Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1284: 5 Qi Chaoyuan

   There are several private photos and small videos of Lu Shengan in Xu Zhi's mobile phone. Kuangsha Literature Network

   Of course, there are some other people's, such as the indecent screens of Uya Turanto and Harukawa Ako.

   But he couldn't control so much at this time.

  Huangpu has a problem with his head.

  First stabilize this and then talk.

   The last time I hit an expert cultivator at the intermediate level, the other side did not have this problem.

   is full of delusions.

  Xu Zhi looked at the female dean who whispered about how few good men there are in the world, took a deep breath, he had to change places, and this laboratory could not stay for the time being.

  If the sprint moment was knocked out by a slap, he would really cry.

   The exquisite secret medicine is not easy to come by, and the cost of the fruit of the life tree is not low. It is difficult to reproduce the original results.

  After a while, San Theo can't produce any more fruit of life tree.

   And Huangpu Duanrong also thought about the idea of ​​opening the stomach and taking medicine.

  Xu Zhi ran out of the research room, and as soon as he came out, he saw that Huang Deng, the dean of the Cudgel Academy, hurried over.

   "Xu Zhi, are you in the sprint master realm?"


   Xu Zhiqiang endured the thought of shock in his heart, and pointed to the research room: "President Huang Pu took too much medicine, and there was nonsense in it. You hurry to help her."


   Huang Denggao looked at Xu Zhi, and then at the laboratory of the School of Toxicology, and walked past with a scalp.

   Obviously, if there is nothing important, he does not want to contact the dean of the poison surgery academy.

  Master Realm does not need to deliberately find a scene to strengthen the spiritual influence, just quiet.

   looked around, Xu Zhi found a slightly hidden shade and sat down.

   Thoughts give an illusory feeling and indulge in a strong mental pleasure, which is the situation of Huangpu's appearance.

  Xu Zhi felt that he hadn't had such toxic side effects at all. Huangpu Duanrong's pill continued to take effect for a long time. It just opened the first fire of the closed loop of his exercise frame.

   His body, which is not poisonous, is not a decoration, and there is at least a process of resistance to toxic side effects.

   There is no possibility of feeling illusory just after taking it.

  Holds the poison effect and reduces the mental effect brought by the toxin.

   Then the sprint master realm is 100% true.

Xu Zhi’s brain is running fast, and his perception is much stronger than before. The spiritual enhancement brought by the secret medicine of Longlong constantly repairs the road he has traveled before, the spirit of the dragon king and the blood of the ancient gods. It was quickly filled.

   From the spiritual point of view, master-level cultivators began to have a low-end momentum influence, and the spirit was strengthened to create a range of effects.

  At this time, he slowly began to have this ability.

  The powerful operation of the thick soil mystery has brought the continuous transformation of the energy of the fruit of the life tree, and the internal air that is surging more than the constant constant constantly promotes the extension and integration of the air frame.

   The body is about to close the inner air.

  Xu Zhi felt cold in his lower body.

   Refined refined gas turned on.

  Like Yang Yu's operation, a very wonderful and strange operation route is being formed.

   As the most serious place for male Xuanqi, the integration of Xingqi frame did not hesitate to block this function.

   Master cultivators want to have children, they can only take some medicine to temporarily turn on, and let themselves become an ordinary man.

  Xu Zhi thinks about the two Yang Tie twins that he has already served. It doesn’t matter if he or she doesn’t take it in the future. His valve may have died long ago.

  Outside the door of the research room, Huangpu has been tolerant from time to time, and on the other side are Huang Denggao and Chang Sun Wenyao's coping style.

   "I didn't take drugs, it was Xu Zhi's drugs, ah, Master Lu is really handsome."

   "You rescue Xu Zhi quickly, he has serious mental problems and needs to stop him from sprinting into the realm of master. He has delusions, hysteria, and is blindly tossing while taking medicine."

   "Can't go on like this, my brother said that he can give him a bowel to get medicine."

   Xu Zhi's delusion is still unclear. It is true that Huang Pu's tolerance is in a spirit.

   It is difficult for talented girls to find objects. The higher the conditions, the more difficult it is to find objects to match. Now Huang Pu looks at Lu Shengan, Huang Denggao and Chang Sun Wenyao can only send blessings, hope Lu Shengan will not be too miserable in the future.

   "Xu Zhi, where has Xu Zhi gone, oh, you guys, please help me quickly, if the toss breaks him, I will be beaten to death by the Yan family."

   "He seems to have gone back."

  Chairman Sun Wenyao didn't hit Xu Zhi, Huang Denggao touched it.

   said Xu Zhi reminded him to look for Huangpu Duanrong. As soon as he entered the laboratory door, he looked at Huangpu Duanrong holding a mobile phone and whispered, "Good-looking, so handsome."

   Of course, Huang Pu’s tolerance is not much better now. He still holds his cell phone and glances from time to time.

  Huang Denggao felt that the other party needed to take a rest for a while to clear the mind.

"Dongrong, you rarely study those weird drugs and drug combinations that have been handed down by your ancestors. It was successful after thousands of years of trial and error. It is the essence that does not need to be modified. See if you are now What does it look like."

   Elder Sun Wenyao is older, and has already passed the age of fifty years old. Usually, he is not tossed by Huang Pu's tolerance, and cleans up the mess for her.

   "I think Dean Huangpu's life is lacking a man, so he did so many things, alas~" Huang Denggao sighed.

   "A few years ago, I was tossing my meridians, and now I am tossing my head again, a good girl, I look so distressed."

  Long Sun Wenyao looked at Huang Pu, who was a little confused, and took out two slender silver needles. Huang Denggao's eyelids flickered at the bright and shining Dean Changsun, what do you want to do? "

   Huangpu accepted a big jump, his head finally awake.

   "Don't stick me, hurry and go straight, I'm normal now, it's okay, you see I'm normal now, I can say, I can sing, I can dance."

Huang Pu looked at the long needle with consternation, and felt the pain in the past. She had a natural sense of fear for the silver needle of Chang Sun Wen Yao. She had not been stricken before, but now she only feels the messy moments of confusion in her mind. The ice melted away.

   "He has a symptom before me and he also took that kind of medicine, oops, act quickly."

   "He has delusions and hysteria, thinking he has the ability to impact the master class."

   explained two sentences, Huang Pu looked at the two who still had some doubts, stomping their feet in a rage, twisting their bodies, and the person had already flown high.

   "But Xu Zhi just told me there was no sprint master class," Huang Deng said suspiciously.

   "I'm not sure, but I don't think it will make such a joke. Look around and find someone. If something goes wrong, it's not good."

  Chairman Sun Wenyao had a headache. Huang Pu accepted that it was not enough to hurt himself, and even the students were tossing about it.

   When the two of them were investigating around, they suddenly heard the leaves of a banyan tree not far away rattling.

   Faintly, a gleam of five colors flashed by.

   "It's the breath of the five qi dynasties, he is really hitting the realm of masters." Fupin Chinese

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