu told Rong to think about men every day. If he served, what would he do with a woman every day? Do you learn how Qingchuan Ako made holes in the ground?

"No, it's just that you have some obsession in your spirit, it will amplify the influence a little bit."

"A lot of medicines have a negative effect that leads to mental hallucinations, bringing a little mental pleasure. No one outside of this medicine has a slight poison effect. Sell ​​it."

"The kind of little white lotus can only purify the internal gas. This medicine can strengthen the bones and bones. It is the king to take it with."

As for other medicines, Xu Zhi has not yet experienced it himself. He is very familiar with the secret medicine of the Da Luo Snake Gu in the Moguotu Kingdom, and has taken it once.

Xu Zhi thought about the previous feelings, and did not feel how strong the mental illusion brought by the secret medicine of Da Luo She Gu was.

Huangpu is right in saying that the life tree fruit is purified by internal air, and does not involve much effect of the skin and bone In addition to the copper whale Dan oil taken before, Xu Zhi has been strengthening muscles and bones The means of coating are all dependent on medicated bath and food supplement from time to time.

If it is a potent drug that blindly strengthens bones and bones, how much is also appropriate.

"It has the hallucinogenic effect of the secret medicine of Da Luo Snake Gu."

"Seven points, up to seven points."

Huangpu Duanrong emphasized it a bit, but also made a slight gesture before saying: "You have to believe the tutor, if it is a child of another family, I say that the pill is safe and free from future troubles."

Seven points.

That wouldn't be considered poisonous, and the side effects that can be sustained in the sprint expert stage are unlikely to be unsustainable near the master level.

"Come, try one, try to be satisfied with you and speak again, the tutor never lie, I can exchange two for your little white lotus, you make a lot of money."

Huang Pu took a sealed medicine bottle out of his pocket, poured out a blue ball and put it in Xu Zhi's palm.

"It's a bit bitter, but I wrapped a hard shell of chocolate on the outside. It's no problem when the candy is swallowed."

"Your design is really intentional."

Looking at the small eyes that Huang Pu looked forward to, Xu Zhi squeezed the blue sugar pill and swallowed it with his eyes closed slightly.

Strengthen the meridians, at this time it is no problem to take one.

The strengthening of the physical body is not like the improvement of internal energy. You can see the effect in a short time. The growth of the meridians is a process of continuous strengthening. It takes a certain time to see the final effect.

Determine the strength of the drug effect and make some preliminary perceptions, which is still very good to judge.

A burst of heat exploded in the stomach, and Xu Zhi could vaguely feel that his meridians and blood were filled with a strange drug power.

The transparent framework of ups and downs extends from time to time and seems to want to work together.

The inner air is slowly forming a closed loop, and the master's path is in sight. Fu Pin Chinese

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