Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1331: Newcomers to the elemental world

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() There is an extra life in Dongfang Village.

Hexis belonging to the anthropology.

Hexis, who was unfamiliar with the elemental world, decided to stay in the Oriental Village temporarily.

"You can't experiment with the little guys in the village, and don't experiment with the creatures outside. There is a mutant creature like the praying mantis in the elemental world, which is already messy enough."

"There are elemental tides here, and the elemental world has naturally been distorted. Don't engage in other natural distortions."

Xu Zhi originally wanted to make three chapters about Hexas, and there were only two.

"I experimented with a hammer and experimented with wood."

Hexis, dressed in a green dress, with the little round hats of the jungle fairies, spread his hands to Xu Zhi.

"I can't take out the objects in the immortal space, there is no possibility of commerce here, I can't get a laboratory."

"You are right."

After listening to Hexis's explanation, Xu Zhili felt relieved.

No one in the lower realm develops the magic of summoning Hexis. Hexis wants to find materials in the lower realm.

There is an old saying, "A clever woman can't cook without rice", lacking the conditions of the outside world, even if you have the technology, it is also a mirror flower, a loft in the sky, and you can't do anything.

I have been relying on wood trucks for stealing all the year round. Today, there is only a lot of wood in Dongfang Village.

Previously, Somra was also a versatile person. Since he had never been in Dongfang Village, he has been forced to become a jungle goblin tutor, playing the afterglow of the old sunset red.

It feels very good to keep a distance from Hexis. Once you get in close contact, Rao is very straightforward and does not want the other party to do anything weird in Dongfang Village.

"You don't need to worry, anyway, I can't recover my strength. Now I discuss art with Mr. Somra every day and have a little achievement in art. This is the real pursuit of my life."

Hexis was sitting opposite Somra, and from time to time he spoke some difficult words that Xu Zhi could not understand. Somra commented occasionally, and he was quite happy.

Hexis probably forgot to inspire the machine developed from Somra's paintings. This machine helped him, and also directly paralyzed him.

Art like this, just listen to it. It really needs to be horny, and it will become alien if it is not a lunatic.

Especially those who like to study horror and dangerous art.

Everyone is afraid.

When he had a headache for Hexis, Xu Zhi was also fortunate to have such a person who could stabilize the other party.

Although he lost his immortality and the summoning of demons, and there were no treasures on his body, Hexis was still a powerful master.

Grandmaster-level death magic and natural magic are nearby, as well as expert battles, expert reconnaissance, advanced chaotic magic, and in addition to summoning magic, he also has some good magical methods to meet the enemy.

Dongfang Village ushered in a dangerous man, and also had a reliable high-level combat power. Hexis vowed to promise to kill one by one and hit the violent creature.

In terms of overall combat effectiveness, Hexis still has a lot of victory over Somra at this time, but his assurance is somewhat emboldened.

In particular, the other party's spells on magic weapons are powerful killers.

"Xiao Suo, Ahai, you have written a little more magical theory books, everyone practice together."

The ready-made teachers are in this place. At least natural magic and death magic need not worry too much. Hexis can slowly sort out a document when idle.

Not only Xu Zhi will be promoted, Somra will continue to restore his strength.

"The little sun you made by Mr. Somra is really exquisite. I don’t know where you developed it. I really want to visit your work place."

"Well, "Little Sun", this "Little Sun" is just a little bit of a small wave in my artistic career, just previous works."

"This is the design of Xiaosuo. We invited some master craftsmen from the lower realm to create it, not the art directly generated in the elemental realm."

It is inevitable to encounter some small troubles in life. How many lies are usually made, and how many leaks have to be filled now. Once Somra is sloppy, Xu Zhi has to add two sentences in order to cooperate with the past.

"This kind of villain fight is very interesting, squeaky lord, it would be nice if you brought me to play."

"Ah, can this delicate and artistic energy storage and discharge device give me a chance to study electricity again?"

Only three days later, the little green skins came to the court and were keen on electricity. The entertainment game machine stored in Dongfang Village was the first to be out of luck. Only a pile of parts were left to be dismantled by Hexis in the middle of the night.

Of course, Hexis assembled it with confidence, and Xu Zhi, who had more spare parts on the ground, didn't know what to say.

Anyway, this machine is useless, and officially entered the scrap period.

It is difficult to find such outdated game consoles sold on online shopping platforms, and it is also difficult to find them locally in Yunling City.

Xu Zhi thought about returning to Hua'an City during the New Year this year to find some second-hand game consoles to make up for the hurt hearts of the little green skins.

Today, he can no longer drill into the high-level ruins of Jianmen Mountain. For example, Yan Jinbai and others can’t stop at the ruins. Returning to Hua'an City is a pure life, and he can also visit the locals in Hua'an. Acquaintances ~ ~ Yunling Academy has begun to enter the winter vacation period.

For many people, the passing of the first half of senior year basically means graduation.

The talented and fast-moving students have accumulated enough credits in the past few years. For example, the graduation thesis is prepared early and only needs to participate in the defense once, so that they can put a perfect end to their study life.

Xu Zhi looked at the status of his graduation in the information system, and he discussed with Huang Denggao, the dean of the Ten Thousand French Budge College, a few days about his stick skills and cultivation experience.

As an insider to Xu Zhi's advanced master, he passed the boring graduation thesis topic of Xu Zhi's "Hydraulic Forging Stick" very knowledgeably.

If master-level cultivators are unable to graduate, few will graduate.

Only when the school year next year ends will this graduation be completed.

Many people are also slowly facing separation. For example, Gu Yuxi will go to the Fourth Military Region after the year. In addition to returning to Yunling Academy when he graduates, he did not live in Bazong Building in the first half of next year.

In the small circle of interpersonal communication in the academy, everyone has their own arrangements, or they can enter different functional departments, or prepare to study abroad for one or two years to enhance their knowledge.

"Xu Zhi, do you really continue to live here in the first half of next year?"

"Of course, you don't look around, I am a homeless person, where can I live."

The house of the family members of the previous soldiers was taken back by the Hua'an Municipal Government. To say Xu Zhi's foothold, Bazong Building is counted as one.

The dormitory set aside in Huaan No. 1 Middle School is also counted as one place.

There are multiple relationships, but Xu Zhi does not have his own family.

This made him a little bit melancholy.

After going to Nanyang Drift for a few years, he will be repaired to whitewash. He also has to find a place for himself and start a family.

In terms of personal family, there may be no other master cultivator worse than him. Fu Pin Chinese

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