Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1293: Tanan

According to Somra's explanation, this is the substitute that the deity usually chooses.

In Xu Zhi's understanding, he has always understood this product as a bionic robot made in a higher-level world.

Compared with other jungle goblins, he has too many differences.

Enjoying the benefits of this body, Xu Zhi has always been alert to possible problems.

"Tarnum, it's him, Tarnum."

Somra repeated a name in his mouth.

"Tanan? Tanu? Tenan? Trang?"

"Anyway, this is the name he used to use."

Xu Zhi suddenly remembered the name he was shouted by the mother tree when he came down, almost the same as the accent in Somra's mouth, which made him take a breath.

In this way, he would not be weaving straw hats in the dark flower room, and was strangled several times directly, probably because of the light of this existence.

Jungle goblins are very good at weaving, but many jungle goblins have very ambiguous memories before they were born, and do not know whether they are weaving straw hats in the flower room.

Only Xu Zhi has a fresh memory of this matter, and the taste of death is really uncomfortable. This kind of thing makes him unforgettable all his life, and still has a psychological shadow.

The ability of talent to create a certain link with this body belongs to the bird's nest.

Xu Zhi knew he was a latecomer.

When the mother tree gave birth to the jungle goblin, she had absolute fertility control over the jungle goblin. Tanan probably failed to hide her mother tree's perception and was killed again and again and had to give up control of this body.

"He is still alive? Where? Where is this man from?"

Xu Zhi quickly asked the questions he was most concerned about while quickly turning over the pages of many previous books.


Somra's thoughts fell into memory, and he began to narrate what he knew.

As the executor of King Gwen Magnus of Bracada, Somra knows a lot about Tanan.

Before his rise, Tanan was an ordinary barbarian in the Krulot barbarian tribe. It was not special. Until one day, he began to lead other barbarian uprisings, and his life began to change.

It is the rule of the Brakada Warlock Kingdom that the barbarians rebelled against.

When the forces led by Tanan continued to expand and grow in strength, as the ruler, Gwen Magnus sent Somra to suppress it.

Tanan was killed by the people under Somra, but the other party was resurrected.

After the resurrection, Tanan is like a godsend, and he no longer fears the magic of the Warlock Kingdom, and his power has become more terrible. The barbarians led by the leader fell apart.

Not only was Somra difficult to resist Tanan, but even the target of Somra's loyalty, the immortal king Gwen Magnus was defeated in Tanan's hands and had to flee.

This unmatched strength lasted for several years, and the power surrounding Tanan slowly subsided before the other party was killed.

Tanan did not achieve immortality at the time. Somra thought it was the end, but later events proved that this was only the beginning of Tanan.

"That being has taken his soul, throwing it into the lower bound again and again."

Solam glanced at Xu Zhi and said: "God projection, divine decline, and even the reverse call of the contract. We cannot understand the various means. Tanan has become a character who can travel between the kingdom of God and the world. Strength It's getting stronger."

"He can be transformed into any intelligent race, where there are injustices and disasters, he will inevitably appear there, solving problems like a savior."


"I once looked at the debris in the long river of time, and saw with his own eyes that he participated in the **** war of the lower realm, killing the strong elements of the elemental city that invaded the old world, and hunted down to this world until I destroyed everything. ."

Somra's words made Xu Zhi breathe a sigh of relief. If it is said that other major disasters, he is difficult to guess the strength of the other party.

Xu Zhi has a certain understanding of Tanan's destruction of the Elemental Realm.

From the rumors and records of the lower realm, many powerful immortals were born in the Elemental Realm more than a thousand years ago, and the Elemental Empire was established. It has extremely powerful strength, and powerful creatures such as the Phoenix Lord are also ruled.

He has just become a lord now, and the other party has been in the elemental world thousands of years ago.

The difference in strength between the two sides is difficult to estimate.

The joy of the jungle goblin body promotion disappeared without a trace.

With such a powerful presence staring at himself, Xu Zhi felt uncomfortable all over.

"Will he take this body back?"

"Unclear" Somra shook his head: "Tanan has far more insights than our past immortals. It's hard to guess what you think. You can make some preparations. This kind of thing has to be guarded."

"Be prepared."

Xu Zhi's head hurt, and Somra was a character who could cross the Grand Masters. Even he was defeated, and his former master did not fall down and was beaten together.

Even if it becomes as strong as the previous Somra, it will inevitably fail.

How to prepare for this.

"He is definitely not as strong as he used to be. In this world, he cannot be protected by a god. Even if he is strong, he can be defeated."

Seeing Xu Zhi's concerns, Somra persuaded him a little, which made Xu Zhi feel more comfortable.

The rules of the world are different. The power of Tanan, the son of God, is erased. The power is still there, but it is not invincible.

"Is there any flaw in him?"

In Somra's description, Tanan is almost strong and perfect, and it is difficult to shake. Even if he is free from the protection of the gods, it is almost standing at the top of the world.

"I heard from the old master that Tanan is likely to have some kind of talent. UU reading and even the magical ability can simulate the strength of the current strong man 100%."

"If you can beat the strongest in the lower realm, Tanan is definitely not your opponent."

"This is not a defect, this is an advantage. How tough and powerful he is, no need to practice anymore," Xu Zhi exclaimed.

Xu Zhi felt that if he had this ability, he would definitely go to Situ Xuankong for the first time and engrave a Situ Xuankong with the same strength to come out. What kind of cultivation can he do? How strong is the first in the world? Strong.

People with this ability can also see this abandoned jungle goblin body.

He was holding a beggar with a broken bowl all the way. A gangster like Tanan passed by to reward a piece of gold. It should be impossible to grab it back.

Xu Zhi thinks so much, and he feels a lot lighter for a while.

"No, this is a flaw. Tanan simulates the strength of the other party, but it does not simulate the treasures of the other party. If the two sides are fighting, the same strength is obviously the one with the stronger treasure to win."

"As long as you have equal strength, the treasures you own are stronger than the other party, and it is possible to win the other party."

Somra thought about it and raised the staff of injury with confidence.

"You are a very fresh point of view. If you don't say that he will come one, we will be beaten to death by ten groups."

Xu Zhi thought suddenly and said: "Yes, you want me to defeat the strongest in the lower realm, what do you mean, Tanan is in the lower realm?"

"It should be in the lower realm. I feel that he is far away from us, very far away, it is difficult to calculate the distance between each other, and certainly not in the elemental world," Somra nodded.

"Then I'm afraid he's a ghost," Xu Zhi shouted.

Being in the elemental world, His Majesty Ruiou wanted to come up and see nothing, Tanan wanted to kill this place, and the Year of the Monkey went.

As long as the two sides do not meet in the lower realm, everything will be safe.

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