Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1310: 3 Artifact Liwei

The tiger is the longest of the beasts, symbolizing the killing.

The white tiger's hair is covered with black vertical stripes, and the forehead stripes are very similar to the Chinese character "王".

Compared with ordinary tigers, except for the inconsistent hair in certain parts, this tiger is more powerful and more proficient in human nature, and can be summoned by the nether elves.

Xu Zhi is no stranger to this kind of tiger, as a creature that has dealt with many times.

He has certain vigilance against the White Tiger, especially the other party is a lord-level creature.

Very good at melee, talent has the ability to attack first, its high speed, high mobility are headaches.

In the lower bound, Baihu's evaluation is very high.

Being able to play and ride, the White Tigers have a good chance of playing.

"Perfume, release quicksand, pay attention to limit the giant tiger."

Controlling the horn bow and the fire arrow requires constant input of magic power. Xu Zhi can only rely on the only water element in the Oriental Village to exert magic restrictions for a time.

"Somla, Dadam, use output magic as much as possible and kill it together."

"Poisonous bee grass pay attention to set fire with us."

"Maggie, use the wand to condense nearby illusions, aids, and flesh shields, as long as they can be used, they can all come out."

"Grid, don't miss the good body."

"The village head, you arrange other people, try not to let the white tiger burst into the village."

The lord-level Domekira giant tiger is Xu Zhi's first target.

There is no heroism among the ethnic groups.

As long as he can cooperate and exert the most power, Xu Zhi doesn't mind teaming up with others to kill each other.

The first fire arrow shot completely at the giant Domekira. The giant tiger's reaction was too quick.

The Domekira giant tiger flashed the undisrupted Mars directly.

Bow draw, archery, fire arrows run.

The distance of 500 meters is just three or four seconds.

The other party completed the best dodge.

The victims were the white tigers that followed him.

The distance of more than 500 meters is very short. For this giant tiger, it is only a few sprints.

The closer the distance, the harder it is for him to react under his arrow.

Correspondingly, Xu Zhi has less chance of shooting arrows.

Now he is still standing on the tower and shooting, just because the defense of the Oriental Village is strong enough, and the jumping obstacles set are far enough.

From the beginning of the Soliphan Wolf and Gaoyan Giant Wolf can jump into the East Village, the defense of the entire village has been redone.

Many isolation trenches, refusal of horses, antler antlers, ground nails, wooden thorns, and supporting columns are to prevent such creatures from jumping into the village easily.


Xu Zhibaku drank once, opened the bow repeatedly, and usually used the extremely economical fire arrow to shoot three arrows again.

At this time, the giant Domekira tiger has burst into the forefront of the jumping obstacle in the village.

The burst of flames burned the opponent's body into large pieces, and the giant tiger looked a little embarrassed.

When they are far apart, longbowmen can exert great advantages and greatly limit the melee objects.

Waiting more and more close, the arrow hit, the other side's attributes fully reflected in Xu Zhi's eyes.

How beautiful Qiraji giant tiger? (Lord Level): Damage 42-46, Melee Attack 59, Melee Defense 58, Ranged Defense 58, Speed ​​17, Life 305 (410), Talent: Early Attack (Level 8), Acceleration, Evasion, Lord Aura: Bloodthirsty Outbreak (Level 6)

Preemptive attack (level 8): In close combat, you can take the lead before your opponent when you actively attack or counterattack.

Acceleration: The body can speed up in an instant, and the upper limit of acceleration is speed 3.

Evasion: 30% chance to evade physical attacks, 30% chance to evade magic attacks.

Bloodthirsty Outbreak (Level 6): Can improve the melee ability of the White Tigers in the aura, increase the attack power by 1.2 times and the damage by 1.2 times. Duration: 10 minutes, cooldown: 24 hours.

Three arrows brushed the edge, and one arrow hit it completely.

The flame of the fire arrow burst is not small.

Xu Zhi's eyes stared at the suddenly visited White Tiger Lord.

In terms of attributes, the opponent almost inferior to him, but the talent is quite good, the match is quite good, it is easy to let the opponent take the lead.

The aura of the ethnic group is also a factor that has to be guarded against, which can suddenly increase the power of the attack.

In the one-to-one situation, Xu Zhi is not afraid of the other party at all, and can use his own advantages to directly limit the other party and put the other party's kite to death.

During the melee, this kind of plan will form empty talk.

Can only kill quickly, there is no time to delay.

Hundreds of white tigers poured directly into the periphery of Dongfang Village to trample, bite, and destroy. Obstacles over 50 meters away could not be blocked for too long.

Insert the fire arrow back into the quiver, and take out an ordinary iron-headed arrow.



The two poisonous beesgrass transplanted in time to Dongfang Village began to spit hard, and was moistened by the fragments of the sacrificial mosquito. The two poisonous beesweeds developed quite quickly.

In addition to the continuous improvement of attributes and body shape, the weak characteristics brought about by spitting also continue to increase.

The two poison bees also have a thick-skinned talent, which can add an extra ten points of defense attributes and become more resistant to fighting.

As the two door gods in Dongfang Village, the poisonous bees are very qualified.

The extremely acidic saliva contaminated the body of the Domekira giant tiger, the blood volume dropped at 3:00, and the output was extremely stable.

"Choo Choo Choo"

The quicksand magic of the toilet water was released smoothly, and the little green leather maggie that followed was also a illusion of toilet water, followed by a note.

"go with"

Xu Zhi and Somrazzi made a sound, and an iron arrow flew out of the fire.

The fastest running, the most concentrated fire.

Even Xu Zhi didn't dare to sprint like this. The giant Domei Qiraji acted like a barbarian. The general charged first, the sergeant followed, and he hit all the waves. If you push, if you can't push it, you will have a bad mold.


The light red halo flashed, and the Domei Qiraji giant roared, and the tiger claws shot continuously, not only blocking the attacks of Xu Zhi and others, but also wanting to destroy many defensive buildings.

No white tiger can jump more than fifty meters at a time, and then cross a fence of more than ten meters high.

There are so many traps outside the village, and the ghost knows what is going on in the village.

The momentum came violently, and at this time the lord Domekira giant tiger was also miserable.

I never expected this to happen in my mind.

Hundreds of meters away, an attack was ushered in, and he could not enter until he ran to the village.

You can't even touch the opponent's side.

This is completely different from the jungle goblin villages they remember.

Magic, archery, traps, this should not be the means of the jungle goblins.

These green skins used to throw at most one lucky technique, and then shuddered to hide in the room to pray, or climbed to a tall tree to avoid danger.

It has never been like this.

It is the land of the lord of the jungle goblin who takes it lightly.

"Take me another arrow"

The iron arrow that was originally aimed at the eye was blocked by the tiger's claw and inserted into the opponent's claw heart. The shooting effect was greatly reduced.

Xu Zhi exhaled and made a sound, and pulled out an iron arrow again.

The horn bow instantly pulled to the full string.

"It's too hard to bully the tiger. I'll fight it with them."

The giant Domekira roared loudly, jumped forward, and broke free from the sand trap. He stepped on two large white tigers struck forward.

"Go home"

An arrow was shot, and Xu Zhi abandoned his horn bow, and raised the thunderbolt hammer temporarily stored in Hexis with both hands, and smashed it against the leaping giant tiger.

The situation where the giant wolf of Sorifin led a pack of wolves into the village was as if it was yesterday, but there is no possibility of history repeating itself now.

The impact sound was slightly dull.

A hammer hit the opponent's body, and the huge current instantly made the white tiger's body stiff. Somra immediately made up with a fire arrow. The tiger's eye that Xu Zhijiu missed was directly detonated by the fire arrow.

"I surrender"

One eye suddenly became dark, and his body numb to the roar of the Domeqira giant tiger, which was difficult to control.

Unprecedented shadows of death have enveloped my mind, and many things are far beyond control. Even in the lower realm, those who are good at bows and arrows are often not good at melee, but the other party is not like this.

Long shots are difficult to resist, and close combat cannot be resisted.

The weapon in the opponent's hand has never been seen, so powerful that the body can't bear it.

Lord of the jungle goblin killed this day.

Not only learned human methods.

He also took the rare weapons of mankind.

This is not the normal fighting style of the elemental world.

This is a variant.

The Domekira giant tiger, who was still desperate for a second, bowed his head quickly.


Xu Zhi deafened to take the head of Domekira giant tiger to Liwei and reduce the troubles in the East Village.

Stretching his arm numb with electricity, a magic shield of heaven's shield, Xu Zhi picked up the thunder and lightning hammer hammered by the giant tiger of Domekira and smashed it again.

The white tiger lord with 62,000 points of experience.

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