Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1340: The world

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() The strong defense to build the Oriental Village is difficult to achieve. Xu Zhi set his sights on the sage who can solve the problem as soon as possible.

But he didn't expect to see Mistreo's contract call for months.

Including that he used the small snail to take the initiative to contact, Mister Barmar did not respond.

Without demand, Xu Zhi discovered that there were few poor people who summoned himself.

The only good news is that there is no information about Sandro recently. Where did this old lich go to the elemental world?

Mutual safety is the best thing.

Hexis did not come up with any weird things, all kinds of art paintings all day.

Sandro also quietly, no news.

No one rebelled in the territory.

Xu Zhi slowly let go of a long heart.

"The Ruins of the Luo Family are well worth a fight. Sister Gu will come back when the ruins are opened. If you can congregate, run with her."

The screening of the Luojia ruins is very strict and very confidential. Up to now, Xu Zhi does not know which area of ​​the Gaoli Mountain in the Luojia ruins.

Even large local households fail to pass the test.

There are many things useful for cultivation hidden in this ruin, such as Huan Tongquan, which is a strange thing that Xu Zhi now wants to drink again.

Delaying the aging of the body, making the body more energetic, the tolerance to drugs will also increase, and the effect of returning Tongquan is very amazing.

At least Gu Yuxi, Qiu Ying, Xu Zhi's appearance has not changed in recent years, and the skin color is very bright and tender, even after experiencing the burns of the doomsday trial in the high-altitude ruins, the complexion quickly recovered.

Xu Zhi, who had not enjoyed the return of Tong Quan, was no exception.

This kind of benefit can be taken, and even if it takes the time of this relic, it is worth it.

"Overseas does not have jurisdiction, we can do countless identity, be careful."

Yan Jinbai patted Xu Zhi's shoulder.

After exhausting the best efforts, there is still a big gap with Xu Zhi.

However, he was not jealous of this gap. Compared with the previous practice plan, he accelerated too much, and his foundation was very stable.

"Maybe I can go to Nanyang in a year or two, and Nanyang will meet again," Yan Jinbai smiled.

"It's okay to have the care of the elder brothers. I'll mix it up first. It's good for us to share it with you at that time. You'll have a good fight for this year's four-nation exchange competition," Xu Zhi nodded.

"My dad knows the chiefs of the Gomer Islands, and it will be very useful to use our banner at that time. Maybe you can still learn to dance the gods," Wang Zhongwang interjected.

As graduation time approaches, Xu Zhi's time to go to Nanyang is getting closer and closer. His graduation qualifications have been passed. Tomorrow he will leave Dongyue on a low-key commercial ship.

Relying on the role of regeneration talents, the practice of Qi cultivation has been slightly increased, not slow.

Xu Zhi is not worried about the follow-up development in reality. All he needs to do is practice as usual, and he can continue to advance. At this time, he is far from the bottleneck period of his growth.

"Xu Zhi, what delicious food did you get in Nanyang? Send us a copy and come back. I have money now and I can buy it."

Perhaps it was because of growing up and maturity of thought, or perhaps Shang Qianqiu showed his ability, and the restrictions on her by the merchants have been relaxed a lot.

Like the Qingjing pill provided by Xu Zhi last year, she used the family funds to buy it.

At least this girl does not lack money now, no longer have to live a hard life.

She paid off her debts, and she nourished her life. From time to time, she also subsidized to Bazonglou some daily cultivation needs.

"No problem, you can just prepare the money," Xu Zhi said with a smile: "Maybe you can find something delicious for me."

He is very welcome to the big money. For example, once the life tree fruit reaches the limit of his body's drug resistance, he will be sold out and sold. This girl and Li Chuyang are good targets for promotion.

Ordinary people have a family to buy a house, let alone these family children.

The closer to entering the society, the families behind many people will also give different support.

Although Xu Zhi prefers to trade things for money, money is also the wealth he has to fight for.

For example, to deal with Grand Master Emperor Putu.

I heard that this grand master was preparing to borrow the fire elemental monarch magic book to display it at this year's South Australian Vulcan Festival, in order to crack down on the morale of the South Australians.

He can still take out a ghost now.

By selling two Qingjing pills, he still has a gap of about 130 million. Just thinking about the difference in this amount, his brain hurts.

Fortunately, the Yan family arranged for him to go to Nanyang, and how to avoid debts would be a difficult task until then.

At least he has not entered the ruins since September last year, and he has no chance to find an excuse to lose this treasure.

But there must be one account for Huang Putu, and the compensation of 150 million to the Southern Yunnan Military Region is not rare.

Now there is also hope that the Royal Carriage will be able to make profits early, and slowly divide it into a lot of money.

"Don't be sad, little buns. After we are separated, there is no need for sorrow even though we are separated from each other. There are intimate friends in the sea. Even if they are far away, they are like neighbors. Maybe I will be back in one or two or three or four years."

He has finished his senior year, and the university of Gubaobao only passed half of the time The school year difference made everyone rank in the situation of sophomore, junior, and senior.

Gu Yuxi took the lead in entering the Fourth Military Region, and Xu Zhi stepped into the Nanyang. Yan Jinbai applied for the suspension of the position of Inspection Division and went to the Northwest Military Region to camp.

There will also be the second session of Wang Zhongwang, Shang Qianqiu, Li Chuyang, and then the ancient one.

As the youngest ancient bag, it is undoubtedly the person facing the most differences.

The sentence ‘Friends in the Sea, Friends in the End of the World’ was not translated, Xu Zhi had to break into plain language, and forced him to reduce several levels.

"Replace tea with wine, I wish Brother Xu bravely sing forward, and ascend to the top to become a master."

Compared with Shang Qianqiu's open-mindedness, the ancient bags are quite sad, their eyes are red, and they greeted Yan Jinbai: "I wish Brother Yan to step into the master as soon as possible."

"Xu Zhi can't take care of you overseas, if anything comes to me, who bullies you, I will fly back from Ganzi to give you breath."

Yan Jinbai nodded and touched a cup with the ancient bag.

Xu Zhi also responded with tea.

"And we are still there," Li Chuyang muttered: "We are also very strong now, and once you leave, we are the world, and no one dares to bully our people."

Li Chuyang's remarks reminded Xu Zhi of the academic years led by Qin Ming, Di Ren, Zhao Xinmeng, etc. After these people left, Yunling Academy also led them for three years.

Now these people are separated from each other and do not know where they are going.

The people's congress, after all, will leave this ivory tower.

Thanks to his student status, Xu Zhi has enjoyed Dongyue's best academic education, and also received many opportunities for educational assistance.

Leaving now, he has a feeling that the sea is wide and the bird is flying.

On the occasion of parting, there is sadness, reluctance, and discomfort. He also has the yearning for a new life, and the courage to hit the sky. Fu Pin Chinese

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