Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1287: Seikeimaru

"Qing Jing Wan"

The new drug temporarily named by Huangpu Duanrong is not much better, but it has an excellent effect in strengthening meridians and bones.

The only drawback is probably to use the mental excitement brought by the medicine to eliminate the pain of the body's meridian stretching.

The Hou Tu Xuan Jing digests medicines very quickly, and the corresponding pain is severe.

Earlier, there were Linglong secret medicine mixed with Life Tree fruit to play together, and the effect of Qingjing Pill was not too dramatic.

Now that the efficacy of the two drugs is almost exhausted, only the sustained impact of the Qingjing Pill is left, and the pain is highlighted for a while.

Without the severe sense of excitement brought by his spirit, Xu Zhi felt that his pain was at least two to three times that of Huang Pu's tolerance, which was almost the same as the feeling of menstrual bleeding when he suffered attribute radiation in his early years.

It's not sick, but the pain is not light.

After a brief handover, Xu Zhi took a Qingjing pill and returned to the eight buildings.

"Hahaha, the big tonic to strengthen the bones and bones, whoever signs the contract, just one big tonic in the future, I am happy today and do not charge double debt."

Several small friends were present, Xu Zhi began to recommend the drug with a calm face, and Huangpu Duanrong collected a large number of skins of the fruit of the life tree, and the number will not be small in the future.

It is roughly the upper limit of three tablets. This is the limit of the drug that Huangpu Duanrong personally tested. If you eat it again, there will be problems.

Subsequent batches will continue to be manufactured, and he will not lack such pills.

"I want me to want me" Shang Qianqiu jumped quite quickly and jumped over at once.

"Don't be excited, little sister Shang, you are now mainly practicing inner qi, and now only me and Gu little sister need to strengthen muscles and bones."

Yan Jinbai received the sword without any haste. Rarely recommended by Xu Zhi, he was very interested. Other people hadn’t even spoken yet, so he had a lot of ideas to arrange Shang Qianqiu, Wang Zhongwang and Li Chuyang. Went out.

"That's right," Gu Yuxi said with a smile: "I'm here to sign the deed. Last time Xiao Bailian paid off by myself."

Speaking of last year's debt, this is a bit embarrassing.

This one of the poor has the big treasure medicine, so Gu Yuxi's luck is better to pay the bill.

Yan Jinbai looked at Yu Xi and opened his mouth. He just wanted to further enrich the reason, so that he had a higher chance of signing a contract.

"Recently, I want to take a practise of Qi practice, the meridian is so lacking."

"It just so happened, me too" Gu Yuxi smiled.

"Hurry up, whoever writes the contract will take it quickly."

The pain in the body came, and Xu Zhigang wanted to twitch, and he could hardly bear it.

It is said that when a hapless person sees another hapless person, there will be a certain sense of happiness in the spirit.

For example, he was very happy to see Huang Pu's tolerance, but the mentor often hid in the room. Without Xiao Bailian's involvement, he could not see others every day.

There was no serious mental excitement, but a little excitement entrapped in Xu Zhi's mind, and all kinds of small thoughts kept going for a time, always thinking of gloating and gloating.

"Hahaha, my thief is fast, Xu Zhi, you see my signed contract."

Yan Jinbai's dragon and phoenix dance notes were sent up, and Gu Yuxi's handwriting was only half finished. Xu Zhi looked at both sides, and Qing Jing Maru photographed Yan Jinbai.

"That's yours."

"How to take it, are there any taboos? How do I feel this is covered with a layer of chocolate."

"For a little bit of mental psychedelic influence, just swallow it, and run Qiqi to catalyze it well." Xu Zhi waved: "I took one today, and now it's amazing."

Xu Zhi didn't introduce how awesome, he wants to see Yan Jinbai's end after swallowing now.

Whether it is to amplify a hint of latent consciousness in his heart is as painful as he is.

Either way, he will be happy anyway, and he will no longer be alone in the days to come.

"Oh, it's all there. It's a man's simmer."

Looking at Yan Jinbai holding the Qingjing Pill and looking at it from left to right, Xu Zhi slightly assisted and directly stuffed into Yan Jinbai's mouth.

"You usually don't take this initiative," Yan Jinbai said strangely.

Xu Zhi’s behavior today is a bit unusual. Gu Yuxi next to him chuckled a few times. Yan Jinbai felt very wrong. Gu Yuxi had some feelings of temptation to avoid evil, maybe he just knew something, just slow down The speed of writing.

"I'm in a hurry today, it hurts~"

After looking at Yan Jinbai, the other party swallowed him and was relieved, and clapped his hands with satisfaction. A pain from his arm made Xu Zhi lightly exhale.

"Hurry, hurt?"

"It's nothing. You should catalyze the potion, don't waste the potency."

Xu Zhi sat down in his chair and waited quietly for Yan Jinbai's effect.

"I don't know why, my confidence is bursting now, do you say that I am the best in the world?"

"First in the world?"

Xu Zhi's spirit shook up at once, and Yan Jinbai's idea was fine.

"Yes, hahaha, I should be the first in the world, hahaha."

Yan Jinbai laughed and jumped to the table, his hands behind him, his expression arrogant.

"Is Jinbo sick?"

The sudden self-confession, except that Xu Zhi had a certain ability to accept, others were startled.

"Sick, who is sick, I'm not sick, hahaha."

"Woman, get away, you are blocking my eyes, ha ha ha."

"It's hard to find a high altitude, it is difficult to find opponents, the world is the first lonely."

"But the strong man should enjoy loneliness, and no one can show it even if it is lonely. This is my mentality as a strong man."


Yan Jinbai became a chatty person, Xu Zhi looked at it and wondered, Huang Pu told the Qingjing Pill that the psychotropic drugs were a little overdose.

Several small partners have taken out their mobile phone videos, Xu Zhishun also recorded a copy.

"Xu Zhi, is there a problem with your medicine? Jin Bai seems to be crazy," Wang Zhongwang said strangely.

"There is no problem with the medicine, it will only cause temporary excitement of the spirit. You look around. It is almost the end of taking the medicine in the future. Look clearly."

"very scary."

"It seems to magnify the dark side of the heart, with an inductive spiritual influence."

"Don't dare to eat it."

"The side effects of this medicine are excessive. To what extent can the meridian be strengthened."

It can be recommended by Xu Zhi. The powerful side effects must have a more powerful positive effect. To what extent can the meridians be strengthened, it is difficult for Xu Zhi to make it clear. After all, he swallowed the first day, and he should not lose money.

Huangpu Duanrong took three pills in a row, their level was weaker, and taking one should be no big trouble.

The villa was quite lively and cluttered, until Tuo Guhong pushed through the Come and take a look at me, young man, you are now a master, much more powerful than I was. "

Tieshan City and Yunling City are very close to each other. Tuo Guhong came over to congratulate the fastest. He just took Xu Zhi's shoulder and saw Yan Jinbai standing on the table squinting.

"Isn't this Xiao Tuo defeated by me? Ha ha ha, the defeat will come from afar, and it's a pleasure."

"I'll lose, it's okay, just be happy."

Tuo Guhong grabbed Yan Jinbai off the table and felt it carefully. He let out a ‘miao’ before letting go.

"Where does your big medicine come from? I have to ask for one."

Just surprised by the news that Xu Zhi stepped into the master's realm, in a blink of an eye Tuo Guhong was all asking for the big medicine, even the master medicine master wanted, and several people looked at each other.

"Brother Xu Zhi~, I squeeze your back and owe me a chant." Shang Qianqiu dragged his voice and instantly filled with chicken blood, the painful Xu Zhihao yelled.

"Brother, I also need one." Gu Yuxi blinked his eyes, blinking hard at Xu Zhi.

"Straight brother, ask for help."

"Brother Xu, Master Xu, I, I, I, I have money, I ask my grandfather to ask for money, I want to buy one, don't rob me with anyone, I will have cash, not credit."

"Hahaha, brash, you have the first respect for the world."

"I just came back from studying. What happened today, Hey, Master Tuo."

The big medicine developed by the fruit of Life Tree has an influence on Tuo Guhong, but it is not expected that the big medicine mixed with the peel also has an influence.

The killing of big and small, God-fed mixed real-world drugs bring much stronger effects than Xu Zhi imagined.

It is not that the meridian strengthening effect is achieved, but that it has broken through the limitations of the cultivation level, and it can also play a role in the stage of the master, far beyond the restrictions of the traditional Tiancaidibao medicines.

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